Sunday 7 March 2021

Worship, Sun 7 March, Lent 3: 'What would Jesus do?'

Welcome to this third week in the season of Lent.
We've moved from the wilderness, to thinking on who Jesus is, to our theme for today, which involves a visit to the Temple in Jerusalem, and a wee bit of dramatic tension: we meet an angry Jesus.
This gives us a good opportunity to have a conversation on the topic of anger, and why niceness is not always enough.

I hope you are all doing well as we travel together on this Lenten path. For those of you who have been taking on some of our Lent challenges, how are you getting along? It would be great to hear from you on the various activities you've taken on - or, indeed, what you've let go for Lent.

Our worship link IS HERE.

As we move ever closer to Holy Week and Easter, may you feel God's presence as you journey.
Have a good week,
God bless

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