Sunday 7 February 2021

Worship, Sun 7 Feb: 'You raise me up'

Hello, and welcome to our online service of worship. We'll be reflecting on the God who raises us up as we consider the words of Psalm 147 and take a wee peek behind the curtains at Peter and Andrew's home life as we listen to Mark 1:29-39.
As far as church notices go, as we look ahead, the season of Lent is very nearly upon us - scary how the time keeps on moving. In our next time of worship, I'm hoping to share a few thoughts on some books that might be a helpful accompaniment as we journey through the weeks of Lent and to Easter. Along with that, there'll be options available for taking on a daily and weekly lent challenge - you can choose to do both, one, or bits and pieces whenever you're able... they'll be there as a help, not a measure of success or failure! Keep your ears tuned for a Lent Lego challenge, this is being prepared by our Community Outreach Worker, Angela - and she's got me intrigued, so, let's see how that will work!

I hope this finds you all keeping on keeping on, and managing with lockdown. If I can be of any help, if you'd like a wee chat, or, if you know of anyone who might, do let me know.
In the meantime, let's move across to our YouTube channel for our time of worship -
using THIS LINK to get there.

Stay safe, keep warm, and may you feel God's presence close by your side.


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