Sunday 14 February 2021

Worship Sun 14 Feb: Love, actually

Hello everyone and welcome once again to our time of online worship.
Given the date that Sunday falls on, St Valentine's Day, how could we do other than talk about love?
And, make sure to have your popcorn at the ready because faith goes to the movies in out sermon today - as we stand on the cusp of Lent, and think of God's love and the qualities of love as seen in 1 Cor. 13 we'll take a wee journey through the film 'Chocolat'...
The WORSHIP LINK IS HERE to take you across to our YouTube channel and below is some information about the upcoming season of Lent and some suggestions for the journey.

Lent activity suggestions -
Lent is a season in the church year that gives us a concentrated space of time that we can set aside in order to help sharpen up our focus on God. It's often likened to a journey - we journey over the weeks of Lent towards Jerusalem, travelling with Jesus to those events in Holy Week and leading to Easter Sunday.
Traditionally, to mark Lent, the practice of giving up something, or taking something on, developed.
And, here at Upper Clyde, over the last few years, we've had both a daily and weekly set of options to help walk the Lenten pathway. Here in the Northern Hemisphere, Lent falls during Spring, so we can think of this time as an opportunity to do a little spiritual Spring cleaning.
Check back on the blogsite DURING THE WEEK - look along the tabs above the blog post and you'll find a tab specially dedicated to gathering our various Lent options, reflections, and spiritual tools - 'LENT 2021'
There'll be options for bakers, for outdoorsy folk, gardeners, for those unable to go outdoors, and even for lovers of Lego. Along with several book suggestions that you might find useful companions on the way.

Ash Wednesday -
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent and falls on the Wednesday of this week - the 17th of Feb.
There will be a short service on our YouTube channel that will be available from 5pm on the day. It's always good to mark the start of a journey in some way, and so I trust our service will help to do just that. I'll put a link here or, if you've bookmarked/ subscribed to our YouTube channel, just head across anytime after 5pm.

Parish newsletter - Easter edition
Over the upcoming weeks, Dee, our magazine editor, will be looking for items of interest to include in what will be a smaller newsletter, rather than magazine [due to COVID-19 and not wanting to put folk at risk, and of breaking lockdown regulations]. If you have a favourite Easter themed poem, or a story to share, a favourite Easter hymn, or even a seasonal joke, do get in touch with Dee, she'd love to hear from you - you can do this via our 'contact us' feature on the right hand column, and these will be passed along to her. 

Have a good week, perhaps even a few pancakes on Tues, and blessings to you all as we move into Lent mid-week.
Take care

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