Friday, 29 May 2020
Sunday Pentecost worship with the Moderator
On Sunday the 31st of May, we celebrate Pentecost - the 'birthday' of the church.
This week, along with all the Church of Scotland parishes throughout Scotland, England, and internationally, we've been invited by the Moderator to join together in worship at 10am - although scattered, yet we are one in the Spirit of God. The service itself is recorded - and you may see a familiar face from Shetland who grew up here in the parish...
To access the service, click on ... THE LINK HERE
Given the very slight easing of the lockdown rules in Scotland, should you wish an outdoor socially distanced visit with the Minister, do let me know! I'd be able to do one per day, given the rules, but would be very happy to bring my thermos of tea and catch up safely for a chat should you wish.
Otherwise, the usual notices: if you know of someone who could do with some help by way of a referral to the Food Bank, or just a listening ear, give me a call and let me know.
Hope you're enjoying this glorious weather and the slight easing of restrictions - and have caught up with family... I know there's no hugs as yet, and I know some of you are missing cuddles from grandchildren and family members, but at some point, hopefully, we will get to a place where that can safely happen again.
In the meantime, do pass on any hymn requests you have, and I'll either put them within weekly worship, or add to a list for a Songs of Praise style service in early July.
This notices is going up earlier than Sunday just so you can be aware of the 10am start this week.
Until next week, take care
Sunday, 24 May 2020
Worship/ Sun 24 May: Jesus at prayer
Hello, and welcome to online worship.
Our time of worship explores John 17:1-11, where we find Jesus at prayer -
and we get to overhear his conversation with God...
If you've ever wondered who and what Jesus prays for, you may just find out today!
As we've been doing over this last wee while, you'll find the service in a format of 'rolling' clips
on our YouTube channel. Just click on the worship link and you'll be taken across there to our
worship playlist for the 24th May.
All you need to do is click the box at the bottom right hand of the small viewing screen to
enlarge the picture, then sit back, and enjoy a time of worship.
Thanks go to Ursula Baillie this week for doing our reading.
Before you click on the link, there are some church notices below, and a link for some all-age,
family-friendly worship activities to access.
Church notices/
First, I hope you're all well, and that you've been managing this long spell of staying safe at home.
If there's any practical or pastoral assistance that you, or someone you know, might find helpful,
as ever, don't hesitate to get in touch - 01864 502139. And, don't forget, I'm authorised to do
food bank referrals as needed.
Worship with the Moderator/
This coming Sunday marks the end of the season of Easter - it's Pentecost Sunday.
And, in a change from our now regular pattern of online worship, we, along with all
the parishes within the Church of Scotland, have been invited to join in sharing online
worship with our new Moderator. PLEASE NOTE THE START TIME IS for the live stream. By Saturday evening, I'll have the link posted up here on
the blog, along with any particular church notices to be aware of.
Minister's time off/
Because it's a rare opportunity for me to not have to prepare for worship this week, I'll be
trying to take a little time out for myself this week, so I can do a little work on my book.
While I'll obviously still be in the manse due to lockdown, I'm aiming to be off duty Mon-Fri unless any pressing matter comes up, and you need to be in contact.
Looking ahead at worship/
Over the course of Sundays in June, we'll be picking up on the subject of prayer, considering the
types of prayer we find in public worship.
Also - if you have any particular hymns you'd like to hear and sing along to, do let me know and
I'll try to accommodate your wish! I'm hoping that we might try for an online Songs of Praise
service - probably at the beginning of July. So, get in touch and nominate your favourites for
And finally...
All-age, family-friendly resources/
Age accessible prayers and activities to complement today's time of worship can be found at
Hope you enjoy worship, and that you have a good week.
May you feel God's presence close by,
Wednesday, 20 May 2020
Mid-week reflection: 'Love is...'
In Sunday's worship, there was a short clip entitled 'Love is'
The full text, which didn't all make it to the clip, is below.
A lovely piece from the Rev. Roddy Hamilton, which I shamelessly borrowed!
The full text, which didn't all make it to the clip, is below.
A lovely piece from the Rev. Roddy Hamilton, which I shamelessly borrowed!
'...Love Is…'
Love is… hugs
Love is… a pick me up
Love is… when two become one
Love is… friendship
Love is… sharing the last piece of pizza
Love is… hard to explain
Love is… unbelievable
Love is… unpredictable
Love is… giving away your last rolo
Love is… endless
Love is… protection
Love is… a rollercoaster
Love is… a smile
Love is… a heartbeat
Love is… patient
Love is… kind
Love is… a never ending story
Love is… eternal
Love is… a circle of friends
Love is… a circle of eternity
Love is… a circle called God
Love is… all you need
Sunday, 17 May 2020
Worship/ Sun 17 May: 'Love is...'
Hello and welcome!
Our worship is online once again over on our YouTube channel.
Don't forget to have a quick look at our notices before you click on the link...
'Heart and Soul'/ General Assembly:
This time of year is normally when the Church of Scotland holds its General Assembly.
As we know, ‘normally’ is not quite where we’re at right now, with lockdown, so the Assembly has been cancelled, however, one event that happens on the Sunday of Assembly is a big gathering in Princes St called ‘Heart and Soul’ – and it’s a great event. Now, while that won’t be happening in Princes St, technology has stepped in and this afternoon, there’ll be an online version of it - on livestream. Just click this LINK FOR THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND website and you'll find yourself at the right web page... all you have to do then is click on the live link to join in.
It begins at 2pm, and there'll be music, some good conversation and the chance to have a look around at what the Church of Scotland is doing in the many presbyteries and parishes around Scotland.
Worship - music:
A wee note about worship: I’d planned this year on having two Songs of Praise services – one for spring and one for autumn. So, those plans have come a little unstuck, but I was wondering... it doesn’t have to stop you nominating some of your favourite hymns – we could have a go of it online, I think – or, at the very least, I could include them in our online services over the next wee while. So, do get in touch with me by phone or email, and let me know what hymns or other praise songs you’d like. Also, for those of you who do readings, and, who have a mobile phone, I’m wondering if we could do some recording of readings by you, so that it’s not just my voice throughout worship. You’ll hear a little later that we have managed to have a go at that this week. So do let me know if you’d be willing to record a reading. Thanks in advance.
Pastoral matters:
From the pastoral side of things, again, just the usual thank you for all you’re doing while we’re in lockdown: I know that some of you have been supporting community groups like the foodbank, some donated to Christian Aid last week during Christian Aid week, some of you are saving your stamps for Crossreach...
There are those of you doing the work of prayer, others who are ringing around and checking in on folk. In the many ways you’re doing it, thank you for showing your love and your compassion for friends and neighbours both near and far – practising love in action.
The usual request from me: if you know of anyone who might need a referral for the foodbank, or who might just like a listening ear, do let me know.
All-age, family-friendly worship resources:
What Is Love? all age
You will need: highlighter pens, copies of 1 Corinthians 13
(you can readily copy the text from ... print off)
Two different ways of doing this:
as a family, or each child individually...
make sure everyone has a copy of 1 Corinthians 13 and a highlighter pen.
Look through the passage and find all the things that love is or does (all the attributes of love)
and when you find something about love highlight it with the highlighter pen.
Compare your findings as a way into the story today.
Heart Badges age 3-5
You will need: red card cut into heart shapes, coloured pens, coloured pencils,
self-stick stickers, sticky tape, safety pins, clear self-adhesive plastic.
Give each child a heart shape and ask them to decorate it using the materials provided.
Make the heart shape into a badge with the children by helping them to cover their heart
with self-stick clear plastic, which also helps to keep their design in place, and by attaching
a safety pin to the back of the badge with sticky tape.
The children can then wear their heart badges.
Talk with the children about love and how a heart is often used as a symbol for love.
Talk about the people who love them and how they know that they are loved.
How do people show they love them?
Talk about God’s love and how they might show God’s love to others.
Love Biscuits age 6-8
You will need: a supply of small heart-shaped biscuits, tubes of coloured icing, paper plates,
doilies, felt pens, cling-film, stick on parcel bows.
Give each child four heart-shaped biscuits and ask them to pipe with the icing the letter ‘L’ on one,
‘O’ on another, ‘V’ on another and ‘E’ on the last one. While the icing on their biscuits is setting
ask them to decorate the border of their paper plate.
Give each child a doily and ask them to place it on their plate.
Now they can arrange their biscuits on the plate to spell out ‘LOVE’ and then wrap the whole
plate in cling film. A decorative bow can then be added to the top of their cling-film.
Talk with the children about love and the people they love.
Discuss the different ways we can show someone we love them.
Talk with the children about who they might like to give their ‘Love’ biscuits and why they
chose that person or those people.
A Gift Of Love age 9-12
You will need: red card, a box, pencils, scissors, coloured felt-tip pens, PVA glue,
glue spreaders, heart shaped stickers, tissue paper, either small red scented tea-lights
or small packs of love hearts.
Give each child a box and ask them to decorate it.
On the lid use decorative writing using 'Love is...'
(e.g. you could use bubble writing which is then coloured in using the words ‘Love is...’)
Now explain that they are going to complete that phrase by using words from the passage
(for example: patient, kind, not jealous, not boastful, bears all things, never ends and so on)
and write one of their different endings to the phrase on each face of the box again in decorative
writing. They can then decorate the other spaces on the box using patterns or stickers.
The box can then be filled with a little tissue paper and either a scented tea-light or some
‘Love Heart’ sweets and be given to someone they love.
Talk with the children about love and how we can show love to others.
With this age-group it would be interesting to ask them to read some of the verses aloud but
replace the word love with their name and then discuss with them what that should mean for
them and how they should behave and show God’s love to others.
Growing Love all age
You will need: white paper towel, plastic disposable plates, pens (not felt tips, they will run!),
cress seeds, water.
Give each child a sheet of paper towel and ask them to draw a heart shape in the centre of the sheet.
Ask the children to place the sheet on the plastic plate and then using some of the water dampen
the paper. Giving the children cress seeds ask them to sprinkle them carefully within the heart
shape only. Explain that if the paper is kept damp the cress seeds will grow in a heart shape and
when grown the cress can then be cut and shared with others in the family.
Talk with the children about love and how a heart is often used as a symbol for love.
Discuss different ways we can show God’s love and ask them to think about how God’s love can
be grown. Talk about how the seeds they have sown could be seen as seeds of love and how
these seeds of love will grow and how that love can then be shared with others allowing
God’s love to grow even more.
Hello and welcome!
Our worship is online once again over on our YouTube channel.
Don't forget to have a quick look at our notices before you click on the link...
'Heart and Soul'/ General Assembly:
This time of year is normally when the Church of Scotland holds its General Assembly.
As we know, ‘normally’ is not quite where we’re at right now, with lockdown, so the Assembly has been cancelled, however, one event that happens on the Sunday of Assembly is a big gathering in Princes St called ‘Heart and Soul’ – and it’s a great event. Now, while that won’t be happening in Princes St, technology has stepped in and this afternoon, there’ll be an online version of it - on livestream. Just click this LINK FOR THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND website and you'll find yourself at the right web page... all you have to do then is click on the live link to join in.
It begins at 2pm, and there'll be music, some good conversation and the chance to have a look around at what the Church of Scotland is doing in the many presbyteries and parishes around Scotland.
Worship - music:
A wee note about worship: I’d planned this year on having two Songs of Praise services – one for spring and one for autumn. So, those plans have come a little unstuck, but I was wondering... it doesn’t have to stop you nominating some of your favourite hymns – we could have a go of it online, I think – or, at the very least, I could include them in our online services over the next wee while. So, do get in touch with me by phone or email, and let me know what hymns or other praise songs you’d like. Also, for those of you who do readings, and, who have a mobile phone, I’m wondering if we could do some recording of readings by you, so that it’s not just my voice throughout worship. You’ll hear a little later that we have managed to have a go at that this week. So do let me know if you’d be willing to record a reading. Thanks in advance.
Pastoral matters:
From the pastoral side of things, again, just the usual thank you for all you’re doing while we’re in lockdown: I know that some of you have been supporting community groups like the foodbank, some donated to Christian Aid last week during Christian Aid week, some of you are saving your stamps for Crossreach...
There are those of you doing the work of prayer, others who are ringing around and checking in on folk. In the many ways you’re doing it, thank you for showing your love and your compassion for friends and neighbours both near and far – practising love in action.
The usual request from me: if you know of anyone who might need a referral for the foodbank, or who might just like a listening ear, do let me know.
All-age, family-friendly worship resources:
What Is Love? all age
You will need: highlighter pens, copies of 1 Corinthians 13
(you can readily copy the text from ... print off)
Two different ways of doing this:
as a family, or each child individually...
make sure everyone has a copy of 1 Corinthians 13 and a highlighter pen.
Look through the passage and find all the things that love is or does (all the attributes of love)
and when you find something about love highlight it with the highlighter pen.
Compare your findings as a way into the story today.
Heart Badges age 3-5
You will need: red card cut into heart shapes, coloured pens, coloured pencils,
self-stick stickers, sticky tape, safety pins, clear self-adhesive plastic.
Give each child a heart shape and ask them to decorate it using the materials provided.
Make the heart shape into a badge with the children by helping them to cover their heart
with self-stick clear plastic, which also helps to keep their design in place, and by attaching
a safety pin to the back of the badge with sticky tape.
The children can then wear their heart badges.
Talk with the children about love and how a heart is often used as a symbol for love.
Talk about the people who love them and how they know that they are loved.
How do people show they love them?
Talk about God’s love and how they might show God’s love to others.
Love Biscuits age 6-8
You will need: a supply of small heart-shaped biscuits, tubes of coloured icing, paper plates,
doilies, felt pens, cling-film, stick on parcel bows.
Give each child four heart-shaped biscuits and ask them to pipe with the icing the letter ‘L’ on one,
‘O’ on another, ‘V’ on another and ‘E’ on the last one. While the icing on their biscuits is setting
ask them to decorate the border of their paper plate.
Give each child a doily and ask them to place it on their plate.
Now they can arrange their biscuits on the plate to spell out ‘LOVE’ and then wrap the whole
plate in cling film. A decorative bow can then be added to the top of their cling-film.
Talk with the children about love and the people they love.
Discuss the different ways we can show someone we love them.
Talk with the children about who they might like to give their ‘Love’ biscuits and why they
chose that person or those people.
A Gift Of Love age 9-12
You will need: red card, a box, pencils, scissors, coloured felt-tip pens, PVA glue,
glue spreaders, heart shaped stickers, tissue paper, either small red scented tea-lights
or small packs of love hearts.
Give each child a box and ask them to decorate it.
On the lid use decorative writing using 'Love is...'
(e.g. you could use bubble writing which is then coloured in using the words ‘Love is...’)
Now explain that they are going to complete that phrase by using words from the passage
(for example: patient, kind, not jealous, not boastful, bears all things, never ends and so on)
and write one of their different endings to the phrase on each face of the box again in decorative
writing. They can then decorate the other spaces on the box using patterns or stickers.
The box can then be filled with a little tissue paper and either a scented tea-light or some
‘Love Heart’ sweets and be given to someone they love.
Talk with the children about love and how we can show love to others.
With this age-group it would be interesting to ask them to read some of the verses aloud but
replace the word love with their name and then discuss with them what that should mean for
them and how they should behave and show God’s love to others.
Growing Love all age
You will need: white paper towel, plastic disposable plates, pens (not felt tips, they will run!),
cress seeds, water.
Give each child a sheet of paper towel and ask them to draw a heart shape in the centre of the sheet.
Ask the children to place the sheet on the plastic plate and then using some of the water dampen
the paper. Giving the children cress seeds ask them to sprinkle them carefully within the heart
shape only. Explain that if the paper is kept damp the cress seeds will grow in a heart shape and
when grown the cress can then be cut and shared with others in the family.
Talk with the children about love and how a heart is often used as a symbol for love.
Discuss different ways we can show God’s love and ask them to think about how God’s love can
be grown. Talk about how the seeds they have sown could be seen as seeds of love and how
these seeds of love will grow and how that love can then be shared with others allowing
God’s love to grow even more.
Saturday, 16 May 2020
Online installation of the Moderator today

Due to this year's General Assembly being cancelled due to COVID-19, the installation of our
new Moderator will still happen, but in socially distanced, online way...
The service will be live-streamed from 11.30am.
Should you wish to watch it, you can see it by clicking on
which will take you there.
Wednesday, 13 May 2020
Mid week prayer: Come my way...
This will be his last recorded prayer as Moderator.
On Saturday, the Rev. Martin Fair will become the new Moderator for the Church of Scotland, on what would have been the opening day of General Assembly... but which has been cancelled this year due to COVID-19.
Don't forget: this week is Christian Aid Week.
If you'd like to support their excellent work, please do CLICK THIS LINK which will take you to their giving page.
Monday, 11 May 2020
A little light humour: newsletter typos

So, courtesy of friend, Doreen from Vermont and Leadhills: church typos!
The following were all spotted in various church magazines, newsletters, pew sheets. Enjoy!
[my particular favourite is the one on sermon titles]
The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals.
Scouts are saving aluminium cans, bottles and other items to be recycled.
Proceeds will be used to cripple children.
The sermon this morning: 'Jesus Walks on the Water.'
The sermon tonight: 'Searching for Jesus.'
Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale.
It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house.
Bring your husbands.
Don't let worry kill you off - let the Church help.
Miss Charlene Mason sang 'I will not pass this way again,' giving obvious
pleasure to the congregation.
For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs.
Next Thursday there will be try-outs for the choir.
They need all the help they can get.
Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church.
So ends a friendship that began in their school days.
A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall.
Music will follow.
At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be 'What Is Hell?'
Come early and listen to our choir practice.
Eight new choir robes are currently needed due to the addition of several new members
and to the deterioration of some older ones.
Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person you want remembered.
The church will host an evening of fine dining, super entertainment and gracious hostility.
Pot-luck supper Sunday at 5:00 PM - prayer and medication to follow.
The ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of every kind.
They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon.
This evening at 7 PM there will be a hymn singing in the park across from the Church.
Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin.
The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the Congregation would lend him their
electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday.
Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 PM .
Please use the back door.
The eighth-graders will be presenting Shakespeare's Hamlet in the Church basement Friday at 7 PM.
The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy.
Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First Presbyterian Church.
Please use large double door at the side entrance.
The Associate Minister unveiled the church's new campaign slogan last Sunday:
'I Upped My Pledge - Up Yours.'
Saturday, 9 May 2020
Worship/ Sun 10 May: Christian Aid Week
Hello and welcome to worship at UCPC. It's great that we can gather, even as we're scattered,and continue as a community, and as followers of Jesus, to worship. As one of our readings for
today reminds us, we are the church, for we are 'living stones' and with that in mind, picking up
on our other reading, 'do not let your hearts be troubled' - wherever we are, so, too, is God.
I hope that despite the current lockdown that you’re safe and well - and if not, then may
you know the comfort of the One who is the way, the truth, and the life.
As we've done over the last couple of weeks, our service of worship today is via our YouTube
channel, through the playlist for 'worship 10 May' and done in a rolling format of clips.
But before you click on the link [below] that which will take you to the playlist, just a couple
of notices:
For those of you with younger people in the house, we have some all-age-friendly worship
resources that you can use – just click on THIS LINK and you can download at your leisure.
this is Christian Aid Sunday, you’ll find a link to the Christian Aid donations page:
If you’re feeling as if your stuck at home and not easily able to lend a helping hand, this is one
way that you can be of immense help in peoples’ lives.
To support the good work of Christian Aid, just click on THIS LINK, which will take you directly to their donate page.
On a pastoral note: if you know of anyone who could do with a listening ear and might appreciate
a phone call – please, do let me know. Also, I am able to do food bank referrals, so again, if you
know of someone who might need a hand in that way, encourage them to get in touch with me -
01864 502139 or to send an email using the 'contact us' space on the side bar of the blog.
Also on the side bar, you'll find a 'links' section that may be helpful, such as Clydesdale Food Bank,
and the Samaritans.
And, with all those notices, so, let's worship God - HERE'S THE YOUTUBE LINK for our
worship today... or whenever you choose to watch. See you over there...
Sunday, 3 May 2020
Sunday worship/ 3 May: Good Shepherd Sunday
Welcome to worship on this 'Good Shepherd' Sunday.
I hope that you are all keeping well, and safe, and that you've settled into this time of lockdown.
Don't forget: if you'd like a listening ear or just to have a friendly chat, do get in touch with me, Nikki at the manse on:
01864 502139
And, if you know of others who might appreciate a call, please do let me know, and I'll follow that up.
As with last week, our worship will be over on our YouTube channel, in the form of 'rolling' clips. So once you've clicked on THIS LINK, which will take you to our rolling playlist for 3 May, all you need to do is click on the box at the bottom right hand of the small viewing box - this will change it into full screen mode for easier viewing. The clips will follow on automatically one after the other through to the end.
But before you click on that link, for those of you with younger people in the house, you'll find another LINK HERE which will take you to some all-age-friendly worship resources - There's age-appropriate stories, prayers, activities, and reflections...
I suggest you head there first, download what you need, and then head across to the Parish YouTube space for a time of worship.
Also, I'd like to acknowledge the great work that the Clydesdale Food Bank have been doing during this difficult time - they are amazing.
If you'd like to support their excellent work please click ON THIS LINK which will take you to their website and to their donations page. They have been so supportive of some of our own neighbours within this parish, and I, for one, am very grateful for all they do.
And a reminder:
in my capacity as Minister, I'm authorised to make referrals to Clydesdale Food Bank. If you are in need of the service, please do get in touch -
and, if you know someone who could do with the help, please pass my contact info. on to them.
Also, if you happen to be passing by the front door of the manse on your daily exercise, or essential travel, and you have items you'd like to donate to the food bank, feel free to drop them at my front door and I can organise a pick up when they next come through this way.
I hope you enjoy our parish worship this week - it was a little windy in the backyard this week, so there are some 'shuggly' bits on occasion! This week a microphone arrived... next week a special mobile phone friendly tripod - which should help make videos a little less shuggly!
Have a good week, and may you know God's blessing ...
Rev. Nikki
I hope that you are all keeping well, and safe, and that you've settled into this time of lockdown.
Don't forget: if you'd like a listening ear or just to have a friendly chat, do get in touch with me, Nikki at the manse on:
01864 502139
And, if you know of others who might appreciate a call, please do let me know, and I'll follow that up.
As with last week, our worship will be over on our YouTube channel, in the form of 'rolling' clips. So once you've clicked on THIS LINK, which will take you to our rolling playlist for 3 May, all you need to do is click on the box at the bottom right hand of the small viewing box - this will change it into full screen mode for easier viewing. The clips will follow on automatically one after the other through to the end.
But before you click on that link, for those of you with younger people in the house, you'll find another LINK HERE which will take you to some all-age-friendly worship resources - There's age-appropriate stories, prayers, activities, and reflections...
I suggest you head there first, download what you need, and then head across to the Parish YouTube space for a time of worship.
Also, I'd like to acknowledge the great work that the Clydesdale Food Bank have been doing during this difficult time - they are amazing.
If you'd like to support their excellent work please click ON THIS LINK which will take you to their website and to their donations page. They have been so supportive of some of our own neighbours within this parish, and I, for one, am very grateful for all they do.
And a reminder:
in my capacity as Minister, I'm authorised to make referrals to Clydesdale Food Bank. If you are in need of the service, please do get in touch -
and, if you know someone who could do with the help, please pass my contact info. on to them.
Also, if you happen to be passing by the front door of the manse on your daily exercise, or essential travel, and you have items you'd like to donate to the food bank, feel free to drop them at my front door and I can organise a pick up when they next come through this way.
I hope you enjoy our parish worship this week - it was a little windy in the backyard this week, so there are some 'shuggly' bits on occasion! This week a microphone arrived... next week a special mobile phone friendly tripod - which should help make videos a little less shuggly!
Have a good week, and may you know God's blessing ...
Rev. Nikki
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