Sunday 30 June 2024

'The woman' - worship for Sun 30 June

Welcome to this week's time of worship. Today we spend time drinking from Jacob's Well, and listening in to a conversation between Jesus and an unnamed woman: they end up having quite the theological conversation!

The WORSHIP LINK IS HERE and the service should be ready from 7pm and hopefully, earlier depending on the tech!

Church notices/ 

Sun 30 June, 5pm - evening worship: As it’s the last Sunday of the month, we have evening worship up in Leadhills Village Hall at 5pm. Afterwards, there’ll be the opportunity for a catch up over a cuppa. So if you’re able to come along, it would be great to see you. 

Clydesdale Foodbank: This is the last Sunday of our foodbank month, but I’m wondering, as I was late putting the box out, if I might just leave it for another week, and collect it after worship next week – just in case you’ve not yet had the opportunity to drop in something. And for those of you online, you’ll see the website address of the foodbank to your right in the links. 

Stewarding / reading rota: The new stewarding and readers rota is out and covers July to the year’s end – a copy will go up in the church vestibule as well as online… and if you want a printed copy, let me know and I’ll get that sorted for you.

That's all of our notices for this week, may you find this time of worship refreshing!

God bless,


Sunday 23 June 2024

'Old, old stories' - worship for Sun 23 June

WELCOME to our time of worship. Last week, we were thinking about sons and leaving home. This week, along with marking International Refugee Day, we step back in time to Egypt and revisit one of the sons from last week, Moses. When God had called him at Mount Horeb, Moses was tasked with the liberation of God’s people… but why were they needing to be freed? And, what might that story have to do with us here and now in Scotland, in the 21st century? 

The WORSHIP LINK IS HERE and should be active from about 7pm Sunday.
(I'm currently trialling putting worship up after Sunday mornings rather than filming and uploading on Sat evening - so I can film parts of the service in-situ and hopefully it will help give you a sense of being in worship with those in the building. It does also help cut back on time for me... but, please do send my your feedback, and I'll try to accommodate re. timing)

Sun 23 June, 11.30am: Stated annual meeting. Just to flag up that after worship today, we’ll have our Stated Annual Meeting – through in the hall, over a cuppa. It’s a quick review of last year – looking at what we did, where we’re going, and also receiving the accounts from last year. 

Sun 30 June, 5pm: Evening worship. We meet in Leadhills Village Hall for worship in the style of the Taizé Community. Refreshments and a blether after the service. All welcome

Food Bank month: this month we’re collecting donations of goods for Clydesdale food bank. The box is in the vestibule at church, or you can pop goods in at the manse if you're passing. After worship next week, I’ll be gathering up donations and dropping them off. For those of you online, if you’re able and willing to donate, you can do so by visiting the food bank website and donating online. The FOODBANK LINK IS HERE 
Thanks in advance, everyone.

Sat 10 Aug. - 7 for 7.30pm: Village Cinema - a Southern Villages cluster announcement: here’s a date for your diaries. Our friends in Cairngryffe Church will be hosting the Carmichael Community Cinema again – doors will open from 7pm for a 7.30 start on Saturday the 10th of August. And the film showing will be the classic ‘Whisky Galore’ – it’s a free event, and there’ll be a refreshment stand available. Please do spread the word and come along! 

Have a good week, and until next time, God bless!


Sunday 16 June 2024

'Where the wild things are' - worship for Sun 16 June

Welcome to worship with Upper Clyde. This week, several stories about sons leaving home and finding themselves where the wild things are... And a wee exploration into sacred art, as we reflect on Rembrandt's 'Return of the Prodigal Son.'

and should be active from about Monday 6pm onwards [due to a tech difficulty in uploading, I tried several times .. Not sure what the problem is, my apologies!]

Sun 23 June: Annual Stated Meeting to be held in the church hall after the morning service. A wee meeting to receive the annual accounts and to hear a review of 2023 - done over a cuppa and baking.

Foodbank Sundays in June: just a reminder that, as it's a month in which we have communion, that means our foodbank box is available in the vestibule to receive donations of goods. These will be uplifted at the end of the month. Online, you can support the work of Clydesdale Foodbank by CLICKING ON THE FOODBANK LINK HERE

Flower list for July-December: If you would like to put your name down for the flower rota - either to bring flowers in for Sunday worship, or make a contribution for flowers, on any particular Sunday over this coming period, please get in touch with Heather Watt via the 'contact us' button on the panel to the right. Many thanks.

Here's hoping for a little sunshine in what has been a wet Spring and turning into a wetter Summer! Have a great week, and until next time,

God bless


Saturday 8 June 2024

Pulpit swap 9 June - service details

Hi folks. Just a reminder that this week is a pulpit swap. I'll be across at Douglas and Rigside sharing communion with both congregations. Meanwhile, Denham MacDougall will be covering worship onsite for Upper Clyde. Given this, we'll not be having an online service ourselves this week. So, as is my usual practice, copied below are a couple of suggestions for online church communities you might like to visit with this week.

Biggar Parish Church - LINK 
Dunfermline Abbey - LINK 
Hamilton Old Parish Church - LINK

One announcement for this week, which is that our Annual Stated Meeting will be held after worship on Sunday 23rd of June.

However your week goes, may you know God's blessing as you go,


Sunday 2 June 2024

'Feet of clay' - Worship for Sun 2nd June

Welcome to worship with Upper Clyde. Having wandered a little with Moses last week, and heard the story of his call, this week, we go further back in the Old Testament, to the time of Abraham. As we hear part of his story from scripture, it doesn't really put him in a particularly good light. So, what to do when your heroes have feet of clay?

The WORSHIP LINK IS HERE (apologies for delay - presbytery meeting yesterday pushed my in-house filming schedule back). 

Meanwhile, notices below: 
Communion - on-site, we'll be sharing together in the sacrament of communion - if you stay within the parish and would like to receive a home visit for communion, do let me know and we can arrange this.

Sun 9th June - pulpit swap: 
This coming Sunday, the 9th, there’ll be a Pulpit swap as I’ll be across at Douglas and Rigside to share communion with both congregations. While I’m across there, Denham Macdougall will be conducting worship for us on-site. This does mean that we won’t have an online service for those of you who worship that way. I’ll put up some links to other online services for you to explore, as is my usual practice.

These are all the notices that I'm aware of this week, so, as you move into a new week - and month - enjoy the slightly warmer weather, and may you know God walking alongside you.

God bless,
