Sunday 16 June 2024

'Where the wild things are' - worship for Sun 16 June

Welcome to worship with Upper Clyde. This week, several stories about sons leaving home and finding themselves where the wild things are... And a wee exploration into sacred art, as we reflect on Rembrandt's 'Return of the Prodigal Son.'

and should be active from about Monday 6pm onwards [due to a tech difficulty in uploading, I tried several times .. Not sure what the problem is, my apologies!]

Sun 23 June: Annual Stated Meeting to be held in the church hall after the morning service. A wee meeting to receive the annual accounts and to hear a review of 2023 - done over a cuppa and baking.

Foodbank Sundays in June: just a reminder that, as it's a month in which we have communion, that means our foodbank box is available in the vestibule to receive donations of goods. These will be uplifted at the end of the month. Online, you can support the work of Clydesdale Foodbank by CLICKING ON THE FOODBANK LINK HERE

Flower list for July-December: If you would like to put your name down for the flower rota - either to bring flowers in for Sunday worship, or make a contribution for flowers, on any particular Sunday over this coming period, please get in touch with Heather Watt via the 'contact us' button on the panel to the right. Many thanks.

Here's hoping for a little sunshine in what has been a wet Spring and turning into a wetter Summer! Have a great week, and until next time,

God bless


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