Sunday, 15 August 2021

Worship Sun 15 Aug 'Songs of praise' service

Hello, and welcome to our special songs of praise service. It's the first Sunday that we've sung hymns in the church building since before lockdown, and to celebrate, we're having a big, old hymn-fest of favourites that have been chose by both online and in-person members of the congregation.
Our theme for worship today, as we reflect on Psalm 100 us 'the God who is worthy of praise.'

Car boot sale: there's still time to organise a pitch, if you're wanting to recycle items from your cupboards to ...well, someone else's cupboards! £10 a pitch and you can arrange this with Heather Craig on  07765 498624. And, if you're able to help in anyway - by baking, helping out at the refreshment stall, stewarding, clearing away, please do get in touch with Janet Telfer on 01864 504 265. 
Dont' forget, all monies raised will be divided between Clydesdale food bank and Upper Clyde Church.
Come along, and bring your friends.

'Let's get growing' community gardening project: a note from Angela, our Community Outreach Worker, who says:
I hope those of you who have been growing potatoes have had some good fortune in at least seeing leaves.  My ones have definitely produced foliage and I am looking forward to seeing what is under the soil.  I hope I am not too disappointed! As it is nearly time for harvesting your potatoes, I just want to remind you what to do with your harvest.  You may choose to cook them for yourself, give or share with someone else or donate to Clydesdale foodbank at one of their donation points.  All I want from you is the weight of your harvest, imperial or metric, and more importantly your recipes. 
These can be sent to me on or Alternatively you can write them down and leave them at your church and I can collect them when I am with you.  Take care, Angela

I hope this time of worship, and all of the singing within it, cheers and encourages and energises you in your walk of faith. Have a great week, and keep on singing new songs to the Lord.

God bless

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