Agricultural Chaplaincy - What it is...
Agricultural Chaplaincy :
- Engages and supports those involved in all areas of agricultural and rural life
- Understands the issues which affect life in rural Clydesdale
- Tries to be a bridge between church and rural businesses
- Builds relationships by being a reliable, consistent presence at rural events and venues like Lanark Mart
- Is a pastoral ministry where a lot of time is spent listening to peoples stories and their concerns
- Providing support in whatever way is appropriate to the individual concerned
- Advocate for the agriculture sector
- Is for all faiths and none
History of Agricultural Chaplaincy project within the Southern Ministry Cluster
(informal parish grouping of Upper Clyde, Douglas Valley, and the Tinto Parishes)
(informal parish grouping of Upper Clyde, Douglas Valley, and the Tinto Parishes)
In early 2018 a group of four ministers from Lanark Presbytery visited the Pioneer ‘Minister for the Farming Community’ based at Ayr Mart. This was a fact finding visit, to see if there was scope to develop something similar within the bounds of Lanark Presbytery. We fully understood that the funding for the Ayr venture was one-off and not something we could also access. But we did think that a Chaplaincy also involving volunteers from within the church and farming community might be something we could develop.
The pandemic put a halt to exploring this project temporarily but now, with our shared Community Outreach Worker we started the project in 2021, and since then, continue to develop it.
What we've been doing since then...
Our team was led up until the end of December by Deacon Angela Wilson, with support from Rev Dr Nikki Macdonald and the Rev Louise Mackay.
Angela based herself at Lanark Market on Monday, generally from around 9am - 1pm, with the intention of making herself available for a friendly chat, or as a listening ear, as needed. Over time, relationships have been built up, and the feedback so far has been positive: many people really appreciating the fact the “church” has come to where they are. Also during a time of change within the church people have come on a one to one basis to seek clarity on issues relating to the church and the direction it is heading.
The future
In November of 2024, Angela expressed a wish to take up community work closer to home with the intention of demitting at the end of the year. While we will miss her, and all that she's done to establish this project, she goes with our blessing and our very best wishes for the future. And also the knowledge that we have very big shoes to fill!
Looking ahead, as part of our cluster conversations exploring a union of congregations, we will be looking at ways in which we can continue this work. Watch this space!!
However, our aim is to continue to listen and respond as appropriate to ideas and concerns from the agricultural community.
checked/ updated end Dec. 2024
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