Sunday 3 May 2020

Sunday worship/ 3 May: Good Shepherd Sunday

Welcome to worship on this 'Good Shepherd' Sunday.
I hope that you are all keeping well, and safe, and that you've settled into this time of lockdown.
Don't forget: if you'd like a listening ear or just to have a friendly chat, do get in touch with me, Nikki at the manse on:
01864 502139
And, if you know of others who might appreciate a call, please do let me know, and I'll follow that up.

As with last week, our worship will be over on our YouTube channel, in the form of 'rolling' clips. So once you've clicked on THIS LINK, which will take you to our rolling playlist for 3 May, all you need to do is click on the box at the bottom right hand of the small viewing box - this will change it into full screen mode for easier viewing. The clips will follow on automatically one after the other through to the end.

But before you click on that link, for those of you with younger people in the house, you'll find another LINK HERE which will take you to some all-age-friendly worship resources - There's age-appropriate stories, prayers, activities, and reflections...
I suggest you head there first, download what you need, and then head across to the Parish YouTube space for a time of worship.

Also, I'd like to acknowledge the great work that the Clydesdale Food Bank have been doing during this difficult time - they are amazing.
If you'd like to support their excellent work please click ON THIS LINK which will take you to their website and to their donations page. They have been so supportive of some of our own neighbours within this parish, and I, for one, am very grateful for all they do.
And a reminder:
in my capacity as Minister, I'm authorised to make referrals to Clydesdale Food Bank. If you are in need of the service, please do get in touch -
and, if you know someone who could do with the help, please pass my contact info. on to them.
Also, if you happen to be passing by the front door of the manse on your daily exercise, or essential travel, and you have items you'd like to donate to the food bank, feel free to drop them at my front door and I can organise a pick up when they next come through this way.

I hope you enjoy our parish worship this week - it was a little windy in the backyard this week, so there are some 'shuggly' bits on occasion! This week a microphone arrived... next week a special mobile phone friendly tripod - which should help make videos a little less shuggly!

Have a good week, and may you know God's blessing ...

Rev. Nikki

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