Sunday 20 August 2023

Meals with the Messiah, wk 2: 'Party invites'- Sun 20 Aug

WELCOME to worship, where, this week, we'll encounter some status-conscious Pharisees and hear about a wedding feast that escalates rather dramatically.

Sun 3 Sept. 10.30: Communion - will be held on Sunday the 3rd of September at the parish church in Abington (our current worship series is very much designed as a lead in to communion) All are welcome for it’s Christ’s table and he is the host, and it is he, who invites us. 

Sundays in September - supporting Clydesdale Food Bank: as September is a communion month, we'll be accepting items for the food bank over the course of the month. The box will be in the vestibule as you come in (or, for online donations, simply click the link on the right hand side of the screen).We'll incorporate these into our Harvest food bank uplift on the first Sunday in October. Thanks in advance for your kindness.

Sun 10 Sept. 10.30: Songs of Praise service & Guild dedication - given we've been learning a few new songs, we'll have the opportunity to have a bit of a hymn-fest with some of our favourites. If you have a favourite, please do let me know by phone, email, or by using the 'contact us' link to the right of your screen. Nominate as many of your favourites as you like, and get them to me by Monday 4th September. I'll then work through the hymn choices until whittled down to 7 hymns... the 8th will be the Guild hymn, as we'll be rededicating the Guild as they begin their new session

Abington Show update: the winner of our 'Guess how many sweets in the jar' competition was Ivor Foley - congrat's Ivor, I'll drop them in at some point during the week!!
We still have a huge stash of mini-Haribo bags - which we were giving away to all who entered our scavenger hunt yesterday at the Show. Please let us know if you'd like some for and small ones you know. Also, a good number will be donated to the food bank, because... it's nice to have treats, no matter what.

That's all the news updated as far as I'm aware, so as you move into a new week,
God bless!


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