Sunday 11 April 2021

Worship Sun 11 April: 'Those who have the faith, have the fun'

It's the first Sunday after Easter Sunday, but the season of Easter continues...
This week, we move from the morning of that first Easter day, into early evening and an upper room filled with puzzled disciples... apart from Thomas who seems to be off getting the messages!
Our time of worship will focus in on our friend, Thomas, and we'll spend a little time reflecting on why his story directly impacts upon us - indeed helps us a great deal, as followers of Jesus from a time many centuries on.
Church notices are below, and our WORSHIP LINK IS HERE to go across to our YouTube channel for our time of online worship. May it be a blessing and an encouragement as you journey in faith.

Church building - don't forget, we are now able to worship in a COVID-compliant way in our church building. Check the tab above ['COVID reopening of church'] to see what you need to do... and the first thing is to book a seat. Meanwhile, online worship will also run parallel for those who can't make it along in person.

Ordination to the eldership of Janice Reid - We're delighted to finally be able to ordain Janice to the eldership and welcome her to membership of the Kirk Session.
In accordance with Church of Scotland regulations, I’m required to read out the following edict
both this week and next week:
‘Janice Reed, member of this congregation, has been elected to be a ruling elder; 
Janice has accepted office as an elder: 
if anyone has any objections why she should not be ordained to office,
they may state their objection at a meeting of the Kirk Session in 
Upper Clyde Church on 18 April, 2021 immediately following worship; 
if no relevant objection regarding life or doctrine is made and substantiated, 
the Kirk Session will proceed to the ordination, which, 
subject to the said objections, will be scheduled for Sunday 25 April, 2021.’

Community Growing project -
And finally, just a reminder about our new project.
Over the course of the pandemic many folk within communities across Scotland found themselves struggling to put food on their table – more and more folk were needing help from food banks.
Although the food parcels themselves are a great help, they tend to be tinned and packaged food,
... no fresh veg.
So, as part of a response to this, the idea of a community growing project was mooted.
We’re kicking it off this year, and keeping it simple to start.
If anyone would like to grow potatoes - some or all of which could then be given away to the Clydesdale food bank, do let us know.
We were successful in getting some funding to provide seed potatoes and a growing sack, plus there’s a limited supply of compost available. 
For those with the space, you can choose to use the grow bag, or just plant in the garden,
and for those with less space, a grow bag doesn’t take up much room.
Our five primary schools have signed up, which is fab, and if you’d like to sign up for a tatties and a grow bag, do get in touch with either me, or Angela our Community Worker – by 18th April.
Angela's details: 07543 796820 or

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