Sunday, 26 May 2024

'What's in a name?' Worship for Sunday 26 May

Welcome to worship, where this week, our worship theme is all about names. Having fled Egypt, Moses is taken in by Jethro, settling in and even marrying Jethro's daughter. As part of the family, Moses works as a shepherd, tending Jethro's sheep. One day, in the course of his work, he comes across something quite unusual which will change his life forever... 
You can access the service by clicking on the WORSHIP LINK HERE 

Church notices:
Sun 26 May, 5pm: evening worship will be held in Leadhills Village Hall. It will be a Taizé service. After, there’ll be time to catch up with one another over a cuppa. If you’re able to join us, that’d be grand.

Tues 28 May, 2pm: funeral for Iain Wilson. On Tuesday, in the church building at Abington, we’ll be remembering and saying our farewells to Iain Wilson. Please do keep Iain’s family in your thoughts and prayers at this time.

Kirk Session meeting after the service on Sun.2nd June, we'll be holding a one item meeting in order to approve our annual accounts. 

Sun 2 June, 10.30am: communion service in the church at Abington, to which all are welcome.  Please do let folk know, who you think might like to come along – it is the table of the Lord and he welcomes all.

Foodbank Sundays in June: as this is a communion month, the food bank box will be in the vestibule at church over the Sundays in June. You can leave donations for the ongoing work of Clydesdale Food Bank there - food and other goods. The box will be uplifted after worship on the last Sunday of June. Online, you can support the food bank by clicking on the FOODBANK LINK HERE.
Thanks in advance for your kindness.

That's it for this week.

May you know God walking close beside you as you go.

God bless


Sunday, 19 May 2024

'Gathered and scattered' - worship for Pentecost Sunday 2024

Welcome to worship. Today we celebrate Pentecost, the 'birth' day of the Church. To go directly to the service click on THE LINK HERE

Church notices -
Church of Scotland General Assembly is being held this week. Do remember all involved in the Assembly this year as reports are brought before those gathered both onsite and online. Lots of debate, lots of decision-making, as we both take stock of what's gone before and look ahead to the future and where we're going...

Sun 26 May: evening worship, 5pm at Leadhills Village Hall. All welcome.

Funeral of Ian Wilson: just a reminder that Ian's funeral will be held in the church on Tues. 28th May at 2pm. Please remember Bertha and the family in your prayers at this time.

There are no other immediate notices for this week - let's hope this warmer weather continues and there's a few more sunny days!! God bless as you move into a new week,


Sunday, 12 May 2024

Christian Aid Sunday - worship for Sun 12 May

Welcome to worship and huge apologies for the delay. Busy time at the moment. 

Today marks the beginning of Christian Aid Week and we'll be hearing the story of Aline Nibogora from Burundi, and how Christian Aid have helped transform her life and the lives of people in her village.

Church notices/
Christian Aid Week 12-18 May:
 If you would like to make a donation to the work of Christian Aid, click on THIS LINK to take you to their website.

Sun 17 May is Pentecost Sunday. If you're planning on attending on site, it would be great if you could wear something red - it's the colour for Pentecost. Given Pentecost is traditionally thought of as the birthday of the church, there may be something in addition to the usual biscuits after the service!

Funeral notices/
Some sad news once again this week, as we learnt of the death of Ian Wilson. Please do remember Bertha and the family in your prayers, along with Netta Wight and her family, and Andrew Craig and his family at this time. Details of the funerals are as follows:

Mary Craig: 2pm Thursday 16th of May, at the parish church in Abington, followed by the committal at Elvanfoot Cemetery. Thereafter, back to the church for the funeral tea.

John Wight: 1pm Friday 17th May, to be held in Biggar Kirk, followed by funeral tea at the Biggar Municipal Hall. Prior to the funeral service there will be a private family committal at Elvanfoot Cemetery. Many thanks to the Rev. Mike Fucella for enabling us to use the church building.

Ian Wilson: 2pm Tues 28th of May, at the parish church in Abington, followed by the committal at Elvanfoot Cemetery. Details for the funeral tea to be confirmed.

Sunday, 5 May 2024

'What gives you joy?' Worship for Sun 5 May

Welcome to worship for this week. Apologies once again for a delay in uploading the service and thanks for your patience.  Our service this week picks up the theme of joy asking the question 'what gives you joy?' and exploring the answer by way of looking at Ps 16. To go straight to the service click on the WORSHIP LINK HERE 

12 May Christian Aid Sunday:
 just to note that this coming Sunday begins Christian Aid Week 2024. On site, there'll be a special collection for their ongoing work. Online, you can make a donation by going to their website HERE

Funeral notices:
Mary Craig -
Mary's funeral will be held at 2pm on Thursday the 16th of May at Upper Clyde Church followed by her committal at Elvanfoot Cemetery at 2.45. Thereafter, all are welcome back to the church hall for the funeral tea.

John Wight - John's funeral will be held at 1pm on Friday the 17th of May at Biggar Kirk. Many thanks to the minister, Mike Fucella for enabling us to have the service there. Details for funeral tea tbc

Our thoughts and our prayers are with both families at this difficult time.

As you go through this week, may you know God's love surrounding you,
God bless,
