A note from Food Bank:
We are low on all the basics-
dry pasta and rice, tins of soup, beans, spaghetti, carrots, peas, sweetcorn, hot and cold meat meals, pasta meals, fruit, custard, rice, jars of sauce for pasta and rice, instant noodles and savoury pasta and rice, cooking oil, salt, tea, coffee, sugar and biscuits, toiletries and cleaning materials.
Thanks for your generous support of this community project.
Sun 8 Sept:
9am: Prayer group meets this week. All welcome to come along.
Don’t forget to place any prayer requests into the striped box in the vestibule.
10.30am: Morning worship and Guild Dedication
6.30pm: Music & Meditation service at Holy Trinity Chapel, Lamington.
Reintroducing this more contemplative style of worship now that the works
on the Chapel are nearly complete.
In a busy, noisy world, join us as we make space for some quiet reflection...
Sat 14 Sept., 10.30-12pm: ANNUAL CHURCH COFFEE MORNING in Roberton Village Hall.
Make sure to put this great event into your diary, and to tell everyone you know!
If you’d be willing to help via:
providing baking, jams/etc, items for the tombola, be helping hands on the day,
please do let members of the Social Committee know – they’d be delighted to hear from you.
Contact: Janet Telfer 01864 504265
Centenary Poppies Project:
last year we marked the 100th anniversary of the end of WWI by creating a large knitted poppy display.
Nikki would like to gather a small band of volunteers to help detach the poppies
from the display – over a cuppa either a morning or afternoon.
The Centenary poppies will then be available for purchase via donation [min. £1]
and all monies raised will be given to both Help for Heroes and Poppy Scotland.
UPDATE: WE WILL BE MEETING THURS 10.30am in the Church Hall
[there'll be cake!!]
Minister’s day off this week: Monday
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