Sunday, 23 March 2025

worship for Sun 23rd March

Hi folks, just a reminder that Upper Clyde won't be having online worship today as I'm away at Douglas and Rigside for a baptism and communion.

A couple of options are below:
Biggar Parish Church - LINK  
Dunfermline Abbey - LINK 

The only church notice for this week is a reminder that evening worship will be held at Leadhills Village Hall this coming Sunday at 5pm, during which we'll share in the sacrament of communion.

Have a good week,


Sunday, 16 March 2025

WELCOME to our time of worship this week as we continue our Lenten journey. If last week we found ourselves in the wilderness, this week it's a lot more lush: tree by stream, with fruit in season, and some advice for navigating the river of life from the writer of Psalm One, and the Apostle Paul. 



Church newsletter: the deadline for items to go into the newsletter is by end of play today. So if you do have something you’d like to see in the newsletter, please do get it to Dee by midnight!!  

Pulpit swap: a reminder that I’ll be across at Douglas Valley next week, for a baptism and to share in communion. While I’m over there, worship onsite will be conducted by Denham Macdougall, from Cairngryffe. Online, I’ll put up the usual links to services elsewhere here on the blog, should you wish to join in worship. 

Cluster conversations: Just to note that on Wednesday evening, there’ll be another of our cluster meetings exploring our potential union with Douglas Valley and Cairngryffe – at Douglas. And Dee and I will be going to represent Upper Clyde. Do please keep these meetings and the ongoing conversation in your prayers. Thanks.

Food bank donations over Lent: don't forget that over the season of Lent, we'll be gathering items for the Clydesdale foodbank. Should you wish to make a donation online you can CLICK THIS LINK to take you across to their website. Thanks in advance.

Sunday, 9 March 2025

'Non-conforming zone' - worship for 9 March, 1st Sunday of Lent

Welcome to worship on this first Sunday of Lent, where once again, we begin the
journey to Jerusalem with Jesus; starting that journey in the wilderness. Traditionally a time of spiritual ‘decluttering’ or a spring cleaning for the soul, as we travel through these next weeks, what might we hear God saying to us?


Church notices: 
Clydesdale Foodbank over Lent:
 As this is a communion month, and also the beginning of the season of Lent, let’s get back into the practice of gathering items over these next Sundays – and extend the time through to Palm Sunday. You might even want to take this on as your lent practice. For the moment, just leave items on the table as you come in to the vestibule and we can put them in a suitable container when we need to. For those of you online, THIS LINK will take you to the foodbank website, and if you wish, you can make a donation online for their ongoing work. 

Tues. 11 March, 7pm: Kirk Session A reminder to elders that we have a meeting of Session on Tuesday evening at 7pm and I’ll be getting an email out with details later today to session members.

Parish newsletter: a reminder about the deadline for our parish newsletter, which is Sunday evening the 16th – next Sunday. If you’ve any items you’d like included, please do get in touch with Dee or myself and thanks in advance. Also, we’d really appreciate any feedback on the newsletter – what would you like to see included, or dropped… is the current format working for you… or not? Are there any particular ways it could be more helpful? Do let us know!

As you begin your Lenten journey, may you know God walking alongside you.

God bless,

Sunday, 2 March 2025

'Wow'- worship for Sun 2 March

WELCOME to this week's time of worship, where on this Transfiguration Sunday, we spend some time up on the mountain-top with Jesus.


Church notices follow...

Communion -
As today is a Communion Sunday in the parish church, just a reminder to those living within the parish who are unable to attend, that home communion is available on request. Please do let Nikki or Dee know if you would like us to 'extend the aisle' and share communion with you at home, we'd be very happy to help.

Church newsletter: We are now in the process of preparing out Easter newsletter. If you would like to contribute any items for inclusion, please do get in touch with Dee or myself. If you don't have Dee's details, just use the 'contact us' facility to the right of our blog page, to get in touch.

Fri. 7 March -
 - Funeral of Jean Carrick in the parish church, followed by graveside committal at Lamington Cemetery. Do please keep the family in your prayers at this time.

2pm - World Day of Prayer - the combined Guilds of Upper Clyde, Rigside, and Cairngryffe will meet together at Cairngryffe Parish Church for the annual World Day of Prayer. Refreshments will be provided after worship.

Sunday, 23 February 2025

'Jesus is my superhero' - worship for Sun 23 Feb

Welcome to worship this week. Over these last weeks we've been exploring various aspects of Jesus. We began with Jesus the boy, moved to Jesus the storyteller, and this week, it’s wonder-working Jesus – as we hear two different accounts from Mark’s gospel, of Jesus demonstrating his power.


Jean Carrick:
Some sad news to share. If you’ve not yet heard, Jean Carrick died on Monday. Please keep Jimmy and the family in your prayers at this difficult time. Jean’s funeral will be on Friday the 7th of March, at 11am, here in the parish church, followed by a committal at Lamington Cemetery.

Evening worship: a reminder that evening worship will begin again on the last Sunday of March, and not this evening. So, if you turn up to Leadhills hall at 5 this evening you’ll be having a rather quiet time of it!

Quarterly Communion: this coming Sunday, the 3rd of March, will be a service of Communion, on site. Please do let anyone know, who you think would like to come along, and remember, that all are welcome, for it is the table of the Lord, and he invites us to come and share and remember.

As you go out into a new week, may you know God's presence with you each step of the way.

God bless

Sunday, 16 February 2025

'Whoever has ears' - worship, Sun 16 Feb

WELCOME to worship. Today, two stories within two stories - reminding us that as God spoke the world into being through Jesus, the Word, we are a people of story. So this week, we reflect on God's story, our story, and our place within God's story.

Evening worship update:
 Just to note that our season of evening worship services will begin from the last Sunday of March. There will be no evening service this coming Sunday.

Cluster meeting, Wed. 19th at 7pm: our next cluster meeting is upcoming, and congregational rep's for this will be Willie White and Nikki Macdonald. If you have any questions that you would like us to raise, please do get in touch.

Thank you: Given the 'swimming pool' in the church halls just over a week ago now, on behalf of the congregation, and by way of a big 'thank you', I popped in on Sara, our church cleaner on Friday with a bunch of flowers. I'm sure we're all grateful for both her quick thinking, and all of her clean up efforts!!

Sunday, 9 February 2025

'The Source' - worship Sun 9 Feb

Welcome to this week's time of worship where we'll spend some time thinking about that one tantalising story of Jesus, between birth and baptism as an adult at the beginning of his ministry. How might this story of the young Jesus help us navigate our way in a topsy-turvy 21st century?

The WORSHIP LINK IS HERE and the service should be available from around 5.30pm today.

Church notices:
Thanks - to everyone who helped with lifts last week, for our road trip to worship with our friends at Cairngryffe Church, for the visit of the Moderator. It was a lovely service and great to catch up with folk over refreshments afterward.
Boiler - a huge thank you to Sara, our excellent and very diligent church cleaner, who went above and beyond on Thursday, having come into the building to a new 'swimming pool' in the hallway by the boiler - a small part had either worn or snapped, causing water to leak. Her industrial wet 'n dry vac really came into its own! Thanks also to Willie, our ever-reliable property convenor, who jumped in his car after a quick phone call and who managed to stop the leak. 
Tues 11, 7pm - Kirk Session meets via zoom - I suspect the boiler will enter into some of our discussions!! 

Boilers notwithstanding, have a great week, 

God bless

Sunday, 2 February 2025

'Road Trip' - worship with the Moderator, Sun 2 Feb at Cairngryffe Parish

Welcome to worship in which Upper Clyde went on a wee road trip to join with our friends at Cairngryffe Parish Church, as they welcomed the Moderator of the Church of Scotland, the Rt Rev. Dr Shaw Paterson. It was a lovely service - beyond the Mod. and the refreshments after worship, I confess to be very impressed by the heated pews - apparently a 'mod-con' installed in 1962, and still working brilliantly over 60 years later. Given we were elsewhere for our time of worship, and that Cairngryffe, like ourselves, don't have the facilities to provide live streaming for worship, I was permitted to film the Moderator's sermon, and also recorded his blessing at the end of the service.
The readings chosen as the basis for his sermon were
Jeremiah 1:4-10 and Luke 4:21-30. 

The video is a little rough and ready, so do bear with it! Hope you find his sermon an encouragement.

The WORSHIP LINK IS HERE and should be available from around 4.30pm Sunday afternoon.

The only notice to flag up is to note that there will be a meeting of Session on Tuesday the 11th of February at 7pm, but I'll note this again next week. The main area of discussion will focus upon our Southern Ministries cluster, and potential Union. We'll also begin to prepare for the upcoming annual attestation of records by Presbytery, and appoint/ reappoint office holders.

As you move into and through the week, go, knowing yourselves beloved, and blessed by God, this day and always!


Sunday, 26 January 2025

'What next?' - worship for Sun 26 January

WELCOME to worship this week...
Within our time of worship today, we remember International Holocaust Memorial Day, which
falls on 27 January...

If the question last week was 'what if?', this week, we ask 'what next?'


Church notices:
Sun 26 Jan: Evening worship
 - just to note that there is no service at Leadhills in January. We'll be back on the last Sunday of February.

Sun 2 Feb., 11am: Joint service - Just a reminder that this coming Sunday, we'll be on the road, as we travel across to Carmichael to share in worship with our friends at Cairngryffe Parish Church, and enjoy a visit from the Moderator, the Very Rev. Dr Shaw Paterson. The service begins at 11am and refreshments will follow thereafter. Please do alert folk you know within the parish that our building will not be open on Sunday and do encourage them to come along. If you're needing help with transport, please get in touch and we can arrange this.
Online worshippers - I'm not yet sure if this service will be live-streamed. If it is, I'll put up the appropriate link. If not, and if it's possible, I'll try to record the Moderator's sermon, at least, and post that up on our YouTube space... and if that's not feasible, then I'll put up the usual links to connect you with other online services.

Minister availability this week: just to flag up that I'm not quite as available this week due to a follow up visit to hospital. Hopefully, I'll have a better sense of progress and navigating this new 'normal'. If you do need to get in touch, it's best to contact me via email - and I can respond as I'm able through Tues afternoon-Fri morning.

Sunday, 19 January 2025

'A tale of two women' - worship for Sun 19 Jan.

Welcome to worship where, this week, it's a little bit 'Call the Midwife', as we reflect on the story of Shiphrah and Puah - their courage and their legacy.


Joint worship service: 
Just to flag up that, subject to Presbytery permission, Upper Clyde will be joining with Cairngryffe Parish Church for a joint service of worship, for the visit of the Moderator, the  Rev Dr Shaw J Paterson. Worship will be in the Cairngryffe church at Carmichael, at 11am, Sun 2nd Feb.

Southern ministries cluster meeting: a meeting will be held at St Nicholas' Church, Lanark, as rep's from the 3 parishes come together to explore the next steps in possible union. Our Upper Clyde rep's for this meeting will be Heather Watt and Nikki Macdonald, who will report back in due course.

Thanks to Dee and to Heather for 'holding the fort' while I was away and acting as parish contacts. It's much appreciated. And thanks to all on site for making George S feel so welcome... and leaving a spare Wagon Wheel or two!!

Sunday, 5 January 2025

Church notices - 5 Jan to 15 Jan


Annual leave 
This is to flag up that I’ll be taking leave from the 30th of December through to the afternoon of Wed. the 15th of January.  Once again, the Rev. George Shand will be providing both pulpit and any emergency pastoral cover while I'm on leave. George can be contacted at ph. 07765987163 or email -
For general parish queries, contact either Dr Dee Yates at ph. 01864 504093 or Miss Heather Watt at ph. 01899 850211
For worship online, here are the usual links to other congregations that you might like to visit:
Biggar Parish Church - LINK  
Dunfermline Abbey - LINK 

Worship Sun 5 Jan - snow alert: keep an eye out for incoming weather - worship may need to be cancelled due to the potential snow fall indicated by the Met Office. If you're planning on coming to worship on site, give Dee or Heather a phone to check first: the most important thing is that you're safe!

Christmas decorations - 5 Jan: after worship Sunday, if we could have some volunteers to pack away the Christmas tree and decorations, that would be really appreciated. In case of worship cancellation, well, if we do this instead the following Sunday :-)

Further ahead:
Wed. 22 Jan - Southern Ministries Cluster meeting: a meeting in Lanark, St Nicholas Halls of our cluster rep's to discuss going forward together as a union, and to start to get the building blocks in place.

Sunday, 29 December 2024

Lessons and Carols - worship 29 Dec

Welcome to worship, and a very Merry Christmas to you as we continue together in this season of Christmas.  Today,  our service follows (more or less) the traditional pattern of ‘Lessons and Carols’ – as through scripture readings, carols, and through poems, we recount God’s great love story of God reaching out to us, of God becoming one of us, of love moving beyond just an idea and into flesh and blood and bone and a birth in a stable....

You'll find the WORSHIP LINK HERE.

Below, some notices...
Annual leave - and so the cycle of annual leave begins again for a new year... This is to flag up that I’ll be taking leave from the 30th of December through to the afternoon of Wed. the 15th of January.  Once again, the Rev. George Shand will be providing both pulpit and any emergency pastoral cover while I'm on leave. George can be contacted at ph. 07765987163 or email -
For general parish queries, contact either Dr Dee Yates at ph. 01864 504093 or Miss Heather Watt at ph. 01899 850211
For worship online, I’ll put up the usual links to other congregations that you might like to visit:
Biggar Parish Church - LINK  
Dunfermline Abbey - LINK 

Annual attestation of congregational roll - this will be done in a one-off meeting immediately after the service on the 29th Dec. 

Christmas decorations - 5 Jan: after worship next Sunday, if we could have some volunteers to pack away the Christmas tree and decorations, that would be really appreciated.

Further ahead:
Wed. 22 Jan - Southern Ministries Cluster meeting: a meeting in Lanark, St Nicholas Halls of our cluster rep's to discuss going forward together as a union, and to start to get the building blocks in place.

Sunday, 22 December 2024

'A Christmas Carol - or two' - worship for Sun 22 Dec, Advent 4

Welcome to worship on this 4th Sunday of Advent. The traditional theme for this Sunday is 'love'. On-site, we're holding our Carol Praise service, and online, you'll hopefully get a wee taster of that. Some lovely carols have been chosen by various members of the congregation, so please do enjoy this time of worship.


Church notices -
Sun 22 Dec., 10.30am: ordination to the eldership of Ralph Barker
. Over the last couple of weeks, an edict has been read out in accordance to Church Law, announcing the intention of the Kirk Session for Ralph Barker to be ordained an elder to Upper Clyde Parish Church. There being no objections, the Session and I are delighted to say that his ordination will take place during morning worship.

Memory tree: as has become our practice over the years, during our 'Tidings of Comfort and Joy' service, we place a memory tree in the church. At its base is a box of blue baubles which can be used to hang on the tree to remember those who, for whatever reason, aren't able to be physically present over this Christmas season. The tree will stay up until Sun 6th. For those of you who can't get in to the church building, if you would like a bauble or two to be placed on the tree on your behalf, please do get in touch and we'd be happy to do so.
This year, we've also arranged for a tree at the lytch gate - where the path leads up to the church. Ribbons have been placed in a box at the base for use - if you're passing, please feel free to tie a ribbon to the tree in memory of a loved one...

Sun 29 Dec., 10.30am - Service of lessons and carols: a traditional service of lessons and carols will be held next week - and we'll have the opportunity to sing some of the carols we didn't manage to sing in our service this week!

Mon 30 Dec. - Wed. 15 Jan. - annual leave: the Minister will be taking two weeks off at the beginning of January before launching back into a full work schedule [at last!!]. The Rev. George Shand will be providing both pulpit and pastoral cover during this time.

Further down the track...
Wed. 22 Jan. - Southern Ministries Cluster meeting
: the first of our meetings for this year, as part of the process of our congregations exploring a union. Representatives for UCPC will be the Minister and a member of the Session, who will report back to both the Session and congregation thereafter.

Meantime, a happy, holy, and blessed Christmas to you!

Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Sun 15 Dec - worship update

Hi folks

A wee update: had the op. on Friday - which was successful - however there was an unexpected glitch which saw me stay in hospital until Monday evening instead of going home on the same day. Was told to 'take it easy' for the rest of the week. Given that, I've asked the Rev. George Shand to cover again, Sunday 15th onsite for the morning service. As per usual, just providing a couple of links to online services that you might like to visit:

Biggar Parish Church - LINK  
Dunfermline Abbey - LINK 
Hamilton Old Parish Church - LINK 

Sat 14 Dec., 2pm - 'Tidings of Comfort and Joy': The service on Sat. afternoon at 2pm in church, 'Tidings of Comfort and Joy' will be conducted by Dee and Heather - a quiet space in a busy season to remember loved ones no longer with us...

Sun 15 Dec., 7pm - Evening carols concert: the Leadhills Silver Band will be holding their annual carol concert in the village hall, Leadhills

Sun 22 Dec., 10.30am - 'Carol Praise service: we'll be holding a 'Carol Praise' service in the parish church on the fourth Sunday of Advent. Let us know your favourite carols, and we'll try to include them - and, if we don't manage to get them into the service on the 22nd, we'll see if we can include them in the service the following week [which will be a service of Lessons and Carols].

Sunday, 8 December 2024

Worship Sun 8 Dec - online worship links

Hi folks

A wee update: I'm away for a few days on sick leave, as per previous post. In light of that, just providing a couple of links to online services that you might like to visit.

Biggar Parish Church - LINK  
Dunfermline Abbey - LINK 
Hamilton Old Parish Church - LINK 

Sunday, 1 December 2024

'The invisible man' - worship Sun 1 Dec: Advent 1

Welcome: Voices of prophets from long ago, a story of One foretold, and of the invisible made visible... A message of hope is in the air. Join us for worship on this first Sunday of Advent...
The worship link is HERE.

Church notices:
Christmas newsletter update - our Christmas newsletter is done – and here on our website in digital form. Click on the tab above marked 'Christmas newsletter'. Meanwhile, hard copies are with the printer and should hopefully be collected early in the week and then, posted out. 

Farewell: After our service this morning we’ll be saying a wee farewell to Angela, who’s with us for the last time, today, before she steps down as our Community Outreach Worker, and works a little more close to home. Over her four years with us, we've appreciated her presence with us in worship, and in the wider community; her work in helping us realise some of the projects we dreamed up several years back in our Local Church Review - such as 'Let's get growing', the farming and Anna chaplaincies; her willingness to pitch in where needed, her diligence, and sense of humour. We will miss her but she goes with our prayers, our love, and our blessing at this time of endings and new beginnings.

Sun. 8 Dec. 10.30am: Worship cover: this coming Sunday, the Rev. George Shand will be making a return visit, while I'm is recovering from my wee operation on Friday. George will also be providing urgent pastoral cover over the short time that I'll be away. Online worship: I’m hoping to put up some links to other services, for you to join.

Sat. 14 Dec., 2pm: 'Tidings of comfort and joy' a service of remembering in the parish church. A quiet space to remember those no longer with us... during this service, and throughout the rest of the season to Epiphany [Sun 5th Jan], our memory tree will be available in the church - should you wish to add a bauble as a visual prayer, or reminder, of someone on your mind and in your heart who may not be with you over Christmas, for whatever reason....

Memory tree: this year, we'll also be putting up a tree outside by the lytch gate at the foot of the path leading up to the church. At the base of the tree will be a box containing assorted ribbons. In the midst of all the Christmas songs and activities, the loss of a loved one can be just that bit sharper. If you would find it helpful, please feel free to come along, and take a moment to tie a ribbon on the tree as a way of remembering a loved one. The tree will remain until just after Hogmanay.

Sun. 15 Dec. 10.30am: Worship. Our theme will be 'joy'.
and then, at 5pm: worship at Leadhills Village Hall: join us in the hall to sing some Christmas favourites, and celebrate the coming King. Refreshments thereafter, followed by the annual village carols with the Leadhills Silver Band.

Thursday, 28 November 2024

Christmas newsletter 2024

 Our Advent to Christmas newsletter for 2024 is now available online. You can access it HERE
[or just go to the tabs above this post and click on 'Christmas newsletter 2024'
or, watch it on our YouTube channel - the link is HERE]

Sunday, 24 November 2024

'What kind of king?' worship Sun 24 Nov

Welcome on what is the last Sunday of the church year - known as 'Christ the King'. Next week, we begin again, as we enter into the season of Advent and prepare for the birth of the One born to be a king - a king like no other. Today, we reflect on what kind of king...

The WORSHIP LINK IS HERE - sorry it's a little late, as I was in Leadhills for the evening service and only able to process the video once I returned home. It should be available by midnight Sunday.

Church notices 
Sat 30 Nov. 1-3pm: an all age Christmas: this, from our friends in Cairngryffe parish. Rosmairi, their Session Clerk asked me to flag up an event they’re having in their church this coming Saturday, the 30th, from 1-3pm. It’s for all ages and it will be an exploration of the Christmas Story, making use of story, crafts, and songs – there’ll also be refreshments to keep you going. So, if you know anyone with small people who might enjoy it, please do pass it on. 

Sun 1 Dec, 10.30am Communion: a reminder that this coming Sunday is a Communion service in the parish church – please do pass that on to those you think might like to come along to share in the Lord’s Supper – where all are welcome.

Sunday, 10 November 2024

Remembrance Sunday Worship, 10 Nov, 2024

Welcome to worship at this time of remembrance...


I'm hoping it should be available from about 7pm [some tech glitches, sorry!].

Notices follow below -

Church notices
Christmas newsletter - What's your favourite Christmas carol and why? Dee and I would be delighted if you'd be happy to share with us, for a wee item in our church newsletter. Please either get in touch via the 'contact us' link to the right side of the page, or call us. Thanks.

Minister on leave - 11-20th Nov.: as part of phasing myself back in to work, I'll be taking this week off just to recharge and regroup, before we all move headlong into Advent and Christmas.
General parish enquiries - While I'm off, Dee Yates and Heather Watt have once again kindly agreed to act as our points of contact, if there are any general parish queries. They can be reached on phone by calling:
Dee - ph. 01864 504093
Heather - ph. 01899 850211
Worship and urgent pastoral matters - Thanks once again to the Rev. George Shand, who will be covering worship onsite on Sun 17th and also providing funeral cover in my absence. George can be contacted at ph. 07765987163 or email -

Sunday, 3 November 2024

'For all the saints' - worship for Sun 3 Nov

WELCOME to worship.

We continue to lean into the seasonal time of year, Halloween, aka 'All Saints' and 'All Souls'. Last week, we focused in on one specific 'hero' of the faith. This week, we've a whole list, in among the crowd of great witnesses. Where might we fit, in amongst this particular group? Today is an opportunity to further explore what it is to live in faith as we think of them, and maybe even folk we may know or have known, who’ve helped inspire and encourage us in our own life of faith. 

Sun 3 Nov - after worship: a reminder that there'll be a short Session meeting after the service.

Sun 10 Nov - REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY - services will be held around the parish to mark the day.
10.30 in the parish church at Abington, as part of morning worship
11am at the Wanlockhead Memorial
12pm at the Leadhills Memorial
1pm at the Crawford Memorial

Church newsletter: Christmas edition - a mission for you, should you choose to accept it: Dee and Nikki would love for you to get in touch by the end of worship next week to tell us what your favourite Christmas carol is - and why [in just a sentence or three]. We'd like to do a wee feature on this in the newsletter. The newsletter will be both mailed out and uploaded here on the blog site.

In the meantime, have a good week, and blessings as you go about it,

Sunday, 27 October 2024

'Moses: a flawed and fabulous faith' - worship Sun 27 Oct

WELCOME to worship - three words I've been wanting to say for a wee while now! It's good to be back - a little on that shortly. In our time of worship over the next two weeks, given we're coming up to a 'spooky' time of year, we'll be focusing on 'that great cloud of witnesses' - heroes of the faith. This week, we're homing in on one particular 'witness' or 'saint' of God: Moses. How might Moses in his faith journey act as a mentor for us, in ours? 

Really, just the one - and it's a reminder to look at the previous blog post, just to give you an update on going forward for worship and other parish happenings up until the end of the year. Basically, I'm on a phased return to work, so... up until then, duties are a little limited for the time being. However, it's good to be back, even in this part-time capacity, and I look forward to progressing to full-time duties - all being well - from January.

Huge thanks to so many of you within the parish who have helped keep things going - it's been a phenomenal team effort, and very much appreciated. I continue to be of the opinion that it's such a huge privilege to serve as your minister in the good times, and more recently, in the more challenging times. Thank you all for making a tricky time a lot less tricky and for all the kind messages and support - it's helped feed the soul and warm the heart!!

Have a blessed week,

Monday, 14 October 2024

Church news - update as at 14 October

Also, many thanks for the cards and kind wishes!

After a prolonged absence due to illness, Nikki (the Minister) will be making a phased return to work from Wednesday 23 October. As part of the return, she’s hoping to gradually reintroduce online services once again – however, until she undergoes a procedure in hospital on the 6th Dec. her working period per week will be substantially reduced compared to normal duties. Should all go well, it’s hoped that a return to full-time duties will commence from January 2025.
Thanks for your patience during this time.

In the meantime, huge thanks to everyone within the parish bounds and without, who have helped to keep everything else running smoothly. On the worship side of things, special thanks to Rev. George Shand for providing occasional supply, and also the worship team at Cairngryffe for being so willing to step in and help us with on-site worship, along with members of the Upper Clyde congregation. 

Sunday, 18 August 2024

Church news: arrangements during illness

Arrangements while minister on sick leave:
Hi all. For those of you who may not yet have caught up with the news, I made a wee detour on the way down to the village on the evening of Friday the 9th. Ongoing complications with covid saw a trip by ambulance to the Royal Infirmary Edinburgh - not how I'd envisaged spending the evening, let alone this last wee while! First: huge cheers for the NHS and thanks to the various wonderful folk who've been taking excellent care of me while I'm in. I'm hoping that I'll be discharged early this coming week but it will be a wee while until I'm fully able to be back. 
Second, thanks to all who are stepping into the breach in my absence. So, some arrangements as we go forward...

General queries: for any general queries while I’m away, please get in touch with Heather Watt on 01899 850211 and, in Heather's absence, Dee Yates on 01864 504093. 
Urgent pastoral/ funeral cover - will be provided by the Rev. Louise Mackay of Lanark, St. Nicholas who can be reached on 01555 661936 or via email:

Worship arrangements - we have a worship rota now in place for worship onsite up to the end of September coordinated with thanks by our friend, the Rev. George Shand. Services will be covered between George and volunteers from the worship team at Cairngryffe Parish Church - partners in our cluster. It'll be a great opportunity to work together in this way and I'm grateful for their willingness to jump in and support us at this time.
Links are provided below while Upper Clyde is unable to provide online worship for those of you who worship remotely. Again, it's an opportunity to have a wee visit elsewhere to some other Church of Scotland congregations who have services available on the interwebz: 
Biggar Parish Church - LINK  
Dunfermline Abbey - LINK 
Hamilton Old Parish Church - LINK 

Members of the Kirk Session, and the Acting Presbytery Clerk, George Whyte, have been informed and hopefully should any particular matters arise, Session/ Pres Clerk can help to advise as we navigate our way through this next wee while.

In the meantime, sending my love and prayers to you all. And hopefully things will return to normal in the not too distant future! All well be well. 

Take care and God bless

Sunday, 21 July 2024

'Rest and be thankful' - Worship Sun 21 July

Welcome to this week's time of worship where we're taking time to 'rest and be thankful'. As people called to love and serve the Lord, and to love our neighbours, it’s very easy to get so caught up in the busyness of doing, that we can forget that in order to do … we need to recharge our own batteries at times. But also, to take time out is quite a subversive thing to do. What can Jesus teach us about work and rest and perhaps breaking from old ways of thinking, when it comes to service to God and others?

WORSHIP LINK IS HERE and service is uploaded for viewing.

Church notices:
Mon July 22 - Wed Aug 7 - minister on annual leave:
 Very much taking up the theme for today, I'll be on annual leave for the next fortnight.
General queries: for any general queries while I’m away, please get in touch with Heather Watt on 01899 850211 
Urgent pastoral/ funeral cover - will be provided by the Rev. Louise Mackay of Lanark, St. Nicholas who can be reached on 01555 661936 or via email:
Worship arrangements - over the next two Sundays, worship on site will be conducted by a familiar friend, the Rev. George Shand.
Online, it's once again an opportunity to have a wee visit elsewhere to some other Church of Scotland congregations who have services available on the interwebz: 
Biggar Parish Church - LINK  
Dunfermline Abbey - LINK 
Hamilton Old Parish Church - LINK 

Wed. 24 July - Guild summer outing: A reminder that the Guild summer outing is on Wed 24th July. The Guild will be paying a follow up visit to Moffatt Parish Church to see what it looks like since its renovation. The plan is to arrive in Moffatt for 10.30am. There'll also be time for some shopping and lunch. If you'd like to go and haven't yet booked, please get in touch with Heather W. 

Thurs 25 July - funeral of Isobel Taylor: For those of you who might not have heard, our friend, Isobel Taylor has died. Her funeral service will be held in Biggar Kirk, at 2pm on Thursday the 25th, and everyone is very much welcome to attend. I know many here and around the parish will have some very fond memories of her, as do I - she was one of the kindest people I've ever met. Please do keep her family in your thoughts and prayers at this time.

Sun 25 August - Annual Songs of Praise service, 10.30am: and just to flag up something for a wee bit further down the track: our annual Songs of Praise service is on the near horizon so get your thinking caps on to work out which hymns you’d like to nominate for inclusion - nominations are welcome from both our on site and online communities. The deadline is 1pm Sun 18 August - to give me time to format the hymns as needed. 

May you know God's presence with you over the next wee while, and catch up when I'm back from annual leave!

God bless


Sunday, 14 July 2024

'Stuff' - worship Sun 14 July

Welcome to worship where today, we’re aiming to do a little decluttering and explore how we might just simplify our busy lives… 

I'm hoping that the service will be available at some point from 8pm onwards but the internet speed has been slower than normal, so bear with me if it's a little later than this.

For the service the:

Church notices/
Guild summer outing: Wed 24th July. The Guild will be paying a follow up visit to Moffatt Parish Church to see what it looks like since its renovation. The plan is to arrive in Moffatt for 10.30am. There'll also be time for some shopping and lunch. If you'd like to go and haven't yet booked, please get in touch with Heather W. 

Pastoral visiting: my apologies on this side of things - I am very behind in catching up with folk due to having had a brush with Covid. Some of the side effects seem to be taking their time to disappear, but hopefully, this will move along at some point and things can get back to normal. Thanks for your understanding.

Have a good week!

God bless

Sunday, 7 July 2024

'Of crumbs and Canaanites' - worship for Sun 7 July

Welcome to our time of worship today.
Last week we spent time reflecting on a conversation between Jesus and a Samaritan woman as they talked of ‘living water’. This week, in worship, we’ll be picking up on another conversation Jesus has – this time, with a Canaanite woman, who asks for his help. In the course of the meeting, an insight from the woman just possibly expands Jesus’ own thinking on a particular matter.

The WORSHIP LINK IS HERE and the service will hopefully be available from 7pm onwards.

Church notices/
Just the one, which is to note that the food bank box has now been uplifted. Thanks for all the kind donations. We'll be collecting once again over the month of September and first Sunday of October (which will be the Harvest service).

Have a good week and God bless,


Sunday, 30 June 2024

'The woman' - worship for Sun 30 June

Welcome to this week's time of worship. Today we spend time drinking from Jacob's Well, and listening in to a conversation between Jesus and an unnamed woman: they end up having quite the theological conversation!

The WORSHIP LINK IS HERE and the service should be ready from 7pm and hopefully, earlier depending on the tech!

Church notices/ 

Sun 30 June, 5pm - evening worship: As it’s the last Sunday of the month, we have evening worship up in Leadhills Village Hall at 5pm. Afterwards, there’ll be the opportunity for a catch up over a cuppa. So if you’re able to come along, it would be great to see you. 

Clydesdale Foodbank: This is the last Sunday of our foodbank month, but I’m wondering, as I was late putting the box out, if I might just leave it for another week, and collect it after worship next week – just in case you’ve not yet had the opportunity to drop in something. And for those of you online, you’ll see the website address of the foodbank to your right in the links. 

Stewarding / reading rota: The new stewarding and readers rota is out and covers July to the year’s end – a copy will go up in the church vestibule as well as online… and if you want a printed copy, let me know and I’ll get that sorted for you.

That's all of our notices for this week, may you find this time of worship refreshing!

God bless,


Sunday, 23 June 2024

'Old, old stories' - worship for Sun 23 June

WELCOME to our time of worship. Last week, we were thinking about sons and leaving home. This week, along with marking International Refugee Day, we step back in time to Egypt and revisit one of the sons from last week, Moses. When God had called him at Mount Horeb, Moses was tasked with the liberation of God’s people… but why were they needing to be freed? And, what might that story have to do with us here and now in Scotland, in the 21st century? 

The WORSHIP LINK IS HERE and should be active from about 7pm Sunday.
(I'm currently trialling putting worship up after Sunday mornings rather than filming and uploading on Sat evening - so I can film parts of the service in-situ and hopefully it will help give you a sense of being in worship with those in the building. It does also help cut back on time for me... but, please do send my your feedback, and I'll try to accommodate re. timing)

Sun 23 June, 11.30am: Stated annual meeting. Just to flag up that after worship today, we’ll have our Stated Annual Meeting – through in the hall, over a cuppa. It’s a quick review of last year – looking at what we did, where we’re going, and also receiving the accounts from last year. 

Sun 30 June, 5pm: Evening worship. We meet in Leadhills Village Hall for worship in the style of the Taizé Community. Refreshments and a blether after the service. All welcome

Food Bank month: this month we’re collecting donations of goods for Clydesdale food bank. The box is in the vestibule at church, or you can pop goods in at the manse if you're passing. After worship next week, I’ll be gathering up donations and dropping them off. For those of you online, if you’re able and willing to donate, you can do so by visiting the food bank website and donating online. The FOODBANK LINK IS HERE 
Thanks in advance, everyone.

Sat 10 Aug. - 7 for 7.30pm: Village Cinema - a Southern Villages cluster announcement: here’s a date for your diaries. Our friends in Cairngryffe Church will be hosting the Carmichael Community Cinema again – doors will open from 7pm for a 7.30 start on Saturday the 10th of August. And the film showing will be the classic ‘Whisky Galore’ – it’s a free event, and there’ll be a refreshment stand available. Please do spread the word and come along! 

Have a good week, and until next time, God bless!


Sunday, 16 June 2024

'Where the wild things are' - worship for Sun 16 June

Welcome to worship with Upper Clyde. This week, several stories about sons leaving home and finding themselves where the wild things are... And a wee exploration into sacred art, as we reflect on Rembrandt's 'Return of the Prodigal Son.'

and should be active from about Monday 6pm onwards [due to a tech difficulty in uploading, I tried several times .. Not sure what the problem is, my apologies!]

Sun 23 June: Annual Stated Meeting to be held in the church hall after the morning service. A wee meeting to receive the annual accounts and to hear a review of 2023 - done over a cuppa and baking.

Foodbank Sundays in June: just a reminder that, as it's a month in which we have communion, that means our foodbank box is available in the vestibule to receive donations of goods. These will be uplifted at the end of the month. Online, you can support the work of Clydesdale Foodbank by CLICKING ON THE FOODBANK LINK HERE

Flower list for July-December: If you would like to put your name down for the flower rota - either to bring flowers in for Sunday worship, or make a contribution for flowers, on any particular Sunday over this coming period, please get in touch with Heather Watt via the 'contact us' button on the panel to the right. Many thanks.

Here's hoping for a little sunshine in what has been a wet Spring and turning into a wetter Summer! Have a great week, and until next time,

God bless


Saturday, 8 June 2024

Pulpit swap 9 June - service details

Hi folks. Just a reminder that this week is a pulpit swap. I'll be across at Douglas and Rigside sharing communion with both congregations. Meanwhile, Denham MacDougall will be covering worship onsite for Upper Clyde. Given this, we'll not be having an online service ourselves this week. So, as is my usual practice, copied below are a couple of suggestions for online church communities you might like to visit with this week.

Biggar Parish Church - LINK 
Dunfermline Abbey - LINK 
Hamilton Old Parish Church - LINK

One announcement for this week, which is that our Annual Stated Meeting will be held after worship on Sunday 23rd of June.

However your week goes, may you know God's blessing as you go,


Sunday, 2 June 2024

'Feet of clay' - Worship for Sun 2nd June

Welcome to worship with Upper Clyde. Having wandered a little with Moses last week, and heard the story of his call, this week, we go further back in the Old Testament, to the time of Abraham. As we hear part of his story from scripture, it doesn't really put him in a particularly good light. So, what to do when your heroes have feet of clay?

The WORSHIP LINK IS HERE (apologies for delay - presbytery meeting yesterday pushed my in-house filming schedule back). 

Meanwhile, notices below: 
Communion - on-site, we'll be sharing together in the sacrament of communion - if you stay within the parish and would like to receive a home visit for communion, do let me know and we can arrange this.

Sun 9th June - pulpit swap: 
This coming Sunday, the 9th, there’ll be a Pulpit swap as I’ll be across at Douglas and Rigside to share communion with both congregations. While I’m across there, Denham Macdougall will be conducting worship for us on-site. This does mean that we won’t have an online service for those of you who worship that way. I’ll put up some links to other online services for you to explore, as is my usual practice.

These are all the notices that I'm aware of this week, so, as you move into a new week - and month - enjoy the slightly warmer weather, and may you know God walking alongside you.

God bless,


Sunday, 26 May 2024

'What's in a name?' Worship for Sunday 26 May

Welcome to worship, where this week, our worship theme is all about names. Having fled Egypt, Moses is taken in by Jethro, settling in and even marrying Jethro's daughter. As part of the family, Moses works as a shepherd, tending Jethro's sheep. One day, in the course of his work, he comes across something quite unusual which will change his life forever... 
You can access the service by clicking on the WORSHIP LINK HERE 

Church notices:
Sun 26 May, 5pm: evening worship will be held in Leadhills Village Hall. It will be a Taizé service. After, there’ll be time to catch up with one another over a cuppa. If you’re able to join us, that’d be grand.

Tues 28 May, 2pm: funeral for Iain Wilson. On Tuesday, in the church building at Abington, we’ll be remembering and saying our farewells to Iain Wilson. Please do keep Iain’s family in your thoughts and prayers at this time.

Kirk Session meeting after the service on Sun.2nd June, we'll be holding a one item meeting in order to approve our annual accounts. 

Sun 2 June, 10.30am: communion service in the church at Abington, to which all are welcome.  Please do let folk know, who you think might like to come along – it is the table of the Lord and he welcomes all.

Foodbank Sundays in June: as this is a communion month, the food bank box will be in the vestibule at church over the Sundays in June. You can leave donations for the ongoing work of Clydesdale Food Bank there - food and other goods. The box will be uplifted after worship on the last Sunday of June. Online, you can support the food bank by clicking on the FOODBANK LINK HERE.
Thanks in advance for your kindness.

That's it for this week.

May you know God walking close beside you as you go.

God bless


Sunday, 19 May 2024

'Gathered and scattered' - worship for Pentecost Sunday 2024

Welcome to worship. Today we celebrate Pentecost, the 'birth' day of the Church. To go directly to the service click on THE LINK HERE

Church notices -
Church of Scotland General Assembly is being held this week. Do remember all involved in the Assembly this year as reports are brought before those gathered both onsite and online. Lots of debate, lots of decision-making, as we both take stock of what's gone before and look ahead to the future and where we're going...

Sun 26 May: evening worship, 5pm at Leadhills Village Hall. All welcome.

Funeral of Ian Wilson: just a reminder that Ian's funeral will be held in the church on Tues. 28th May at 2pm. Please remember Bertha and the family in your prayers at this time.

There are no other immediate notices for this week - let's hope this warmer weather continues and there's a few more sunny days!! God bless as you move into a new week,


Sunday, 12 May 2024

Christian Aid Sunday - worship for Sun 12 May

Welcome to worship and huge apologies for the delay. Busy time at the moment. 

Today marks the beginning of Christian Aid Week and we'll be hearing the story of Aline Nibogora from Burundi, and how Christian Aid have helped transform her life and the lives of people in her village.

Church notices/
Christian Aid Week 12-18 May:
 If you would like to make a donation to the work of Christian Aid, click on THIS LINK to take you to their website.

Sun 17 May is Pentecost Sunday. If you're planning on attending on site, it would be great if you could wear something red - it's the colour for Pentecost. Given Pentecost is traditionally thought of as the birthday of the church, there may be something in addition to the usual biscuits after the service!

Funeral notices/
Some sad news once again this week, as we learnt of the death of Ian Wilson. Please do remember Bertha and the family in your prayers, along with Netta Wight and her family, and Andrew Craig and his family at this time. Details of the funerals are as follows:

Mary Craig: 2pm Thursday 16th of May, at the parish church in Abington, followed by the committal at Elvanfoot Cemetery. Thereafter, back to the church for the funeral tea.

John Wight: 1pm Friday 17th May, to be held in Biggar Kirk, followed by funeral tea at the Biggar Municipal Hall. Prior to the funeral service there will be a private family committal at Elvanfoot Cemetery. Many thanks to the Rev. Mike Fucella for enabling us to use the church building.

Ian Wilson: 2pm Tues 28th of May, at the parish church in Abington, followed by the committal at Elvanfoot Cemetery. Details for the funeral tea to be confirmed.

Sunday, 5 May 2024

'What gives you joy?' Worship for Sun 5 May

Welcome to worship for this week. Apologies once again for a delay in uploading the service and thanks for your patience.  Our service this week picks up the theme of joy asking the question 'what gives you joy?' and exploring the answer by way of looking at Ps 16. To go straight to the service click on the WORSHIP LINK HERE 

12 May Christian Aid Sunday:
 just to note that this coming Sunday begins Christian Aid Week 2024. On site, there'll be a special collection for their ongoing work. Online, you can make a donation by going to their website HERE

Funeral notices:
Mary Craig -
Mary's funeral will be held at 2pm on Thursday the 16th of May at Upper Clyde Church followed by her committal at Elvanfoot Cemetery at 2.45. Thereafter, all are welcome back to the church hall for the funeral tea.

John Wight - John's funeral will be held at 1pm on Friday the 17th of May at Biggar Kirk. Many thanks to the minister, Mike Fucella for enabling us to have the service there. Details for funeral tea tbc

Our thoughts and our prayers are with both families at this difficult time.

As you go through this week, may you know God's love surrounding you,
God bless,


Monday, 29 April 2024

'An ever-fixed mark' - worship for Sun 28 April

Welcome to our service of worship for this week - again, sorry for the delay and thanks so much for your patience.

To go straight to the service, please click on the WORSHIP LINK HERE...
Just to note that I'm posting this at just after 10pm Monday evening - the service is currently uploading and might take an hour and a half to complete. So, it should hopefully be available around or just after midnight!! 

Parish deaths: it's with sadness that I pass on the news of the deaths of John Wight and Mary Craig over the weekend. Once I have details for the time of both funeral services, I'll let you know. In the meantime, our thoughts and prayers are with both families at this time.

Presbytery plan: at an all day meeting of presbytery on Saturday, the presbytery plan was finally approved after a number of amendments, motions, and counter-motions from parishes across the presbytery. Our cluster of Upper Clyde, Douglas Valley, and Cairngryffe parishes were successful in our bid to keep all 3 places of worship open, in order to cover this large, rural area. There will be a review at some point in 2027. What next? The plan will go to the national planning team for approval, and if passed, the presbytery will begin the process of implementing the plan. This will take time. For us, it means we begin the preparations necessary to begin the process of uniting our cluster into one parish, subject to all three congregations voting to agree. More details to follow in due course and these will be placed on the page 'presbytery plan' which you can find above along the tabs. The outcome for our area was much better than I'd dare hope for. So, potentially, a new chapter will begin for our parish.

Evening worship: I know this is after the fact, but just to say we had a really lovely time of worship in the Leadhills Village Hall last night. Thanks to Andy Foley for leading us in a reflection on joy via William Blake's painting 'Oberon, Titania and Puck with Fairies Dancing'. We were delighted to be joined by an old friend, Ann Lyall, who had worked with the parish during the previous vacancy and through the union of Lowther and Glencaple into Upper Clyde Parish. She is now retired and doing a 'farewell' tour of the different parishes in which she'd served. 

Parish magazine: preparations for the latest edition of the parish magazine are underway now that we have news of the presbytery plan. It will hopefully be ready within the next few weeks.

God bless

Sunday, 21 April 2024

'After all, it's only fair.' Worship for Sun 21 April, 2024

Welcome to this week's time of worship. We're still in the season of Easter and so we'll be exploring what resurrection life looks like, through the lens of God's justice. How might God view what is right and fair compared to how we might?


Church notices -
Only the one that I'm aware of, which is that Presbytery will meet all day on Saturday 27th of April to discuss the revised 2nd draft presbytery plan. For those wishing to watch proceedings, I believe this will be live-streamed via the presbytery web-site ... or at least, they'll have a link to take you to the live stream. If I have any further information, I'll edit this post and put it up here.

In the meantime, have a good week!

God bless