Sunday, 31 December 2023

'Starwards' at the gate of the year: worship for New Year's Eve

Welcome to this last worship service of 2023, as we stand on the cusp of a fresh new year. We are still in the season of Christmas, however, so, there's an opportunity for one last blast of some carols before they're put away for another year.

Today we spend time with the Wise Men, or Magi and as we do, we blend in some thoughts around this threshold time, as we stand at the gate of the year.

No online church notices this week, so let's proceed straight on to worship.

Best wishes and blessings to you as you step into 2024 with all that it may bring.


Sunday, 24 December 2023

Christmas Eve Carol Praise Service - Sun 24 Dec.

Welcome to our Christmas Eve Carol Praise/ carol-oke service.

Today, we're thinking about joy - particularly, the joy of the good news that is the imminent arrival of God with us - as found in a manger in a stable in Bethlehem. Our service is an opportunity to just put aside all the busyness and preparations, put aside those thoughts of cooking Christmas dinner or worries about whether you’ve got everything organised, put aside thoughts of visitors, or visiting, and perhaps, even put aside, for a little time, the worries in our lives and in the life of the world - for a moment. We hold on, instead, to light, and the coming of the One called the Light of the World. 
So, today, we tell again, and enjoy, the story – the old, old story of God’s great gift of love to us all,
found not under a xmas tree, but in a manger…
wrapped not in paper, but in swaddling clothes.

In story and poem, and a heck of a lot of xmas carols let's think about hope, and peace, and joy, and love as we celebrate, in anticipation, the birth of the baby Jesus.  
May this time of worship be a blessing.

A very merry, and blessed Christmas to you.  The WORSHIP LINK IS HERE 

Sunday, 17 December 2023

'A comfortable silence?' - worship for Advent 3, Sun 17 Dec.

Welcome to this third Sunday in Advent. We've followed the traditional themes for Advent Sundays over these last weeks, however, we're doing a slight swap this week - instead of 'joy', this week, our theme is 'love'. This, basically due to next week's 'Carol-oke' style service.

Notices are below for ongoing reference.
Due to a busy week, I'm afraid that once again, I've not been able to record and upload in time for Sunday morning - bear with me. The service is currently uploading even as I type and should be available by 6pm Sunday afternoon. The WORSHIP LINK IS HERE

Evening worship tonight: 5pm Leadhills Village hall - our monthly service up in the hills, with a few carols to help get us in fine voice for the carol concert in the hall at 7pm with Leadhills Silver Band. Hopefully see you there.

Sun 24 Dec. 10.30am: 'Carol-oke' service: Thinking about our carol praise service, don’t forget to get your favourite carols in to me by the end of today – to enable me to format them for worship as needed. The service itself is aiming to be all-age friendly, with lots of hymns to really get into the Christmas spirit, along with Christmas poems, and perhaps ... even a wee game to help explore the story of Christmas afresh.
Also, I’d be delighted if, next week, you were to come to the service in some kind of seasonal clothing –  so, time to bring out the xmas jumpers if you’ve got them, or, wear a bit of tinsel… or something to that gives a nod to the fact that it’ll be Christmas Eve.  

Clydesdale food bank donations: After worship today, I’ll be gathering up the items you’ve been leaving for the food bank – and the box is looking very full, so thank you for your kindness. If you've not had the opportunity to get put something into the box, you can donate online using the link to the right of this page.

Sunday, 10 December 2023

'Feeding Peace' - 2nd Sun of Advent

Welcome to worship on this second Sunday of Advent. Last week, we were reflecting on the theme
for the first Sunday of this Advent season: hope. Today, our theme is peace. 
Apologies this didn't get up online earlier, but I lost yesterday afternoon prep time due to a service in the church. It's currently uploading and should be available after 7pm this evening. Thanks for understanding.

Our worship link IS HERE

Notices follow below for reference...

Food bank: 
A reminder that we’re continuing to collect items for the foodbank. For those of you who’d like to drop items into the box in the vestibule next Sunday will be the last opportunity to do so before I gather what’s there and get them to the foodbank in time for folk to receive them before Christmas. Again, thanks in advance for your donations. If you miss the deadline, don’t worry, you can always donate online by going to the Clydesdale food bank WEBSITE VIA THIS LINK

Guild: This coming Wednesday, the Guild will be meeting in the church hall, where our guest will be Poppy Brown, who’ll be showing us – and encouraging us to do – some Christmas craft. That’s at 2pm on Wed. 

Evening worship: 5pm Sun 17 Dec.: our last evening service of the year will be held in Leadhills Village Hall this coming Sunday. There may be carols... and potentially a mince pie (or two)

Carol Praise service: 10.30am Sun 24 Dec.:  Our service on this Sunday is a bit of a carol-fest. It's not too late to choose your favourite carol for inclusion in the service - get in touch by the evening of Sun 17 Dec. - either by phone, or via the 'contact us' link to the right of your screen. If you're planning to attend the service on site that day... if you’re willing, you might like to wear a Christmas jumper to get into the spirit of things. The service is very much aimed at being all-age friendly.

Memory Tree: our annual 'Tidings of Comfort and Joy' service was held yesterday afternoon, in which, as is our usual practice, we remembered loved ones through candle-lighting and by placing a bauble for them up on our memory tree - these, as visible reminders and as a form of visual prayer. The tree will now remain in the church through to the end of worship on Sun 31 Dec. If you wish to remember someone please do get in touch, and I'll place a bauble on our memory tree for you...

Sunday, 3 December 2023

'Roadworks Ahead': Advent 1 worship - Sun 3 De

WELCOME to this first Sunday in the season of Advent, where we begin a brand new church year and, where we prepare for a new beginning, as we travel over these next weeks to a stable in Bethlehem…    

Notices, for reference, are copied below. And for the service click on the: WORSHIP LINK HERE 

 to our Leadhills Primary School Christmas elves who did a beautiful job decorating our Christmas tree. It was lovely having you trek through the snow to visit with us on Friday morning!

Parish newsletter: the Christmas newsletter is available both in hard copy and here by clicking on the 'Christmas newsletter '23' tab above this post. 

Food Bank: As is our usual practice in a communion month, over these next couple of Sundays, we're flagging up the work of Clydesdale Food Bank. In the church building, you can leave items of food and toiletries our food bank box in the vestibule or, you can access the website using the link HERE 
If you’re able to make a donation to help folk in our community who are struggling this Christmas, it would be so appreciated. For items donated at the church, please note that I’ll uplift these after worship on Sunday the 17th to ensure they're with the food bank before Christmas. 

Kirk Session meets on Thursday evening at 7pm via zoom – a link will be sent out to members of session, along with the agenda and minutes.

'Tidings of comfort and joy' service: A reminder that, on Saturday at 2pm, we have our annual Tidings of Comfort and Joy service – a gentle, reflective service for those who struggle a little at this time of year. If you know of someone who might find this service helpful, do let them know – and maybe… bring them along.

Carol Praise service: Sun 24 Dec. 10.30am. As Christmas is looming into view, our service on Christmas Eve morning is going to be a Carol service – a bit like our songs of praise service, but… carols: and you get to choose what we’ll sing. If you can let me know what carols you’d all like to sing by Sunday the 17th, that will give me time to get organised.
As to the service itself... there may be a mince pie afterwards to go with our morning tea…
For those of you who watch the pre-recorded service online – do get in touch if you’d like to nominate a favourite carol for the online service – I’ll see what we can do to make it happen! Either you can click on the 'contact us' button on the right hand side of the page to let me know your carol of choice!

As we move into Advent, may the hope of the promised Christ-child lead us ever on...

God bless

Monday, 13 November 2023

news, updates, general information wk beg. 13 Nov - 29 Nov


Annual leave: Just to note that Nikki (the minister) will be on annual leave from Monday 13th until the afternoon of Wed. 29th.
While I’m away, the Rev Mike Fucella will be providing urgent pastoral cover and he can be contacted by phone on 01899 229291 or email at
For any general parish matters, please contact Janice Reid, our Session Clerk by phone on 07812 158275 or email at          

As to worship, over the next two Sunday mornings onsite, we’ll be welcoming our friend, the Rev. George Shand, who’ll be providing pulpit cover…
And we’ll also be joined by the Shenna Fox who’ll be playing the organ for us.
Online, below are some suggested links to other congregations who provide worship, so, an opportunity to have a wee visit elsewhere during this time:

  • Biggar Parish Church - LINK 
  • Dunfermline Abbey - LINK            
  • Kirkton Parish Church - LINK        
  • Hamilton Old Parish Church - LINK 
Sun 3rd Dec: Communion Service - It's our Winter communion, and everyone is very welcome to come and join us, as we share in the Lord's Supper together.

Clydesdale Food Bank donations:
 as this is a communion month, we'll be collecting donations for the Food Bank (tinned and dry food items, toiletries, and... if possible, maybe some Christmas-oriented items to bring some cheer e.g mince pies, Christmas pud, etc.) Last items please, for Sun 17th Dec. in order to ensure delivery to families before Christmas. Thanks in advance.

Christmas newsletter: The year is cracking on a-pace, and when I'm back, we'll be moving into the season of Advent that guides us through to Christmas. The Christmas newsletter will be out in hard copy and hopefully available the last week of November - a digital copy has now been uploaded - at the top of the blog, you'll find the 'Christmas newsletter 2023' tab - click on there... or just CLICK ON THIS LINK to take you there directly.

Sunday, 12 November 2023

Remembrance: worship for Sun 12 November

WELCOME to our time of worship today, in which we will remember again those who died in what was supposed be the ‘war to end all wars’ but was not...and so, we also remember those who have died in subsequent wars, and those who even now, are acting in the service of their country...

To go straight to the online service click on the WORSHIP LINK HERE.

Acts of Remembrance around the parish:
 at the Parish Church, Abington - the minister
10.50am at the Memorial, Wanlockhead - c/o the Community Council
12pm at the Memorial, Leadhills - the minister
1pm at the Memorial, Crawford - the minister

Annual leave: I'll be on annual leave from Monday 13th until the afternoon of Wed. 29th.
While I’m away, the Rev Mike Fucella will be providing urgent pastoral cover and he can be contacted by phone on 01899 229291 or email at
For any general parish matters, please contact Janice Reid, our Session Clerk by phone on 07812 158275 or email at          

As to worship, over the next two Sunday mornings onsite, we’ll be welcoming our friend, the Rev. George Shand, who’ll be providing pulpit cover…
And we’ll also be joined by the Shenna Fox who’ll be playing the organ for us.
Online, below are some suggested links to other congregations who provide worship, so, an opportunity to have a wee visit elsewhere while I’m away.

  • Biggar Parish Church - LINK 
  • Dunfermline Abbey - LINK            
  • Kirkton Parish Church - LINK        
  • Hamilton Old Parish Church - LINK 
Christmas newsletter: The year is cracking on a-pace, and when I'm back, we'll be moving into the season of Advent that guides us through to Christmas. The Christmas newsletter will be out and hopefully available in early December - a digital copy will be put online when it's ready.

In the meantime, as we take time to remember, may you know the peace of the Prince of Peace, and feel God walking with you this week.
God bless,

Sunday, 5 November 2023

Everyday Saints: worship for Sun 5 Nov.

WELCOME Small, spooky visitors knocking on doors on Tuesday, were a useful way of alerting me to the fact that All Saints Day was upon us once again. In the Church of Scotland, we can sometimes be a little shy about recognising this particular day in the church year – but it’s there, and it’s a time where we remember all those who have gone before us in the faith: some, whose stories are well known, others, who may have lived their lives quietly and faithfully… but all, who, in following Jesus, inspired and encouraged others.
Today, in our time of worship, we’ll spend a little time thinking about a woman of faith – a saint of God, if you like – who was born not too far from here - in Dunscore, Jane Haining – and learn a little about where her faith led her, and what she did. 
The WORSHIP LINK IS HERE  to take you to our service on YouTube. The service should be available from 4pm Sunday.

the deadline for items to be submitted is tonight, by 7pm,. If you have anything you'd like included please get items in to either Dee or myself by then. And thank you in advance!

Guild: the Guild will be meeting on Wednesday, in the church at 2pm. Our guest speaker is our very own Fiona Foley, who’ll be sharing with us her experiences as a stained glass artist. All are welcome to come along. 

Remembrance Sunday commemorations and services:
10.30am: in the parish church - worship and service of Remembrance…
11am: Wanlockhead Memorial
12pm - Leadhills Memorial
1pm - Crawford Memorial
Please do let people know about these various services and times…

Sunday, 29 October 2023

In Philippi, wk 4: Peace

WELCOME once again to our online service of worship. This week is the last in our 4 week series on Paul's letter to the Philippians. Our key theme for worship and reflection is on peace - both peace between neighbours, and inner peace. To access the service, our WORSHIP LINK IS HERE 

Sun 29 Oct., 5pm: Evening worship
 will be held in Leadhills Village Hall. We'll also be focusing upon peace in what will be a more contemplative Taize-style service with prayers for peace - particularly thinking about the conflict in Israel and Gaza. All are welcome to come along.

Christmas newsletter: if you have any items that you'd like to contribute to our newsletter, the deadline is this coming Sunday by 7pm. Please get in touch with either Dee or Nikki

Thurs 2 Nov. 7pm: Kirk Session will be meeting this week via zoom. A link, plus agenda and minutes will go out shortly to members of Session.

Sunday, 22 October 2023

In Philippi, wk 3: Stumbling into grace

WELCOME to worship this week, where we continue delving into Paul's Letter to the Philippians. We're on chapter three and exploring the theme of grace, with Paul, sometimes referred to as the 'Apostle of grace'. Let's see where our reflections take us.

Christmas newsletter: a reminder of our upcoming Christmas newsletter and Dee, our Editor's request that any items you wish to be included reach her by Sunday evening the 5th of November. Ideally, we'd like to get it distributed in the week before our December communion service. Thanks in advance!

Sun 29 Oct, 5pm, Evening worship: Oops, one other notice: evening worship will be held in Leadhills Village Hall this coming Sunday, 29th October at 5pm. It will be a Taize-style service and there will be prayers for peace.

Have a good week - stay safe out there in the stormy weather. 
God bless,

Sunday, 15 October 2023

In Philippi wk 2: 'Humility' - Worship for Sun 15 Oct

WELCOME - welcome to our time of worship. We’re in week two of our explorations into Paul’s letter to the Philippians and there’s more mention of joy as we move into chapter two, along with a wider theme of humility, which is our worship theme for today. To go straight across to the service on YouTube click on the link: WORSHIP LINK IS HERE

CHUCH NOTICES - Unusually rare to have so few notices! Just the one today, which is a reminder about the upcoming Christmas church newsletter. The deadline for submitting material is by the evening of Sunday the 5th of November - this, so we can prepare it and then allow time for the printing and then sending out just before our December communion. If you have any Advent or Christmas oriented items you’d like to include, please do get in touch with either Dee or myself via the 'contact us' link on the right hand side panel of this page. Many thanks.

Sunday, 8 October 2023

In Philippi: wk 1 'Joy' - Worship Sun 8 October

Today we begin a four week series on Paul’s Letter to the Philippians – looking at a chapter a week. What do Paul’s words to the Christian community at Philippi nearly 2 000 years ago have to say to us today? Let’s explore over these next few weeks. 

Due to unexpected visitors, I am late this week... the WORSHIP LINK IS HERE and is uploading even as I type this. It should be available from about 4.30 this afternoon...
Apologies once again.

Thank you: 
again, to say thank you to everyone for all your efforts last week to help make our harvest thanksgiving and breakfast such a lovely event in our worship and social calendar. I was able to drop the food bank items off to friend Ben on Sunday afternoon, who works as a volunteer at the food bank, and who kindly delivered them up the road for us. So thank you for your generosity.

Christmas Newsletter: Christmas is coming… and along with it, our Christmas newsletter!
Dee, our editor, would be delighted to hear from you, if you have items that you’d like to include.
You might like to share a favourite Christmas memory, or why a particular carol is your favourite, or, even … perhaps a family or cultural tradition that you grew up with that was very much part of your Christmas? Christmas jokes or a favourite Christmas poem are also welcome. The deadline for any items is for Sunday the 5th Nov.

Guild, 11 Oct.: a reminder that the Guild meets this week on Wednesday – and it’s an outing to Langloch. So hopefully the weather will be a little drier than we’ve been having. If you’d like to go along and need a lift, please do get in touch with Heather Watt.

Have a great week,
God bless


Sunday, 1 October 2023

Harvest Celebration Service, 1 Oct, 2023

WELCOME to our harvest worship service where we give thanks to God for his faithfulness and we celebrate the harvest. As it is Harvest, I thought it might be nice to film some of the service to get a sense of the atmosphere on site...
Given that, I'm intentionally going to be slightly later with putting the online service up, as I'll add the filming and pics of the decorations in the building into the mix to upload. I'm hoping to have this ready and uploaded by 6pm-ish Sunday evening - possibly before. So, bear with me and thanks for your patience. I'll edit this page to include the worship link when that's available.
****update - THE WORSHIP LINK IS HERE****
and the service should be available by 5pm Sunday
A separate harvest reel is in process and will be added to the Harvest playlist
so do check back on our YouTube channel for that!

By the by, the church was looking fab by the time I left there this afternoon - all the 'harvest elves' had been busy!

Thank you
 - harvest time is very much about saying thank you... so a big thank you to everyone who helped in some way to organise the harvest service and breakfast:
to the breakfast team, the flower and decorating team, to those who've already brought items for the display (which will then be given to the food bank) - and to those who will be bringing or donating items...
a special thank you to our 5 primary schools for their lovely banners which, given time off due to the school strike, has been an amazing achievement.

Harvest Charity for 2023: Macmillan Cancer Support - Harvest is both about giving thanks and, sharing what we have, so to honour that, this year we're supporting the work of Macmillan Cancer Support - this, in recognition that our harvest service so often falls around the same time as the Macmillan coffee mornings. If you'd like to make a wee donation, you can do so by clicking HERE

Presbytery plan update - a quick mention about the meeting on Tuesday this last week of presbytery to discuss the presbytery plan.
Basically, presbytery made the decision to delay agreeing to the plan until there was more detail given of the various proposed changes. And, personally, I think it was a wise decision. Anyway, we shall see what happens, and hopefully, down the track, will perhaps end up with a way forward that is a little more rural community-friendly.

As you go through this coming week, may it be a time of thankfulness and celebration, as you remember the Lord of the Harvest.
God bless


Saturday, 23 September 2023

Pulpit swap - Sun 24 Sept.

WELCOME to worship this week. Please note that there will be no online service from Upper Clyde this week. The minister is across at the Douglas Valley congregations to ordain a couple of elders to the Douglas Session. So, some options for visiting elsewhere online this week include:


and, if you'd like to venture much further north, why not pop in and see our friends in SHETLAND KIRK...?

Presbytery - and presbytery plan:
'The congregation of Upper Clyde is cited to appear for its interest at a meeting of Presbytery called for the specific purpose of receiving and approving the draft Presbytery Mission Plan for the Presbytery of Forth Valley and Clydesdale.
As Upper Clyde is in the South Area we are cited to attend the meeting to be held on Monday 2 October 2023 at 7pm in Dalziel St Andrews Church, Motherwell and online. 

Please note that at its meeting on 18 June 2022 the Presbytery agreed that ‘For practical reasons of space, determine that no more than three representatives of each of the cited congregations may appear at these Presbytery meetings seeking to achieve concurrence in the Mission Plan. For the avoidance of doubt this number is in addition to Presbyters’ and that ‘remote internet access be provided for any members of cited congregations to the Presbytery meetings on Mission Planning, in order to maximise accountability and participation in the process. For the avoidance of doubt, beyond the three nominated representatives of each cited congregation, this remote access to the meeting will not open up permission to speak.’
The representatives from Upper Clyde attending the meeting in person, at Motherwell, on behalf of our parish are: Dee Yates, Willie White, Heather Watt, and the Minister. If you have any comments or questions you wish raised, please get in touch with one of them before the meeting on 2 October. 

To this end, if you wish to join in discussion with folk from Upper Clyde, Douglas Valley, and Cairngryffe parishes to reflect on the proposed plan, there will be a meeting online this week. Please get in touch with Nikki, Dee, or Janice, and we can send you the link. 

Sun. 1 Oct. Harvest Festival breakfast and worship service: doors open from 9.30am...
this coming week is our Harvest Festival service - don't forget, the doors will open from 9.30am as we'll begin with a simple harvest breakfast through in the hall.
All are welcome.
The service itself begins at 10.30am. Please do let people know - bring them along!!
Harvest service decoration and foodbank donation drop in: in preparation for our service, the church will be open on Saturday afternoon between 2pm and 3.30pm for decorating, and dropping in items for the harvest display and foodbank.

Sun 24 Sept. 5pm - evening worship: As it's the last Sunday of the month, there will be a service in Leadhills Village Hall at 5pm this evening, which will include a simple communion. All are welcome to come along, and stay for a cuppa and blether thereafter.

Sunday, 17 September 2023

'The fresh air of forgiveness' - Worship Sun 17 Sept

WELCOME to worship. This week's theme is on forgiveness. 

The WORSHIP LINK IS HERE. It should be available from 6pm today subject to any tech glitches!

Church notices follow below...

Clydesdale Food Bank: 
a reminder that over September and leading up to and including our Harvest service on the first of October, we’re gathering items together once again for the Clydesdale foodbank. If you’re able to help in some way, that would be brilliant, and thanks in advance.

Sun 24 Sept - services:
10.30am service - pulpit swap:
 We welcome back Denham Macdougall, who will be covering for Nikki while she's across at Douglas Valley to ordain 2 new elder to the Kirk Session at Douglas. Online worship will follow the same format as when Nikki is on leave: both church notices and several links to other online services will be provided.
5pm service at Leadhills Village Hall - simple service of communion: evening worship will be in the form of communion, picking up on harvest themes.

Sun 1 Oct, 10.30am - Harvest Service: the doors will be flung wide open from 9.30am for a Harvest 'contintental-style' breakfast before we move into the worship space for our service at 10.30am... Details on poster...
Thanks to all who are involved in organising this event. 

Presbytery Draft Plan - 
this arrived on Monday evening. If you would like to see a copy, along with some initial notes, please use the 'contact us' feature, or email, and we can send this to you. In the meantime, I will be updating the presbytery plan page on this blogsite in the near future.

Mon 2 October, 7pm, Motherwell: our congregation is cited to attend a meeting of presbytery in Motherwell on October the 2nd as are all other congregations in the 'south' area of presbytery, this is a meeting regarding the plan. 

Apologies for the delay in getting the service online - it's been a ridiculously busy week!! Whatever this coming week has in store for you, keep on looking out and up to God, who holds us all in the palm of his hands.

God bless,

Sunday, 10 September 2023

Songs of Praise Sunday - Worship 10 Sept

WELCOME to our Songs of Praise service and Guild dedication.
A slightly different style this week, as we enjoy hymns chosen by the congregation, interspersed with readings and short reflections. I hope you find it an encouragement and gives you a lift as you go into this coming week. It is good to praise our God.
notices follow below...

Wed. 13 Sept. 2pm: the Guild meets in the church as we begin a new session. Our guest speaker is Sylvia Russell, who'll be speaking on 'The history of the Clydesdale Horse'. All welcome.

Food Bank month: don’t forget that it’s a food bank month. In church, the box is in the vestibule and you can leave any donations there… and online, you can visit the Clydesdale food bank website, and make a donation that way, should you wish to do so. The link is on the right hand panel of our blog.

Sun. 1 Oct. 10.30am: Harvest Service and breakfast. We’re doing things a little differently in our church service this year… Rather than finishing with a simple harvest lunch, we’re starting with a simple harvest breakfast. The doors will be open from 9.30, serving a continental style breakfast, along with fruit, yoghurt, juice, tea and coffee. Do come along and bring others to share breakfast and blethers, and thereafter, our harvest service from 10.30.

Tues 12 Sept. 11am: funeral of Pam Dunn. It is with sadness that we say our final farewell to our friend, and member, Pam this week. After the service in the church there will be a committal at Holytown Crematorium, and thereafter, a funeral tea at Lanark Golf Club – to which everyone is very welcome to attend. Do please continue to keep Pam’s family in your prayers at this time.

These are all the notices. As you move into a new week, know that you take God's blessing with you.

Sunday, 3 September 2023

'Meals with the Messiah' wk 4: A meal to remember

WELCOME to worship where we end our 4 weeks of 'meals with the Messiah', thinking about the meal Jesus created for his followers. You'll find the WORSHIP LINK HERE and below, a copy of the church notices...

Funeral of Pam Dunn: It's with sadness that I pass on the news of Pam Dunn's death. Her funeral will be held on Tuesday the 12th of September, 11am at the parish church. Please remember her family in your prayers...

September is food bank month
 where we're collecting items to donate to Clydesdale Food Bank and which will be uplifted with our Harvest donations. In church, the box is back in the vestibule to drop items in. Or, you can make a donation online by CLICKING ON THIS LINK Many thanks, in advance for your kindness. 

Sun 10 Sept. 10.30am: Songs of Praise service and Guild Dedication - If you've not yet sent your nominations for hymns for our Songs of Praise service, get them in quick: cut off is 7pm Wed evening.
We'll also be rededicating our Guild as they begin a new session.

Sun 1 Oct. 9.30am: Harvest Service - if you're able to join us in person this week, the doors will be open from 9.30 for a cheerful Harvest breakfast before we move from the hall into the worship space at 10.30 for our Harvest Service. Thanks in advance to our schools, who are preparing to make banners for us, as part of this year's decorations.
The church will be open on Saturday from 2pm-4pm for decorating, and for dropping in of harvest/ food bank items

Sunday, 27 August 2023

'Meals with the Messiah' wk 3: A picnic with Jesus'; Sun 27 Aug.

WELCOME to worship and to week 3 in our 'Meals with the Messiah' series. This week, we're in the great outdoors, on an unexpected picnic with Jesus and a small gathering of around 5 000.

and church notices follow below...

Sun 27 Aug. 5pm: Leadhills worship -
'Table talk' style service where we'll pick up the themes from the feeding of the 5 000, share what our favourite meals are, and ponder scripture while praising God over a cuppa. Come along and join us for this more informal service.
Sun 3 Sept. 10.30am - Communion service
Foodbank Sundays - as this is a communion month, the Sundays in September will also be an opportunity to donate to the great work of Clydesdale Food Bank  👈Just click the link should you wish to make an online donation. Onsite, the food bank box will be in the vestibule for any food or other items over the course of the month.

Sun 10 Sept. 10.30am - Songs of Praise service and Guild dedication. This is your opportunity to nominate your favourite hymns for possible inclusion in worship. Either email, phone, or use the 'contact us' facility to the right of the page to pass along your nominations.

Sun 1 Oct. 10.30am - Harvest Festival. It's time for our annual Harvest Thanksgiving - where we praise God for the harvest. Onsite, after the service, there'll be a simple harvest lunch through in the hall. All welcome! We'll also be looking for willing hands to help with decorating the church and organising lunch - do get in touch if you can lend a hand.

Thurs 7 Sept. 1-3pm - Reminiscence group. This is a joint parishes group that will be starting up on the 7th of September. Meeting at the Douglas Bowling Club, it's the opportunity to share memories, and also pass along stories of local and social history... all over a cuppa. This is open to anyone who'd like to come along for a cuppa and blether.

These are all the notices, so as we move into a new week, may you find this time of worship encouraging and nourishing food for the soul.
God bless


Sunday, 20 August 2023

Meals with the Messiah, wk 2: 'Party invites'- Sun 20 Aug

WELCOME to worship, where, this week, we'll encounter some status-conscious Pharisees and hear about a wedding feast that escalates rather dramatically.

Sun 3 Sept. 10.30: Communion - will be held on Sunday the 3rd of September at the parish church in Abington (our current worship series is very much designed as a lead in to communion) All are welcome for it’s Christ’s table and he is the host, and it is he, who invites us. 

Sundays in September - supporting Clydesdale Food Bank: as September is a communion month, we'll be accepting items for the food bank over the course of the month. The box will be in the vestibule as you come in (or, for online donations, simply click the link on the right hand side of the screen).We'll incorporate these into our Harvest food bank uplift on the first Sunday in October. Thanks in advance for your kindness.

Sun 10 Sept. 10.30: Songs of Praise service & Guild dedication - given we've been learning a few new songs, we'll have the opportunity to have a bit of a hymn-fest with some of our favourites. If you have a favourite, please do let me know by phone, email, or by using the 'contact us' link to the right of your screen. Nominate as many of your favourites as you like, and get them to me by Monday 4th September. I'll then work through the hymn choices until whittled down to 7 hymns... the 8th will be the Guild hymn, as we'll be rededicating the Guild as they begin their new session

Abington Show update: the winner of our 'Guess how many sweets in the jar' competition was Ivor Foley - congrat's Ivor, I'll drop them in at some point during the week!!
We still have a huge stash of mini-Haribo bags - which we were giving away to all who entered our scavenger hunt yesterday at the Show. Please let us know if you'd like some for and small ones you know. Also, a good number will be donated to the food bank, because... it's nice to have treats, no matter what.

That's all the news updated as far as I'm aware, so as you move into a new week,
God bless!


Sunday, 13 August 2023

Worship Sun 13 Aug - 'Meals with the Messiah': wk 1/ 'U' and 'non-U'

WELCOME to worship as we begin a new series exploring 'Meals with the Messiah'. Over these next four weeks we'll be sitting at various meal tables with Jesus - this week, reflecting on the company he keeps and what it might tell us about the Kingdom of Heaven.


Just to flag up that this coming Saturday is the Abington Show. Upper Clyde will be having a wee stall there as part of being church in community, and to flag up our farming chaplaincy work. If you're around, come and say hi to Angela and I. And, just for a bit of fun, there's a scavenger hunt organised, as well as your opportunity to guess (and if correct, win) the number of sweets in a rather large jar. So fun for young and the young at heart.

Thanks to Heather Watt and Elsie Macrae for looking after things while I was away on leave!!

God bless as you move into a new week,

Monday, 24 July 2023

News, updates, general information 24 July-9August


Annual leave - during this period, the minister will be taking annual leave. During this time please contact:
  • For funeral cover - The Rev. Elsie Macrae, minister of the linked charges of St Andrew's Moffat, Kirkpatrick Juxta, and Wamphray on 01683 225159 or at 
  • For general parish queries - Ms Heather Watt on 01899 850211 
For worship - 
  • 30 July - Pulpit supply provided by Mrs Jane Fucella 
  • 6 August - Pulpit supply provided by Mr Denham Macdougall 
online: please visit our friends at -
  • Biggar Parish Church - LINK 
  • Dunfermline Abbey - LINK            
  • Kirkton Parish Church - LINK        
  • Hamilton Old Parish Church - LINK 
Guild Summer Outing - 25 July, to Durisdeer Kirk, followed by refreshments in Thornhill.

'Let's get growing' - for those of you around and about the parish, if you see herbs and various fruit ripening in our growing tubs around the church building, please do take some - it's to be shared as a community resource. The strawberries and raspberries are tasting rather good!! Blackberries just beginning to come in, as I type, and blueberries. There's plenty of parsley, mint, and chives. Help yourself - but don't forget to leave some for others.

Community Outreach Worker leave - please note that Angela Wilson, our Outreach Worker will also be on annual leave during this time, from 27 July to 9 August.

Sunday, 23 July 2023

'On Gratitude' - worship for Sun 23 July

WELCOME to worship...
This week, we finish on a theme of gratitude – and as we do so, we’ll be hearing from psalms 100 and 103.

If you'd like to go straight across to our YouTube site for the service the WORSHIP LINK IS HERE

Meanwhile, below, some church notices...

Minister on annual leave: I'll be on annual leave from Monday the 24th, up to and including Wed. the 9th of August. The following arrangements are in place while I'm off: 

  • For general parish matters, Heather Watt has kindly agreed to be our contact person, so if something comes up, get in touch with her on 01899 850211 
  • For urgent pastoral matters, the Rev. Elsie Macrae from Moffat will be providing cover – 
    01683 225159 or at 
  • Worship: over the next two Sundays onsite, pulpit cover is being provided by Jane Fucella from Biggar, and then, Denham Macdougall from Cairngryffe.
    As to music, this will be provided by Shenna Fox.
    Online, I’ll leave links here in a post that will pop up on Monday 24th to other online services that you might like to visit while I’m off…

Evening worship, Leadhills: please note that we take July off for summer break, so we'll resume again on the last Sunday of August.

Guild outing, 25 July: For all those going on the Guild outing on Tuesday, to Durisdeer – have a lovely time, and do take some photos that we can put up on the blog!

In the meantime, over these next few weeks, a challenge: let's practice some intentional gratitude by finding 3 things at the end of each day that we can give thanks for. Let me know how you get on!
Take care folks, and catch up when I'm back at work.
God bless,


Sunday, 16 July 2023

Worship 16 July 'Waiting'

WELCOME to this week's worship online. We're in week 4 of our 'Psalms for Summer' series; this week 'waiting'. Our psalms of the week are Ps 13 and Ps 40.

Given it's summer, only the one notice - which is a reminder about the Guild outing to Durisdeer Church on the 25th of July. If you're wanting to go, please get in touch with Heather...


Have a good week,
God bless, 

Sunday, 9 July 2023

Worship 9 July: 'Questions'

WELCOME to worship, where we're continuing on with our 'Psalms for the Summer' series. It's week 3, and we're reflecting on Psalm 10 and Psalm 74, and wondering if it's okay to ask God questions...

As to church notices - only the one, which is to flag up the Guild summer outing on the 25th of July to the historic Durisdeer Church. After the tour, we'll head into Thornhill for a spot of lunch. If you'd like to come, and haven't yet been in touch with Heather Watt, do let her know.

In the meantime, have a good week and God bless,

Sunday, 2 July 2023

Worship 2nd July - 'Known'

WELCOME to worship. We're continuing on with our 'Psalms for Summer' series, this week exploring Psalm 139, and thinking about what it is to be known by God, and to be fearfully and wonderfully made.

With school off, and summer now in full swing and various community organisations taking a wee break, there are no church notices this week. 
Take care and have a good week,


Sunday, 25 June 2023

Worship Sun 25 June: 'Earth's crammed with heaven'

WELCOME to worship this week, as we begin a wee sermon series: 'Psalms for the summer'. Today, our theme is 'on creation' as we explore and reflect on Ps 104, a great psalm of praise to our Creator God.
Over these weeks we'll also be adding a new hymn to our repertoire 'Fill thou my life, O Lord my God'... by the end of the series, you should have a handle on it.

and below church notices...

Evening worship -
 today at 5pm at Leadhills Village Hall. This will take the form of a Taizé service. All welcome, and there'll be a cuppa and a chance for a blether after the service. 

Otherwise, hope you find moments to look around at God's creation, and then look up, to God our Creator. 

God bless

Sunday, 18 June 2023

Worship Sun 18 June - 'Jings, crivens, help ma boab!'

WELCOME to worship, where, this week, we'll be thinking about feeling helpless and harassed, sheep and shepherds, lack and abundance, mission and ministry...
the phrase 'jings, crivens, and help ma' boab!' may be used 😊

Due to our community event on Saturday, I'm afraid that our online service will be slightly delayed. I'm hoping it will be up and available by about 6pm, and once it's up, I'll come back and insert the link. My apologies - outwith yesterday, it has been just one of those weeks!!
(Sunday, 4.50pm - And I'm back: just finished editing and formatting - as I type, service is currently uploading. You'll find the WORSHIP LINK HERE and it should be available for 6ish-pm. Thanks for your patience!!)

As to church notices, just the one - concerning Saturday's combined car boot sale and coffee morning.
A massive thanks to everyone who helped - from donations, to setting up, serving, clearing away, baking, and so much else - great teamwork. We raised just over £300 to be shared between Clydesdale foodbank and to go into parish funds for our ongoing work, which is truly fab.

Sunday, 11 June 2023

Worship Sun 11 June - 'Get up'

WELCOME to worship. 
This week, we hear Matthew's brief account of two women, at very different stages in their lives, both in dire situations.
As we hear their stories, we meet the One who will raise them up and restore them. If you'd like a more detailed version of their stories, you can also read them in Mark 5 and Luke 8.
You'll find the WORSHIP LINK IS HERE 

Only the one - which is a reminder that this coming Saturday from 10am-1pm
we'll be hosting our combined car boot sale and coffee morning. 
Please do spread the word and come along.
This is both a fun-raiser and a fundraiser, with proceeds being shared
between Clydesdale Food Bank and the ongoing work of the parish church.
See you there!

Have a great week and enjoy all this sunshine while it lasts
God bless

Sunday, 4 June 2023

Worship Sun 4 June - 'Incomprehensible'

'The hospitality of Abraham' aka 'The Trinity' by Andrei Rublev
WELCOME to our time of worship on this Trinity Sunday. 'Incomprehensible' is our word for the day, as we ponder the God who is One, yet Three... and Three, yet One.
To go directly to the service, CLICK HERE.

Onsite, today is also Communion Sunday, as well as our Annual Stated Meeting.
And, again, just to remind you of our upcoming community event - our combined car boot sale and coffee morning. Details on the poster below. And volunteers to help in all sorts of ways (baking, setting up, serving, clearing away, looking after the tombola stall, etc.) are very welcome. Do get in touch via the 'contact us' link to the left, or by phone or email. Thanks in advance.

Have a good week!
God bless,

Monday, 29 May 2023

Combined car boot sale and coffee morning

our combined

In the run up to our fundraising event, if you're able to help by providing items of baking, donations of goods for the tombola, give of your time to help set up/ put away/ serve on the day...
then we'd love to hear from you.

Together, let's make this both a 'funraiser' and a fundraiser of a community event!

And do, please share this on social media.
Many thanks.


Sunday, 28 May 2023

Worship Sun 28 May: Pentecost

WELCOME to worship - it's Pentecost Sunday and we're remembering the coming of the promised Holy Spirit and celebrating the birthday of the Church.

Notices are copied below... but to go straight across to the service, the WORSHIP LINK IS HERE

Evening worship
 is happening in Leadhills Village hall tonight at 5pm, where we'll be exploring God through sacred art, in what's being called our 'Iconic' service. Curious to find out more? Come along and see... and then stay for a cuppa and a blether afterwards. All welcome.

Sun 4 June 
Communion, 10.30am - our quarterly Communion service will be held onsite in the parish church at Abington. All are welcome to come and share in the meal that Jesus created for his friends.
Annual Stated Meeting - this will be held immediately after our service. A chance to review this last year and to receive the annual accounts. If you're able, please do come along.

Looking ahead
Sat. 17 June, 10am-1pm
 Car boot sale and coffee morning - this will be held at the parish church in Abington. Details below on the poster. If you're able to help by providing baking for the coffee morning, serving, etc. we would so appreciate it. Also, if you've any items you think would be useful to put into a tombola, we'd love to receive them! Thanks in advance....
Monies raised will be shared between Clydesdale Food Bank and Upper Clyde Church.

Sunday, 21 May 2023

Worship Sun 21 May: 'We'll meet again' - Ascension Sunday

WELCOME to worship as we call to mind the ascension of Jesus. We encounter Jesus and the disciples just before he’s taken up to heaven…
It’s a story of mystery.
A story reminding us that, although Jesus is Son of Man, he is also Son of God.

You can go straight to the service over on our YouTube channel by using the WORSHIP LINK HERE.

Or, if you'd like to pause to check the church notices, they're copied below...
John Rudder’s funeral
will be held in the church at 2pm on Tuesday this week, followed by his committal at Leadhills Cemetery. All are welcome to come as we say our farewells to John, and to support his family.

This coming Sunday we celebrate Pentecost. Red is the colour for Pentecost, so why not join in the celebration either onsite or online by wearing something red.
Evening worship will be in Leadhills Village Hall. This month, we're starting the first of our ‘Iconic’ series – where we’ll be exploring God through sacred art.

Further ahead: Sun 4 June - formal Communion: all are welcome to come and share in the meal that Jesus created for his friends.
Also: Annual Stated Meeting will be held after the service, this, to receive our accounts, and give a review of the previous year.

These are all the notices for this week.

As you go into a new week, go gently, and go well, and be blessed.

Sunday, 14 May 2023

Worship - Christian Aid Sunday 2023

WELCOME to our time of worship, on this Christian Aid Sunday. 
If you want to go straight to the service, the  

Church notices are below...

Funeral of John Rudder: for those who've not heard, just to say that our friend, John Rudder has recently died. There’s been a little delay around a date for his funeral but I can confirm that it will now be held in the church on Tuesday the 23rd, at 2pm, and thereafter, his committal will be at 3pm in Leadhills cemetery. If you’re able to come along to the service, I’m sure his family would very much appreciate your support.

 Car boot sale and coffee morning: Looking further ahead: a date for the social diary – a wee community event. We’ll be having a car boot sale and coffee morning on Saturday, the 17th of June from 10am to 1pm. I’ll be getting posters printed shortly for this. If you know of anyone who might like a pitch, Heather Craig will be coordinating that. And, a wee request to our bakers… if you’d be willing to do some baking for this, that would be very much appreciated!! Also, if you happen to have any items you’d be willing to donate towards a tombola, that would be great. As with last time we did this, monies raised will be split between Clydesdale foodbank and the church. 

Have a great week, 
God bless,

Sunday, 7 May 2023

Worship Sun 7 May: 'Living Stones'

WELCOME to worship on this coronation weekend. This week, we'll be exploring the theme of 'living stones' - Christ as the living stone, and the call to us to be his living stones. What might that look like in our everyday lives... and what might the coronation have to do with any of this?


Guild AGM
 - the Guild meets in the church this week, on Wed.  at 2pm for its AGM. All are welcome to come along for this final meeting of the Guild for this session. Refreshments in the hall afterwards.

Christian Aid Sunday - this coming Sunday is Christian Aid Sunday, which we'll be marking with a special service both onsite and online. There'll also be opportunities to donate to this great organisation to help with the work they do on behalf of some of the most vulnerable people at home and abroad.

No other notices this week. As you move into a new week, may you know God walking alongside you.
Until next time, God bless,

Sunday, 30 April 2023

Worship Sun 30 April: Good Shepherd Sunday

WELCOME to worship on this Good Shepherd Sunday – a special time of year, where, in the busyness of the lambing that’s going on all around us in our parish, we pause to reflect on Jesus, our Good Shepherd. 

The church notices are copied below, for ease of reference. 
And to move straight across to our service on YouTube the WORSHIP LINK IS HERE

Several rounds of thanks:

And the first is to say a massive thank you to everyone who helped in some way with Mary Hamilton’s funeral – what a great team you all are, and I’m sure the family felt very supported. I hope you all know just how much I appreciate you all and, given I was away, I’m so very thankful to you all for pitching in.

Last week, we big a fond farewell to our friend, Bill Buchan, who has been with us over these last couple of years providing pulpit cover when I’ve been away. Thanks to Ursula for saying a few words of thanks on behalf of us all, and presenting him with some tokens of our appreciation. And as he winds down, we do wish him well as he takes a very well earned rest from all his labours.

And one more wee note of thanks – and that’s to our small posse of gardeners yesterday, who gave of their time and skills to do some planting around the church building. I’m looking forward to seeing how the trees and plants progress over the rest of the year – and also hoping the deer don’t go ‘yum, dinner!’ 

Looking ahead, I’d like to flag up Christian Aid Sunday – which is on the 14th of May this year. There’ll be the opportunity during the service (onsite) to donate to the great work Christian Aid does – and for those of you who watch online, I’ll include the web address that you can link to, should you wish to make a donation.

Monday, 10 April 2023

News, announcements, and information 10 - 25 April

 Hello everyone, just some info and updates for the period between Mon 10th - Tues 25th April....

The minister will be unavailable from the above time: 

  • For any general parish queries, please get in touch with our Session Clerk, Dr Dee Yates on 01864 504 093.
  • For any urgent pastoral matters, please contact the Rev. Mike Fucella, of Biggar Kirk on 01899 229291 or by email at -
  • Worship cover will be provided onsite by the Rev. Bill Buchan. Online why not use these two weeks as an opportunity to visit some of the following:
    Biggar Parish Church - LINK 
    Dunfermline Abbey - LINK            
    Kirkton Parish Church - LINK        
    Hamilton Old Parish Church - LINK 
Mary Hamilton - Thanks to all who attended the funeral of our church member and friend, Mary Hamilton, on Wed. 12th April - your presence and support was most appreciated by the family. Please do continue to remember Mary's family at this sad time. Thanks, as well, to those who helped with stewarding and parking of cars.

Sat. 29 April, 10am - 'let's get growing' at church - a gardening morning at the church, potting up plants, some wild fruiting trees, and getting some 'incredible edibles' planted to be available for common use. All are welcome to come along - bring a snack, and we'll get the kettle boiled as needed!

The Guild has rescheduled its meeting this month and will now meet for its AGM on Wed. 10th May at 2pm in the church.