Thursday, 9 July 2015

The Garden Party...

And so the great day dawned. The minister opened one weary eye, noted the dull, grey sky, heard the patter-patter raindrops and went 'aaargh'.  Cheered on by the news that the rain would pass by 11ish and that the afternoon would be warm 'n sunshiney, things began to be moved. The wondrous Social Committee were soon on hand, organising tasks with military precision.
And still it rained.
A couple of judicious decisions were made as to where to relocate the afternoon teas, and games area, and then 2pm rolled in.
The rain, a smirry drizzle, continued.
Heedless of the weather, people began to appear.
Hot dogs [happy Independence Day, USA] were made and eaten, games were played, tombolas ...tombola'ed.  Afternoon teas were happily devoured, the giant Jenga didn't crush anyone when it fell, and in a rare moment of dryness a wee spot of petanque happened.
Great to see so many people turn up despite the weather and lovely to have such a nice buzz about the manse.  In amidst the fun-raising, we also both covered our costs and raised £416.
Huge thanks to all who came along and supported our 1st Garden Party, and very special thanks to the wonderful Social Committee [and friends] who planned and prepared, and made such a success of what had been an off the cuff thought by the minister.
I suspect we'll do it all again in a year's time - perhaps with some gazebos!!
[The rain finally cleared at about 4.15 and the weather was fabulous for the rest of the evening...!]

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