Sunday, 26 December 2021
Worship Sun 26 Dec - Christmas Service
No announcements - we go straight into worship this week.
You'll find the WORSHIP LINK HERE
God bless
Friday, 24 December 2021
Worship - Christmas Eve Watchnight, 2021
You'll find the WORSHIP LINK HERE to go across to our YouTube channel....
Our next service of worship is on Sunday 26th, so join us online or, if you can, socially distanced in the church building.
In the meantime, may I wish you all a blessed and very happy and merry Christmas and Christmastide. May you know the hope, the peace, the joy, and the love of God, this night and always.
God bless
Sunday, 19 December 2021
Worship Sun 19 Dec - Advent 4: 'love'
As ever, just for reference, I'll post the church notices below, but if you'd prefer to just go across to our youtube channel and listen to these in our 'welcome', that's fine. You'll find the WORSHIP LINK HERE.
There are quite a few...
And, in light of the First Minister's comments this week, just to emphasise that, as we do normally, we’ll be observing social distancing, we’ll have sanitiser at the door, and be operating a one way flow system, as well as wearing face masks – we want to continue to be as Covid-compliant as possible.
As it's not our custom to have a service on Christmas Day unless if falls on a Sunday, we'll be celebrating on Sunday the 26th with a bit of a carol-fest, some poems, and a wee story. And, because the 12 days of Christmas start on Christmas day, we’ll have the opportunity to sing a good few more carols the following week, and think about wise men journeying to Bethlehem from the east.
These are all our notices. I hope this time of worship encourages you on your journey of faith.
God bless
Thursday, 16 December 2021
Sunday, 12 December 2021
Worship Sun 12 Dec, Advent 3: 'Joy'
If you want to skip the notices,
Several notices this week, but first, just to note that I try to make a habit of putting them up in print on the blog, as well as on the online service, just for ease of reference, so do feel free to skip ahead and watch the announcements within the online service over on the youtube channel if you prefer!!
Volunteers needed for morning tea duty after our time of worship in the church building. If you do a mix of attending online as well as in person, perhaps you might consider occasionally helping out with this wee job of enabling us to have much-needed cuppa and blether after the service. If you're able to assist, please get in touch with me [Nikki], and I'll pass your name on to Janice Reed.
'Let's get growing project - an update: a wee bit of news. Remember our ‘let’s get growing’ project – and how a number of folk from around the parish had planted potatoes – with a good amount of the yield to be given to the FoodBank? I have a total yield weight for you: it’s a bit of an estimate, but we think it’s close enough – between us, we grew 158kilos, or, in the old money, 348lbs of potatoes – that’s a brilliant effort given it was our first year doing this. So, we’ll see if we can beat that this coming year. Well done everyone.
Wild fruit tree planting: on the ‘let’s get growing’ theme: Angela was able to secure 400ish wild food tree saplings donated by the Woodland Trust and is able to offer them to anyone who would be willing to take one or two (or several!). The trees are Hazel, Blackthorn, Elder, Dog Rose, Rowan and Crab Apple. Please let Angela – 07543 796820 - know how many you would like as soon as possible. Ideally, it would be great if she could get these to new homes before Christmas. I’m hoping we might be able to plant some along the grassy verge by the fence in the car park at church.
Sun 19 Dec. 5pm: Evening worship in Leadhills village hall. Oddly enough, there’ll be a bit of a Christmas feel to the service and a few carols to sing. Music will be provided by some friends from Leadhills Silver Band, and then later, at 7.30 in the Hopetoun Arms, there’s an opportunity to join with the rest of the band for even more carol singing.
Sunday, 5 December 2021
Worship Sun 5 Dec - Advent 2 'Peace'
Just a couple of notices before I put up the worship link, which are:
Volunteers wanted: if you are someone who attends worship at the church building, as well as online, this is a wee request for volunteers to help with post-service morning tea occasionally. We've recently had some folk needing to step down from this particular duty, and we're now a little thin, so if you can offer help, please get in touch with Janice Reed, who's taken on the role of coordinating the coffee rota, or you can contact me. We'd be delighted to hear from you!
'Tidings of comfort and joy' - 2pm Sat 11 Dec: a short service in the building at Abington particularly aimed at those who find this time of year a struggle due to loss and bereavement. All are welcome to attend and, if you know of anyone who you think might benefit from coming along, do let them know. After the service, there'll be time for a cuppa and chat through in the hall.
Parish Christmas newsletter: if you're on the mailing list, you should now have received the latest newsletter. If for any reason you haven't, do let Dee or Nikki know. A copy will go up on the blogsite in due course (apologies, I'd hoped to attend to it this week, but it's been one of those weeks!!).
The Guild meets at 2pm on Wed 8th in the church. Our guest will be Susan Crosby who will be guiding us through some Christmas crafts using ribbon weaving.
Kirk Session meets on Thursday 9th, this week via zoom, at 7pm
These are all the notices. You can find the WORSHIP LINK HERE
As we move closer to Christmas, may this week be an oasis of peace in amidst the preparations and rush all around us.
God bless
Sunday, 28 November 2021
Worship Sun 28 Nov' 21- Advent 1
Dear all, for those of you who were thinking of coming to the parish church for worship this morning - due to the snow, and in consultation with some of the elders, we've had to cancel meeting in the building: we want you to stay at home and safe, not attempt the uncleared road to church. Take care, keep warm, and stay safe! And enjoy the online service instead...
Hello and welcome to our online worship time. I don't know about you, but it only feels as if it was five minutes ago when Advent rolled around the last time, yet here we are once more. We stand at the beginning of a new church year as we mark the first Sunday of the season of Advent. As we do, we enter into the waiting time, a time of preparation and of getting ready as we prepare our hearts and homes to welcome God's promise fulfilled, in the birth of the child in the manger. Traditionally, the first Sunday of Advent follows the theme of 'hope', which is what our time of worship will be focusing on.
Before we move into worship, there are some notices...
Evening worship: will be held at Leadhills Village Hall at 5pm this evening. We'll be reflecting on the life of St Margaret of Scotland and what her life might teach us about walking in Jesus' way.
Volunteers wanted: a notice from Janice Reed, who's taken on looking after the morning tea rota.
A couple of people have had to step back from being on the rota, and it leaves us a little thin on the ground. If you are able to help every now and then, please do get in touch with either Janice or myself -
you can make use of the 'contact us' facility on the right hand side of the blogsite or leave a comment on this post.
Communion Service 5 Dec: Our quarterly service of communion will be held this coming Sunday for those able to attend. All are welcome. And, an apology: for those of you who can't attend in person, I haven't yet thought of an adequate way of doing this online... I'm sorry that we can't offer this as yet.
Christmas newsletter: the Christmas newsletter is just out. An online version will go up some time this week. If you're on the mailing list, one should be winging its way to you via the post later in the week.
Looking further ahead -
Sat 11 Dec. 2pm 'Tidings of Comfort and Joy': our annual service for all who wish to take time to remember loved ones. A quiet space in the busyness of the season. This will be held in the parish church in Abington. All welcome.
As you enter into Advent,
may God's hope be a light to guide you,
may God's peace calm your fears,
may God's love fill your heart,
and God's joy wrap around you, and those you love.
Blessings on you
Wednesday, 17 November 2021
Crawford Community Cycling event: 20th Nov
Hi folks,Just a wee heads up on a free cycling event happening in Crawford, Sat 20th Nov.,
which Angela, our Community Outreach Worker, has asked me to flag up.
Details on the poster below...
Sunday, 14 November 2021
Worship Sun 14 Nov: A service of Remembrance
Hello and welcome to Upper Clyde online worship where, this week, as with many around the country, we hold a service of Remembrance...
Outwith this online service, around the parish acts of Remembrance will occur at:
10.30am within our time of worship at the parish church in Abington;
11am at Wanlockhead Memorial;
12pm at Leadhills Memorial;
1pm at Crawford Memorial.
Minister on annual leave:
As of Mon 15 Nov. up to and including Tues 23 Nov. the minister will be using up some annual leave.
Urgent pastoral cover will be provided by the Rev. Paul Grant of Law Parish, who is currently the Interim Moderator for our neighbors in Douglas Valley. His phone number is: 01698 373 180.
For any general enquiries please contact Dr Dee Yates, our Session Clerk on 01864 504093.
Worship in the parish church at 10.30am will be conducted by the Rev. Bill Buchan
For online worship you might like to explore the following services:
Biggar Parish Church - LINK
Dunfermline Abbey - LINK
Kirkton Parish Church - LINK
Parishes of Upper Tweed - LINK
this week, may you know God's love, God's peace, and God's blessing.
Sunday, 7 November 2021
Worship, Sun 7 Nov: 'Pennies from heaven'
Hello and welcome to our worship portal, where along with the leaves falling and the nights deepening, we've also had a rare sighting of the 'merry dancers' - aka the Northern Lights.
This week, our worship weaves around themes of gifts and giving, and broken systems and structures, and features a thankful psalmist, some unhappy scribes, and a widow making her offering at the temple. But before we jump across to worship, a couple of notices...
Remembrance Sunday services -
10.30am in the parish church at Abington in our time of worship
12pm Act of Remembrance by the Leadhills Village Memorial
1pm Act of Remembrance by the Crawford Village Memorial...
along with these, a service online for those unable to venture out.
Parish newsletter -
A reminder that the deadline for items to be submitted for our Christmas edition is 12pm, Sun 14th.
Thanks for items already sent in.
Have a blessed week
Thursday, 4 November 2021
A prayer for times such as these...
I would praise you
I would praise you
Sunday, 31 October 2021
Worship Sun 31 Oct - 'Are we nearly there yet?'
the first being a note of thanks to everyone who was able to help out in some way with our harvest thanksgiving service in the parish church – from decorators, to foodbank donators, to sandwich and baking making - for hungry climate change pilgrims, what a great effort – truly, well done, everyone.
These are all our notices.
I hope you find this time of worship helpful, hopeful, and an encouragement.
May you know God's love wrapped close roundabout you this week,
God bless
Sunday, 24 October 2021
Worship Sun 24 Oct - Harvest Thanksgiving Service
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Harvest pulpit poster |
Come ye thankful people come!
It's our Harvest Thanksgiving service today at UCPC, where we give thanks and celebrate the Lord of the harvest. We also finish our brief time with Job today and reflect on the harvest of his faithfulness.
A couple of notices:
Evening worship will be held tonight at Leadhills Village Hall at 5pm, and it will be a wee time of praise led by musician Peter Crockett.
Wordworks writing group meets on Thursday at the Colebrooke Arms in Crawfordjohn at 7pm. All are welcome to come along - share a piece of your own work, or bring a favourite piece of prose or poetry to share.
Our Christmas newsletter is in process and if you'd like to contribute an item, please do get it into Dee by the end of worship Sun 14 Nov. at the latest, for inclusion. And thanks to those who've already sent in items.

Sunday, 17 October 2021
Worship Sun 17 Oct: 'Unexpected answers'
thanks, and sing to God’s glory.
We’re moving further into the Book of Job in our time of worship, but before we do,some church notices.
Harvest Festival: First, next week will be Harvest-themed both online and in the church building.
For those of you who wish to help decorate the building for our Harvest service, please do come along on Saturday afternoon between 1.30-3.30 to make our pretty church building even prettier.
Communion: And on the Sunday morning along with celebrating the harvest,
we’ll also be celebrating communion in a new, more covid-compliant way.
The foodbank box will be available for those wishing to donate foodstuffs.
COP26 Pilgrimage: Along with that, walking through the parish that day will be a group of pilgrims, making the journey from London to Glasgow to meet up for COP26. Along the way, many many parishes have offered hospitality and support in different ways – and I can now confirm what we can do to help:
if possible, we’ve been requested to provide a very simple packed lunch –
a sandwich, maybe a piece of home baking, and a piece of fruit...
So I’m wondering if, on Sunday after the service, I could have a small team of volunteers to make 32 sandwiches. I’ll bring what we need for the sarnies and we can get set up with three different fillings to be made up in three different parts of the hall.
And in the meantime, those of you who bake, we’re after 32 bits of baking – it needs to be vegan if at all possible... so flapjacks I suspect. Please let me know if you’re willing to help make these, and if I could have them for the Sunday, or handed in to me on Saturday.
I’m hoping we have enough fruit from our harvest display that we can use.
Thanks in advance for you kindness!
Meantime, you can find the WORSHIP LINK HERE
Have a good week, and God bless
Sunday, 10 October 2021
Worship Sun 10 Oct: 'If I'm good, do I get a sticker?'
Hello and welcome once again to our time of worship online.
We'll be delving into the Book of Job today, and for the next couple of weeks. What does Job have to teach us about how we view God - in all of life's circumstances?
Some church notices:
Thanks to Ursula B and Heather W for conducting worship in the church building last Sunday, so I could get away for a week's break - much appreciated!
Guild/ This week, on Wednesday at 2pm the Guild will be meeting in the church, and our speaker will be the Rev. Tim Tunley from the Mission to Seafarers. All are welcome.
Our Harvest Thanksgiving Service will be held on Sun 24 Oct and, at that service, we'll also be celebrating Communion - our first time since being back from lockdown, and in a new and covid-compliant way.
Also joining us will be some of the Christian Climate pilgrims who are walking from London to Glasgow for COP26. For those of you who are bakers in the parish, I'll be calling on your talents - if we can provide some home baking for each of our pilgrims to take with them as they head off on the next leg of the journey, that would be fab, and thanks in advance!
Those who would like to help with decorating the building for our Harvest service can drop in on Sat 23rd between 1.30-3.30pm. This year, we will be keeping things simple, as due to covid restrictions, distributing items from displays in our usual way will be very limited.
A box will be available for items to donate to the foodbank.
The WORSHIP LINK IS HERE for today's service.
May you know God's presence with you through this week,
God bless,
Monday, 27 September 2021
Church news 27 Sept - 6 Oct '21
To catch up with Sun 26 worship, go to 'featured post' on the r-hand column and click to take you there. Or, just scroll further down this page to the previous post.
Urgent pastoral cover will be provided by the Rev. Paul Grant of Law Parish, who is currently the Interim Moderator for our neighbors in Douglas Valley. His phone number is: 01698 373 180.
For any general enquiries please contact Dr Dee Yates, our Session Clerk on 01864 504093.
Worship in the parish church at 10.30am will be conducted by Ms Heather Watt and Mrs Ursula Baillie.
For online worship you might like to explore the following services:
Biggar Parish Church - LINK
Dunfermline Abbey - LINK
Kirkton Parish Church - LINK
Parishes of Upper Tweed - LINK
Other church notices:
24 Oct. 10.30am - Harvest Festival Service : this year, we're pushing the date back ever so slightly, to tie in with the COP26 Conference, and the pilgrims who are walking from London to Glasgow. On this weekend, they will be passing through our parish and we're hoping to welcome some of them to our service and hear from one of their representatives just what they're doing and why.
The usual arrangements for decorating the windows/ church will be in operation, with the doors open on Sat morning from 9.30 - 12pm [or earlier if finished]. If you have any donations for the foodbank, you can drop them in on the Saturday to feature in the display or bring them with you to the service and put them in the foodbank box in the vestibule as you come in.
Communion will be observed during this service as we reintroduce it once more, in a Covid compliant way.
The council has launched its annual winter clothing campaign for 2021.
alongside new, or nearly new, winter jackets.
Heart for Art Exhibition and Event:
Sunday, 26 September 2021
Worship Sun 26 Sept: 'Only Connect'
Welcome to our time of worship online - whether you're new here or an old friend. It's great that we can use technology and praise our God.
This week, we come to the end of the Letter of James, and, in what's been a very practical and hand's on exercise in how to live as followers of Jesus, James finishes his letter by turning to the matter of prayer - not that it's a last resort, but that it underpins all that we say and do as Christians.
You'll find the WORSHIP LINK HERE and once again, the format is one full clip, rather than a lot of smaller clips
Just to note that I'll be using up some annual leave this week, and will be back at work on Wed 6 Oct.
Urgent pastoral cover is being provided by the Rev. Paul Grant of Law Parish Church - he's currently the Interim Moderator for our neighbours, Tinto Parishes. His phone number is: 01698 373180
For any other general ongoing matters, please contact our Session Clerk, Dr Dee Yates on 01864 504093.
As to worship, I'll either update this post with links for services for Sun 3 Oct. or put up a new post. Meanwhile, in the parish church, worship will be conducted by Ms Heather Watt and Mrs Ursula Baillie.
I'll catch up with you all once leave is over, in the meantime, take care and God bless,
Sunday, 19 September 2021
Worship Sun 19 Sept' - 'Keeping up appearances'
Hello and welcome to worship where we gather both online and in our church building to worship the God who calls us ‘beloved’. We continue to journey through the Letter of James, this week reflecting on how to be God’s people within a culture that tells us that who we are and what we have is not enough.
Just a couple of notices today – the first is just to flag up that this week I’m on call to provide any urgent pastoral cover for Douglas Valley Church; and the second is to pass on a message from Angela, our community worker – which is to let those of those of you involved in the ‘let’s get growing’ project that she will be down at the old council yard in Crawford this coming Sunday, the 26th after morning tea – so, roughly, from 12 to 1pm – if you have any potatoes, you can drop them off to her there.
Whatever your plans for this coming week, may you know God's presence with you, and know yourself beloved.
God bless
Sunday, 12 September 2021
Worship Sun 12 Sept: 'Sticks and stones'
Hello friends, welcome to our online time of worship.... normally the service is available from Sun 10.30, but due to an uploading glitch, I'm afraid I'm running behind. Hope to have this sorted by this evening, so please do bear with me, and do try later on... my apologies!
May you know God's presence walking alongside you this week,
God bless
Sunday, 5 September 2021
Worship Sun 5 Sept '21: 'Jesus loves you but I'm his favourite'
Hello and welcome to our time of worship.
Last week, Allan Grant was holding the fort in the church while I was away helping in our neighbouring Tinto Parish - so many thanks to Allan, as well as to Ursula and Dee for providing a welcome, stewarding, sorting music, and reading. We heard from the first chapter of the Letter of James, and this week, we continue in James, reflecting on chapter two and thinking about the dangers of playing favourites. But a few notices first....
The Guild:
A reminder that the Guild recommences after it's loooooong break, at 2pm on Wednesday. This will be the held-over AGM and thereafter, a chance for a cuppa and a catch up, and conversation about this year's Guild programme.
And, doing things slightly the wrong way around, our Guild Dedication service will be held next Sunday in the church at 10.30am.
Let's get growing:
Don't forget to weigh your tatties upon harvesting them, and do let Angela or myself know how many kilos or pounds you've grown. If you're aiming to get some or all of your harvest along to the food bank, you can do so by dropping them into the big box that's just outside the Gillespie Centre in Biggar, or, get in touch with Angela or me, and we'll organise a pick up and drop off.
Morning tea:
As we move to a slightly more 'normalised, but Covid compliant' service in the church - we're now singing, we also have cushions back on the pews - we're bringing back after service morning tea. This will be done in line with Covid regulations, and, while it may feel a little clunky at first, we will get used to it. But, it's great that we're now able to offer this once more.
Kirk Session:
Session meets, via zoom, on Thursday evening at 7pm. Elders, keep an eye out for the zoom link in your email.
Just a wee note that I'm currently experimenting with our formatting for online worship. Rather that a playlist of many clips [and interruptions by ads for such delights as funeral directors and such!!] I'm trying out putting together the clips into one larger clip so that the whole service will play uninterrupted. It is taking longer to upload, as it's a much larger file, but, we'll see how it goes...
So, rather than playlist, you'll find the service in the 'videos' section of our youtube channel...
but of course, I'll provide the link here for you too!
I hope you find this time of worship encouraging, and that it helps you in your journey of faith...
Until next time, God bless,
Saturday, 28 August 2021
Worship Sun29 Aug - pulpit swap
Hello all, just to note that there won't be online worship for UCPC on Sunday 29th... see below.
In the meantime, some wee announcements -
Pulpit swap with Tinto Parishes:
This week, Nikki has been asked to do a pulpit swap across at Symington and Libberton churches, as there has been a request to conduct the sacrament of baptism at Libberton. So, at Upper Clyde, worship will be conducted by Mr Alan Grant, who is a Reader in the Church of Scotland. Given this, there will also not be an online UCPC service provided this week, so please do make use of one or more following choices provided...
online suggested links:
Biggar Parish Church - LINK
Dunfermline Abbey - LINK
Kirkton Parish Church - LINK
Parishes of Upper Tweed - LINK
Rev. Margaret Muir:
Some sad news came in this last week concerning the death of our previous minister, the Rev. Margaret Muir. May she rest in peace and rise in glory.
Let's get growing project:
Just the usual reminder for those of you growing spuds as part of this project - remember to weigh them when you harvest them, so we can pass this along to Healthy Valleys.
Minister's day off this week: Monday.
Sunday, 22 August 2021
Worship Sun 22: 'The God who speaks'
Hello and welcome to our online service of worship.
Our theme today is 'the God who speaks' as we reflect on the words of Psalm 19.
You can find the service by clicking on this WORSHIP LINK ... meanwhile, church notices are below:
Car boot sale - an update:
Wow! Despite the grey skies and intermittent rain, a good number of folk could be found milling outside the church. Lots of cheery faces, so pleased to be together - safely - and to catch up as well as find some treasure among the stalls. Huge thanks to Heather Craig for a great idea, and for her energy and organisational skills; thanks as well to so many people who gave of their time, talent and skills in so many different ways, and for making the event such a happy and successful one. Thanks also to those who came along to support the event on the day. Truly, a great community effort overall, and both a fun raiser and a fund raiser - with so more money yet to come in, after expenses, we will have raised at least £600. Brilliantly done, everyone.
Pulpit swap:
This coming week, I'll be across at both Symington and then Libberton Kirk, having been asked to conduct a baptism at Libberton. Alan Grant will be conducting worship in the church at Abington in my place. Meanwhile, online, I'll be posting some links to other online worship services for you to connect with.
Don't forget to weigh your spuds when you get to harvesting, and do let Angela or myself know how much your crop weighs. As we're working in partnership with Healthy Valleys, we'll give them the figures, which they can then use for inclusion in future grant applications... thanks!
And with that, have a good week, may you know God's presence beside you as you go.
God bless
Sunday, 15 August 2021
Worship Sun 15 Aug 'Songs of praise' service
Hello, and welcome to our special songs of praise service. It's the first Sunday that we've sung hymns in the church building since before lockdown, and to celebrate, we're having a big, old hymn-fest of favourites that have been chose by both online and in-person members of the congregation.
Our theme for worship today, as we reflect on Psalm 100 us 'the God who is worthy of praise.'
Car boot sale: there's still time to organise a pitch, if you're wanting to recycle items from your cupboards to ...well, someone else's cupboards! £10 a pitch and you can arrange this with Heather Craig on 07765 498624. And, if you're able to help in anyway - by baking, helping out at the refreshment stall, stewarding, clearing away, please do get in touch with Janet Telfer on 01864 504 265.
Dont' forget, all monies raised will be divided between Clydesdale food bank and Upper Clyde Church.
Come along, and bring your friends.
'Let's get growing' community gardening project: a note from Angela, our Community Outreach Worker, who says:
I hope those of you who have been growing potatoes have had some good fortune in at least seeing leaves. My ones have definitely produced foliage and I am looking forward to seeing what is under the soil. I hope I am not too disappointed! As it is nearly time for harvesting your potatoes, I just want to remind you what to do with your harvest. You may choose to cook them for yourself, give or share with someone else or donate to Clydesdale foodbank at one of their donation points. All I want from you is the weight of your harvest, imperial or metric, and more importantly your recipes.
These can be sent to me on or Alternatively you can write them down and leave them at your church and I can collect them when I am with you. Take care, Angela
I hope this time of worship, and all of the singing within it, cheers and encourages and energises you in your walk of faith. Have a great week, and keep on singing new songs to the Lord.
God bless
Sunday, 8 August 2021
Worship Sun 8 Aug: Ps 40 'The God who hears'
Hello and welcome to our online time of worship. Over the next several weeks, we'll be spending time in the Book of Psalms - God's songbook - reflecting, in part, that for worship in person, we're now allowed to sing once more. This week, we look at life through the lens of the writer of Psalm 40, and, as we do, we discover the God who hears us...
Several notices this week, which are covered in more detail in our online welcome across on youtube.
The first is just to note that there will be a one-off meeting of the Kirk Session to approve adjustments to our Covid forms, required by presbytery. We're hoping to get these sent off by Sunday evening.
Briefly, they reflect the changes to regulations regarding Covid - we're now below level 0.
So, congregational singing will be mentioned, changes relating to social distancing, the use of our hall for meetings, and preparing to reintroduce morning tea after worship. This all needs the tick of approval from presbytery before we can proceed.
Second: Don't forget, this coming Sunday - the 15th - is our Songs of Praise service, with hymns chosen by both online and in person worshippers. For those of you online, our service will look and sound a little different, as there'll be a lot more music!
Last: A wee reminder about our upcoming car boot sale on Saturday the 21st of August. Come and join us for a celebration of decluttering, and finding new treasures. If you're looking to see, a pitch is £10 - just use the 'contact us' form on the r-h side of our blog and we'll make sure it gets to the right person. We're also looking for helpers... if you're able to help with baking or looking after the refreshment stall, stewarding, and such, do let us know via Janet Telfer 01864 504265.Blessings on you for this coming week,
Monday, 19 July 2021
News, updates, information 19 July - 4 August
19 JULY - 4 AUGUST -
Minister on annual leave: Nikki will be using up some annual leave from Mon 19 July thru to 4 August.
During this time, some helpful contacts...
General parish queries:
19-25 July - Heather Watt on 01899 850211
26 July-4 Aug - Dee Yates on 01864 504 093
Funeral/ urgent pastoral matters:
The Rev. Paul Grant of Law Parish Church on 01698 373180
cover for in-person service: Mrs Jane Fucella, both Sundays
online suggested links:
Biggar Parish Church - LINK
Dunfermline Abbey - LINK
Kirkton Parish Church - LINK
Parishes of Upper Tweed - LINK
Funeral of Mrs Moira White: Mon 19 July, 12pm, at Ruchan Loch Crematorium. This will be a small family gathering, and the service will be conducted by the Rev. Sandy Strachan. Please do remember Ali, Graham, and Andrew in your prayers at this sad time. We are so grateful for her faithful service as the first Session Clerk of Upper Clyde. May she rest in peace, and rise in glory.
Songs of Praise Service: Sun 15 Aug, 10.30am in the parish church, Abington. Come along and sing the songs chosen by members of the congregation - our first Sunday of singing [albeit, behind masks!].
Car Boot Sale: Sat 21 August, 10.30am-1.30pm in the church car park. Further details on the poster.
In the meantime, this is a wee call for volunteers/ helpers. If you're able to help in any way - providing home baking for the refreshment stall/ or to buy and take home; staffing of refreshment and tombola/ prize draw stalls; donating items for the tombola; stewarding - we'd be so grateful!! Please get in touch with Janet Telfer on 01864 504265 to put your name down...
Worship and COVID regulations update: upon returning from annual leave, the minister and Kirk Session will be putting together an updated Risk Assessment form and revised seating plan, given the easing of some of the measures put in place. Once this has been approved by Session and thereafter, presbytery, details will be put up here on the blog, and on the church noticeboard by the lytch gate. With the 1m social distancing, we're hoping to have capacity for 34 people.
Sunday, 18 July 2021
Worship Sun 18 July: 'Rest awhile'
Hello and welcome to worship, where, after some rather hard-going Bible readings and worship themes, today, we reflect on Jesus' invitation to 'come away...and rest awhile.'
Our WORSHIP LINK IS HERE and notices are below.
The minister will be taking some annual leave from Mon 19 July to Thurs 4 August. During that time...
for general parish matters 19-25 July, contact: Heather Watt 01899 850211
26 July-4 Aug: Dee Yates 01864 504093
And, for urgent pastoral cover, contact: the Rev. Paul Grant 01698 373180.
Moira White - please keep Ali, Graham, and Andrew in your thoughts and prayers as they say their final farewells to Moira, who passed away last Sunday morning. The funeral will be held on Monday, 12pm, at Ruchan Loch Crematorium. Moira was the first Session Clerk of the new charge of Upper Clyde, in 2013, and served in that capacity for nearly five years. We are so thankful for her wisdom, and her faithful service, especially in that time of transition. May she rest in peace and rise in glory.
Car boot sale - volunteers wanted. Our upcoming car boot sale is on the 21st of August. If you're able to help by providing home baking, or being there on the day to help with stewarding or tending to the refreshment stall, the tombola, or helping with the prize draw, we'd be so grateful. Please get in touch with Janet Telfer on 01864 504 265, and thanks in advance for your kind help.
Sunday, 11 July 2021
Worship Sun 11 July: 'The ghost of a conscience'
Hello and welcome to worship online with Upper Clyde...
We continue moving through the Gospel of Mark, and, this week, we discover the fate of John the Baptist, as well as encounter Herod, son of Herod the Great. Let's just say that Herod the younger's love life is somewhat... complicated... But, can Herod get away with doing what he likes, and flouting religious and social convention? Who will speak up, and what will be the cost? Well, CLICK ON THE WORSHIP LINK to explore these and other questions arising from our passage in Mark.
In the meantime, don't forget our upcoming car boot sale and to spread the word:
Blessings as you journey into another week, and may this time of worship encourage and strengthen you in your faith walk...
Sunday, 4 July 2021
Worship Sun 4 July: 'Welcome home'
Hello and welcome to online worship at Upper Clyde.
A new month, and with it, a move from the Old Testament and into the New, as we spend some time in the Gospel of Mark. This week, we reflect on welcome and hospitality, acceptance and rejection, as we hear a story of Jesus' homecoming...
A date for the diary: Sat 21 Aug. 10.30-1.30...
If the Scottish Gov't Covid restrictions timetable goes to plan, we'll be holding a car boot sale in the church car park on the above date. More details to follow, as well as a call for volunteers (hello to all our lovely bakers!!). But, it's great to be organising an outdoor social event - a fun and fund raiser. Proceeds will be shared between Clydesdale Food Bank and Upper Clyde Church.
Songs of Praise service: Sun 15 Aug, 10.30am
With restrictions likely to be lifted on the 9th of August, rather than humming behind our masks...
we'll be allowed to sing [still behind our masks]. Given this, let's go for it and have a really good sing, making use of some of the hymns that you've all been sending in to me!
'Let's get Growing' project:
Don't forget to send in your favourite potato-based recipes, as part of our potato growing project for this year. Let's get growing and, let's get cooking!
Sunday, 27 June 2021
Worship Sun 27 June: 'I'm holding out for a hero'
Hello and welcome to worship!
We come to an end today of our brief series on David - we've been there for his beginnings, his highs, his lows, and today, we come full circle to his ending, as he passes on the torch to his son, Solomon.
What is a vital tool for kingship... we'll see what Solomon thinks as we delve into our text for today.
Meantime, as with the last couple of weeks, I'm very happily gathering up favourite hymn choices to be used in worship for when we move to level one and can sing... do keep them coming!
And, don't forget, as part of our 'Let's get growing' project, do please share any favourite recipes you have that feature the humble spud as the main ingredient - and hopefully, if we receive enough, we'll put them together in a wee booklet, or set of recipe cards.
In the next few weeks, you'll also be hearing a little more about another project that is currently in planning stages, so, keep your eyes and ears peeled for that.
Hopefully, we might get some summer over the next couple of weeks [I confess, I'm still in cardigans and jumpers here!], but in the meantime, may you know the love and presence of God with you through this coming week.
God bless
Sunday, 20 June 2021
Worship Sun 20 June - '#HerToo'
Welcome to worship online, as we continue our short series on David. Last week, David hit a high point, defeating the great warrior, Goliath. This week, however, we meet David at what is his lowest point - the messy, sorry story of his encounter with Bathsheba. Years have passed, and David has realised the promise of his anointing by Samuel when a boy. Our story takes place about 10 years into his reign as king and we see David go from hero to zero through one fatal decision.
In the meantime, a couple of notices -
these from last week...
The theme is 'gathering'!
If you've not submitted any favourite hymn choices yet, there's plenty of time - these will be used when we get to level one of the COVID restrictions. So, do please get in touch and tell us what you'd like to be singing over the next wee while!
We're also gathering... recipes!
To go alongside our 'Let's get growing' potato project, we'd love you to share any recipes you have that feature as star the humble potato. We're hoping to put together some recipe cards or even create a wee potato recipe book, for later in the year when it's time for harvesting out potatoes.
These are all the notices.
May you know God's presence with you this week,
God bless
Sunday, 13 June 2021
Worship Sun 13 June: 'An underdog's tale'
Welcome to this week's time of worship, where we continue with our short series on David.
Last week, we met David, fresh from tending the family flocks, being anointed king by Samuel. To all gathered, David seemed a most unlikely choice for a king...
This week, as we continue journeying with David, we hear of his encounter with Goliath - that very well known Bible story, and a favourite of Sunday School teachers around the globe!
If David was an unlikely choice for king, we find that when it comes to battle, he is very much the underdog... or is he?
Just a couple of notices -
So many around the parish have jumped in to join the 'Let's get growing' community gardening project - tatties are being grown in most of our 9 villages, which is brilliant. Given this, Angela, our Community Outreach Worker, is wondering about putting together a wee recipe book, or set of recipe cards, with the humble potato as the star performer. So, what are your favourite potato recipes - simple or splendid - and, would you like to share them for inclusion in our recipe book?
If so, you can use the 'contact us' form, or make use of the comments feature, or email Angela at:
And, our other notice: just a reminder to get your hymn selections in for inclusion in worship over the Sundays of July. We're very much hoping that by then, we'll be in level 1 and, for in-person worship, actually able to sing our hymns... but it doesn't stop those of you watching online worship to join in and share some of your favourite hymns for online worship. Please do get in touch and I'll see what we can do!
These are all the notices, so may this time of worship encourage you in your faith journey.
May you know God's presence with you this week...
You'll find our WORSHIP LINK HERE.
Until next time, God bless,
Sunday, 6 June 2021
Worship, Sun 6 June 'An unlikely choice'
Welcome to our time of worship this week.
After pondering the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, and then, meditating upon the mystery of God - one, yet three - the holy Trinity, we move our focus this month to King David. Over these next four weeks, we'll be taking a whistle-stop tour of the life of David, exploring some highs, some lows, and his walk with God. What might we learn of God, and of our own walk of faith with God, as we reflect on David?
And, only the one church notice - which is, once we move to level 1 under the COVID regulations, we will be able to sing again in worship. If we move into level 1 in time [which I hope we can] over the 4 Sundays of July, it's over to you to choose the hymns for worship... both online and in-person. So, if you happen to have a particular favourite, do let me know and I'll see what we can do!
In the meantime, may you enjoy God's company with you this week,
God bless,
Sunday, 30 May 2021
Worship Sun 30 May - Trinity Sunday
Hello and welcome to another Sunday, and another opportunity
to gather online and worship our great and awesome and mysterious God.
Last week we recalled the coming of the Holy Spirit on that first Pentecost.
This week we ponder the mystery of the Trinity - God who is One, yet, Three.
You can find the WORSHIP LINK HERE
A couple of notices -
the first being that, subject to levels being lowered on schedule, the latest announcement
from the Scottish Gov't is that, should we move into level 1, we will be able to sing hymns -
albeit with our face masks still firmly on! So, should you turn up to worship in person from
Sun 13 June, we may be finally getting some congregational singing in! We wait and see.
One other piece of information to pass on, which is that over the 4 weeks of June, we'll be
doing a series on that notable character in the Bible, King David. What might we learn
from his relationship with God, his life, and some of the choices made on the way?
Well, join us online or in person to find out.
In the meantime, may you be encouraged and nourished as you set this time aside for worship,
and may you feel God close beside over this week.
God bless
Sunday, 23 May 2021
Sun worship 23 May - Pentecost
Hello and welcome to worship online on this Pentecost Sunday! We celebrate the 'birthday' of the church in our time of worship today, recalling and reflecting upon the coming of the Holy Spirit. We'll do so by taking a wee tour to a valley filled with dry bones - this from the Book of Ezekiel - and, then we hear the story of the disciples and of a mighty rushing wind and tongues of what looked like fire, resting on their heads...
Unusually, there are no notices today, so, let's move straight on to our time of worship, which you can find by clicking ON THIS LINK.
And, as ever, I hope this time online is encouraging and helps to strengthen your faith, and put a spring in your step, as you travel along the way with Jesus.
Blessings on you this week,
Sunday, 16 May 2021
Worship Sun 16 May, 2021: 'Psalm 1 - Like a tree'
Hello and welcome to worship on
what is the last Sunday of the season of Easter. Next week, we celebrate the
birthday of the church, Pentecost. But before we move into the celebrations,
today, an opportunity for a gentler time of worship, as we contemplate the
words of Psalm One, and of being grounded in God, the One in whom all our hope
is founded, and grounded in God’s word...
Community Growing project - The potatoes have now been distributed far and wide. And, as we look ahead, we're planning on 'growing' this project. To reflect this, we're changing the name to:
'Let's get growing'.
Working in conjunction with Crawford and Elvanfoot Community Council, we've been given permission to develop a wee patch of ground at the southern end of Crawford.
And there are several things from this:
first - we are looking for donations of Black Hammerite metal paint. If anyone has any left over paint of this type, and would like to donate it
please let us know!
And second - we're hoping to form a gardening group as part of the project. If you'd like to know more, and get involved, have a chat with Janice Reid or get in touch with our community worker, Angela on 07543 796820 or
And third, a date to put in your diary:
Crawford and Elvanfoot Community Council have arranged for
the Five Sisters Zoo Nursery to visit the area on Saturday 5th June. So, if you’re
free, come along and find out more about our Let’s Get Growing project. As soon as we know what time on Sat. we'll post it to the blog.
And, now, for our time of worship - the LINK IS HERE
Have a blessed week, take care, and God bless