Sunday 30 June 2024

'The woman' - worship for Sun 30 June

Welcome to this week's time of worship. Today we spend time drinking from Jacob's Well, and listening in to a conversation between Jesus and an unnamed woman: they end up having quite the theological conversation!

The WORSHIP LINK IS HERE and the service should be ready from 7pm and hopefully, earlier depending on the tech!

Church notices/ 

Sun 30 June, 5pm - evening worship: As it’s the last Sunday of the month, we have evening worship up in Leadhills Village Hall at 5pm. Afterwards, there’ll be the opportunity for a catch up over a cuppa. So if you’re able to come along, it would be great to see you. 

Clydesdale Foodbank: This is the last Sunday of our foodbank month, but I’m wondering, as I was late putting the box out, if I might just leave it for another week, and collect it after worship next week – just in case you’ve not yet had the opportunity to drop in something. And for those of you online, you’ll see the website address of the foodbank to your right in the links. 

Stewarding / reading rota: The new stewarding and readers rota is out and covers July to the year’s end – a copy will go up in the church vestibule as well as online… and if you want a printed copy, let me know and I’ll get that sorted for you.

That's all of our notices for this week, may you find this time of worship refreshing!

God bless,


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