Sunday, 25 February 2024

'Love anyway!' Worship for Sun 25 Feb - Lent 2

Welcome to this week's time of worship where today, we go right back to the heart of the gospel - love. We're reflecting on Jesus' command to love...even our enemies. How do we do that? Well, Jesus gives us some guidance.

Notices follow below... 

40 for 40 Lent Foodbank challenge: 
a reminder about our ’40 for 40’ Lent challenge – 40 days of Lent as an opportunity to gather at least 40 items to donate to the food bank… and, as I said last week, if there’s more, I don’t think the food bank will send any back! Alongside basic provisions, given I’ll be getting the donated items to Ben from the food bank for distribution just before Easter, if some of you were minded to make a donation of Easter eggs for folk using the food bank who have children but who would otherwise not be able to afford a wee treat that would be very kind. 

Concert in Moffat - Bruce Davies: I had an email from the Rev. Elsie Macrae next door in Moffat this week – asking if I’d let folk know about a concert that they’re having in their church building on Sunday the 3rd of March at 2pm – It will be a performance by Scottish singer/ songwriter Bruce Davies. Tickets are £5. 

Sun 3 March, 10:30 worship - COMMUNION: we’ll be sharing together in the first of our quarterly communion services for the year. Please do let folk know and, if you know of anyone who would appreciate a home communion visit with an elder and myself, please let me or Dee Yates know. And, all are welcome to come and share in the Lord’s Supper, for he is the host, and we, his guests.

Sun 25 Feb, 5pm - Evening worship: A reminder that our evening services begin again for the year, up in Leadhills Village Hall. Worship is at 5pm this evening, and we’ll be gathering around a table to share in a very simple communion service, accompanied with the music of the Taizé Community. All are welcome to come along, and there’ll be tea and coffee after our time of worship

Easter Newsletter - the deadline for any items is by the evening of Friday, 1 March. If you have any items you would like to include - such as sharing a favourite Easter poem, or memory, or a particular hymn and why it's a favourite... or even a seasonal cartoon, please get in touch with either Dee or myself (Nikki).

And so we continue on through Lent, moving closer to Holy Week and the Cross. As we think of Jesus' command to love - even our enemies - how might we take on that challenge as we go out into a new week?
May you know God beside you this week,

God bless,


Sunday, 18 February 2024

'I give up!' Worship for Sun 18 Feb - 1st Sun of Lent

Welcome  to worship on this first Sunday in the season of Lent – those weeks that will lead us to Holy Week and Easter…and so we follow in Jesus’ footsteps to Jerusalem and begin with Jesus preparing for that journey by travelling into the wilderness… 

To access our service, click on the LINK HERE to take you to our YouTube channel.
Notices follow below...

Church notices:
'40 for 40' foodbank challenge:
 for those of you minded to take something on over Lent, let's take on supporting our food bank over these next weeks. On site, I’ve put the food bank box in the vestibule, where it will remain until after worship on Palm Sunday. If, over these next weeks, you had items to donate that would help folk in our local communities, that would be great – I was wondering if we could manage to gather at least 40 items – to symbolise the 40 days of Lent – though, of course, if we end up with more, well, that would be excellent! Also, thinking that these items will be delivered during the week before Easter, if any of you were minded to donate some Easter eggs for little ones, for families who just have no money for treats that would be very kind indeed. For those of you unable to get to the church building, either drop them to me in the manse, or, let me know, and I can collect them from you at some point. Alternatively, you can make a donation online by clicking on THIS LINK. Thanks, as ever for your support.

Funeral for Kit McKendrick: Kit's funeral will be held in the church at 1pm on Thursday this week. Thereafter, we gather at Elvanfoot Cemetery for her committal, c.1.45pm. The funeral tea will be held in the Masonic Hall, Abington.

As we move into this season of Lent, a blessing to you on your journey.

God bless,

Sunday, 11 February 2024

'Do something wonderful, people may imitate it.' - worship Sun 11 Feb

Welcome to our online service of worship this week where we'll be reflecting upon a very large picnic...


Huge apologies - the video didn't upload for some reason last night. It should be available from about 2pm this afternoon! (Sunday 11th)

Pancake Sunday: on site, this week, we begin at 9.30am for a pancake breakfast. So I'd like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who helped to make this event possible - what a fab way to prepare for the season of Lent.

Lent books: for those of you who’ve put in an order, the books have arrived. I’ll try to drop them in to you by Wednesday.

Lent challenge:
 Using the number 40 for the 40 days of Lent, I wonder if some of you might be rise to the challenge of individually and together collecting pasta and tins of soup, so that by the time we reach Palm Sunday, we have at least 40 items ready to take to the food bank? For those at home wanting to do this over the weeks of Lent, do as you're able, and let me know - I'm happy to do a pick up when the time comes. Given Easter will be approaching, alternately, you might like to donate some Easter eggs for food bank users who have children - treats which those below the breadline can't really afford. Alternatively you can make a donation online to Clydesdale Food Bank by clicking on the FOOD BANK LINK HERE. 
Thanks everyone.

Funeral of Kit McKendrick: Some sad news to report: if you’ve not heard, Kit McKendrick died this last week. Her funeral will be on Thursday the 22nd at 1pm in the parish church, followed thereafter, by a graveside committal at Elvanfoot Cemetery. Please do let folk who might want to attend, know. 

Guild meeting: Wed 2pm. The Guild will be meeting this week through in the church hall and our guest speaker will be Anne Mackie from Riding for the Disabled. If you’re able to come along, it would be great to see you. 

As we move into the season of Lent, may your spiritual journey be a blessed one.

Have a good week,
God bless,


Sunday, 4 February 2024

'When the storms of life are raging': worship 4th Feb. 2024

WELCOME to our weekly online worship - I hope you find it a time of encouragement and spiritual nourishment. To access the service the WORSHIP LINK IS HERE 

Notices follow below...

Sun 11 Feb.: Pancake Sunday service -
to help get us ready to enter the season of Lent, we'll be having a pancake breakfast before the morning service, through in the church hall. If you're able, do come along - bring some friends, as all are welcome. The doors to the church hall will open for 9.30, and after breakfast, the service will begin through in the worship space at 10.30am.

2024 Lent Book: Lent is a time for giving up or taking on, and this year, if you'd like to take on a Lent challenge, why not join in reading 'Loving my Neighbour' over the course of the season to help you on the spiritual journey?  The book costs £9.99 and is broken into weekly sections which have daily reflections for you to either start or end your day, or read over lunch, or whenever best suits your routine. If you’d like me to order you a copy, let me know by tomorrow evening (Mon 5th) and I can order a copy in time to give to you next Sunday before Lent begins.

Thurs. 8th Feb. 7pm: Kirk Session - a reminder to members of the Session that we have a meeting at 7pm on Thursday this week. Minutes and an agenda will be with you shortly.

God bless and have a good week.