Sunday 29 May 2022

Worship Sun 29 May - 'Unity is not uniformity'

WELCOME/  Hello and welcome to worship where our theme today is unity. We continue in the Gospel of John and we are still in the Upper Room. Having finished teaching the disciples, Jesus prays for them, before they head off to the Garden of Gethsemane. And in the prayer, he asks God, the Father, that they may be one as he is one with the Father....

For those of you who wish to go straight across to our youtube site for worship, the WORSHIP LINK IS HERE.

For those of you wishing to check the church notices first, and, for reference, keep reading...
Evening worship, Leadhills - 
This evening at 5pm, there’ll be a short, informal time of worship at Leadhills Village Hall to which all are welcome. We'll be thinking about Jesus' ascension. After the service there'll also be the chance for a catch up over a cuppa.

General Assembly - As many of you are aware, this last week, the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland met and there’ll a brief word about that later in the sermon.

Communion Sunday, June 5th, 10.30am - This coming Sunday is a service of communion. Please do pass that on to folk you know who might want to attend. And to those of you who worship online: if we were livestreaming the service, we could possibly get around this difficulty of not providing an online version of communion, but, as the online service is pre-recorded I’m really just not sure how the logistics of doing this online would work – so my apologies for this.

Sunday 22 May 2022

Worship Sun 22 May - 'My peace I give to you'

WELCOME/ Hello – and welcome to worship. This week, we continue spending time with Jesus and his disciples in an upper room in Jerusalem, as he takes this moment to teach them one last time before he is arrested. And today, we’re focusing in on the peace that Jesus freely gives to his followers.

To go straight to worship just click on THIS LINK
Or read on for church notices...

The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland has begun and goes through this week until Thursday afternoon. It’s Upper Clyde’s turn to attend this year and while Margaret Harley and I will be attending online, and I’ll be in the manse, and not in Edinburgh, even so, every day will be pretty packed with hearing reports. If you need to get in touch with me, you’re best to call after 6pm when business should be finished for the day. Or just drop me an email and I’ll respond when I can.

Evening worship will be held this coming Sunday at 5pm at Leadhills. And all are very welcome to come along for this more informal gathering, with time for a cuppa and a catch up afterwards.

As you go out and about this week, may you know God's peace, 
God bless


Sunday 15 May 2022

Worship Sun 15 May: A manifesto for loving resistance

Hello and welcome to this delayed online service - my apologies!!

The service is now up and available across on our YouTube channel:

General Assembly of the Church of Scotland starts on Sat 21st of May, thru to Thurs 26th of May. It's Upper Clyde's turn to attend this year - which both Margaret Harley and I will be doing online. During this time, if you need to get in touch with me, it would be best to catch up after 6pm - or leave a message via voicemail or email, and I'll get back to you as I'm able. 

Christian Aid Week begins today. If you'd like to support their work, this LINK will take you to their website, where you can make a donation.

Our Annual Stated Meeting was held onsite this morning and the accounts for 2021 were duly presented. If you're a member of the congregation and would like a copy of the accounts, do get in touch and I'm happy to email them to you.

Evening worship will be held at Leadhills Village Hall Sunday 29th at 5pm. All are welcome to come along. After the service, there'll be time for a cuppa and a catch up. It would also be good to get a date in the diary for a meeting about worship, and for some planning ahead.

In the meantime, have a good week!
God bless,

Sunday 8 May 2022

Worship Sun 8 May, 2022: God, the Good Shepherd

Hello – and welcome.  
Traditionally, the 4th Sunday after Easter known as ‘Good Shepherd Sunday’. As we’re a rural parish, with a number of folk still up to their oxters with lambing, shepherds and sheep seem a very good and appropriate theme to focus on for our time of worship!

Notices are copied below, for reference, but as they're on in worship video, you might prefer to just skip straight across to our YouTube channel to watch instead. The WORSHIP LINK IS HERE.

Church notices: 
Session meeting - For our elders - the kirk session will be meeting this coming Saturday at 2pm at the manse, before we take a break over summer.

Annual Stated Meeting - This coming Sunday, immediately after worship onsite, we’ll be holding our Annual Stated Meeting – the first time we’ve been able to do this for 2 years. This will be to receive the accounts for last year. If you’re able to attend the meeting in the building, that would be grand and it should only take about 10 or so minutes, subject to any questions or comments that might arise.

News from Angela, our Community Worker – Poor Angela’s had an accident and managed to damage her wrist quite badly – so she’ll not be able to travel about the parish for the next wee while for work. As she takes some time off to heal, please keep her in your thoughts and prayers, and we hope that she makes a full and speedy recovery!