Friday 29 May 2020

Sunday Pentecost worship with the Moderator

On Sunday the 31st of May, we celebrate Pentecost - the 'birthday' of the church.
This week, along with all the Church of Scotland parishes throughout Scotland, England, and internationally, we've been invited by the Moderator to join together in worship at 10am - although scattered, yet we are one in the Spirit of God. The service itself is recorded - and you may see a familiar face from Shetland who grew up here in the parish...
To access the service, click on ... THE LINK HERE

Given the very slight easing of the lockdown rules in Scotland, should you wish an outdoor socially distanced visit with the Minister, do let me know! I'd be able to do one per day, given the rules, but would be very happy to bring my thermos of tea and catch up safely for a chat should you wish.

Otherwise, the usual notices: if you know of someone who could do with some help by way of a referral to the Food Bank, or just a listening ear, give me a call and let me know.
Hope you're enjoying this glorious weather and the slight easing of restrictions - and have caught up with family... I know there's no hugs as yet, and I know some of you are missing cuddles from grandchildren and family members, but at some point, hopefully, we will get to a place where that can safely happen again.

In the meantime, do pass on any hymn requests you have, and I'll either put them within weekly worship, or add to a list for a Songs of Praise style service in early July.

This notices is going up earlier than Sunday just so you can be aware of the 10am start this week.
Until next week, take care

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