Sunday 2 June 2024

'Feet of clay' - Worship for Sun 2nd June

Welcome to worship with Upper Clyde. Having wandered a little with Moses last week, and heard the story of his call, this week, we go further back in the Old Testament, to the time of Abraham. As we hear part of his story from scripture, it doesn't really put him in a particularly good light. So, what to do when your heroes have feet of clay?

The WORSHIP LINK IS HERE (apologies for delay - presbytery meeting yesterday pushed my in-house filming schedule back). 

Meanwhile, notices below: 
Communion - on-site, we'll be sharing together in the sacrament of communion - if you stay within the parish and would like to receive a home visit for communion, do let me know and we can arrange this.

Sun 9th June - pulpit swap: 
This coming Sunday, the 9th, there’ll be a Pulpit swap as I’ll be across at Douglas and Rigside to share communion with both congregations. While I’m across there, Denham Macdougall will be conducting worship for us on-site. This does mean that we won’t have an online service for those of you who worship that way. I’ll put up some links to other online services for you to explore, as is my usual practice.

These are all the notices that I'm aware of this week, so, as you move into a new week - and month - enjoy the slightly warmer weather, and may you know God walking alongside you.

God bless,


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