Sunday 7 June 2020

Worship/ Sun 7 June - Adoration

Hello and welcome to worship on this Trinity Sunday - a day in the church year where we ponder
the indescribable God. But why the picture of John Wayne dressed as a Centurion? Ahhh, you'll discover across on our YouTube channel when you head over for worship...!

As we continue in lockdown, although we're scattered, we are united in that we are God's people -
one of the hymns in our hymn book states that: 'the church is wherever God's people are praising'... so, whether gathered, or scattered, we remain the church, Christ's body here on earth.

Over the month of June, we'll be exploring the subject of prayer - and in particular, the types of prayer we find within the context of worship. Today, even as we're reminded of God as One, yet Three... and as Three and yet, One... we'll be reflecting on the first prayer we encounter within worship - the prayer of adoration. How do you praise an almost indescribable God? Well... click on the worship link below and let's see where our explorations in worship take us.

The usual pastoral note:
I hope you're doing well in the midst of lockdown and that by now, you've found a routine to keep you going, along with other ways of getting through this waiting time.
Don't forget that I can make referrals to the food bank, so if you, or someone you know, may need use of that service, do please get in touch and I will be happy to get the process rolling.
Also, if you, or someone you know, would like a listening ear or just a friendly chat, don't hesitate to call and I will be only to glad to help as I can.

Very few notices this week, so without any further ado, see you over at our YouTube channel for worship - CLICK THIS LINK to take you there.

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