Thursday, 28 November 2024
Christmas newsletter 2024
Sunday, 24 November 2024
'What kind of king?' worship Sun 24 Nov
The WORSHIP LINK IS HERE - sorry it's a little late, as I was in Leadhills for the evening service and only able to process the video once I returned home. It should be available by midnight Sunday.
Church notices
Sat 30 Nov. 1-3pm: an all age Christmas: this, from our friends in Cairngryffe parish. Rosmairi, their Session Clerk asked me to flag up an event they’re having in their church this coming Saturday, the 30th, from 1-3pm. It’s for all ages and it will be an exploration of the Christmas Story, making use of story, crafts, and songs – there’ll also be refreshments to keep you going. So, if you know anyone with small people who might enjoy it, please do pass it on.
Sun 1 Dec, 10.30am Communion: a reminder that this coming Sunday is a Communion service in the parish church – please do pass that on to those you think might like to come along to share in the Lord’s Supper – where all are welcome.
Sunday, 10 November 2024
Remembrance Sunday Worship, 10 Nov, 2024
I'm hoping it should be available from about 7pm [some tech glitches, sorry!].
Notices follow below -
Church notices
Christmas newsletter - What's your favourite Christmas carol and why? Dee and I would be delighted if you'd be happy to share with us, for a wee item in our church newsletter. Please either get in touch via the 'contact us' link to the right side of the page, or call us. Thanks.
Minister on leave - 11-20th Nov.: as part of phasing myself back in to work, I'll be taking this week off just to recharge and regroup, before we all move headlong into Advent and Christmas.
General parish enquiries - While I'm off, Dee Yates and Heather Watt have once again kindly agreed to act as our points of contact, if there are any general parish queries. They can be reached on phone by calling:
Dee - ph. 01864 504093
Heather - ph. 01899 850211
Worship and urgent pastoral matters - Thanks once again to the Rev. George Shand, who will be covering worship onsite on Sun 17th and also providing funeral cover in my absence. George can be contacted at ph. 07765987163 or email -
Sunday, 3 November 2024
'For all the saints' - worship for Sun 3 Nov
We continue to lean into the seasonal time of year, Halloween, aka 'All Saints' and 'All Souls'. Last week, we focused in on one specific 'hero' of the faith. This week, we've a whole list, in among the crowd of great witnesses. Where might we fit, in amongst this particular group? Today is an opportunity to further explore what it is to live in faith as we think of them, and maybe even folk we may know or have known, who’ve helped inspire and encourage us in our own life of faith.
Sun 3 Nov - after worship: a reminder that there'll be a short Session meeting after the service.
Sun 10 Nov - REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY - services will be held around the parish to mark the day.
10.30 in the parish church at Abington, as part of morning worship
11am at the Wanlockhead Memorial
12pm at the Leadhills Memorial
1pm at the Crawford Memorial
Church newsletter: Christmas edition - a mission for you, should you choose to accept it: Dee and Nikki would love for you to get in touch by the end of worship next week to tell us what your favourite Christmas carol is - and why [in just a sentence or three]. We'd like to do a wee feature on this in the newsletter. The newsletter will be both mailed out and uploaded here on the blog site.
In the meantime, have a good week, and blessings as you go about it,