Sunday 8 August 2021

Worship Sun 8 Aug: Ps 40 'The God who hears'

Hello and welcome to our online time of worship. Over the next several weeks, we'll be spending time in the Book of Psalms - God's songbook - reflecting, in part, that for worship in person, we're now allowed to sing once more. This week, we look at life through the lens of the writer of Psalm 40, and, as we do, we discover the God who hears us...
Several notices this week, which are covered in more detail in our online welcome across on youtube.
The first is just to note that there will be a one-off meeting of the Kirk Session to approve adjustments to our Covid forms, required by presbytery. We're hoping to get these sent off by Sunday evening.
Briefly, they reflect the changes to regulations regarding Covid - we're now below level 0.
So, congregational singing will be mentioned, changes relating to social distancing, the use of our hall for meetings, and preparing to reintroduce morning tea after worship. This all needs the tick of approval from presbytery before we can proceed.
Second: Don't forget, this coming Sunday - the 15th - is our Songs of Praise service, with hymns chosen by both online and in person worshippers. For those of you online, our service will look and sound a little different, as there'll be a lot more music!  
Last: A wee reminder about our upcoming car boot sale on Saturday the 21st of August. Come and join us for a celebration of decluttering, and finding new treasures. If you're looking to see, a pitch is £10 - just use the 'contact us' form on the r-h side of our blog and we'll make sure it gets to the right person. We're also looking for helpers... if you're able to help with baking or looking after the refreshment stall, stewarding, and such, do let us know via Janet Telfer 01864 504265.


Blessings on you for this coming week, 

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