Sunday 19 May 2024

'Gathered and scattered' - worship for Pentecost Sunday 2024

Welcome to worship. Today we celebrate Pentecost, the 'birth' day of the Church. To go directly to the service click on THE LINK HERE

Church notices -
Church of Scotland General Assembly is being held this week. Do remember all involved in the Assembly this year as reports are brought before those gathered both onsite and online. Lots of debate, lots of decision-making, as we both take stock of what's gone before and look ahead to the future and where we're going...

Sun 26 May: evening worship, 5pm at Leadhills Village Hall. All welcome.

Funeral of Ian Wilson: just a reminder that Ian's funeral will be held in the church on Tues. 28th May at 2pm. Please remember Bertha and the family in your prayers at this time.

There are no other immediate notices for this week - let's hope this warmer weather continues and there's a few more sunny days!! God bless as you move into a new week,


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