Thursday, 9 June 2016

UCPC Guild trip to Moniave

A great day out was had by the Guild and friends. We travelled down to Moniave in the Community bus, ably driven by Alison K.  Heading down the Dalveen Pass, when we arrived in Moniave, it was straight to the Stackyard. We met up with Gordon Stewart, and heard about - and saw - his amazing collection of 3 500 jam jars, gathered over many years. His earliest piece dates back to the 1830's, and it was great to see such a diversity of styles and decoration. Having had a good wander through the collection, we then had a gentle daunder over to the Glen Whisk Cafe, where we had a fabulous spread of soup, sandwiches, and selection of fabulous baking. Thereafter, having stopped to look at some glorious blooms, we hopped back on the bus, and headed home by another way - up the Mennock. A great day out, and brilliantly organised!

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