Notices follow below...
40 for 40 Lent Foodbank challenge: a reminder about our ’40 for 40’ Lent challenge – 40 days of Lent as an opportunity to gather at least 40 items to donate to the food bank… and, as I said last week, if there’s more, I don’t think the food bank will send any back! Alongside basic provisions, given I’ll be getting the donated items to Ben from the food bank for distribution just before Easter, if some of you were minded to make a donation of Easter eggs for folk using the food bank who have children but who would otherwise not be able to afford a wee treat that would be very kind.
Sun 3 March, 10:30 worship - COMMUNION: we’ll be sharing together in the first of our quarterly communion services for the year. Please do let folk know and, if you know of anyone who would appreciate a home communion visit with an elder and myself, please let me or Dee Yates know. And, all are welcome to come and share in the Lord’s Supper, for he is the host, and we, his guests.
Sun 25 Feb, 5pm - Evening worship: A reminder that our evening services begin again for the year, up in Leadhills Village Hall. Worship is at 5pm this evening, and we’ll be gathering around a table to share in a very simple communion service, accompanied with the music of the Taizé Community. All are welcome to come along, and there’ll be tea and coffee after our time of worship
Easter Newsletter - the deadline for any items is by the evening of Friday, 1 March. If you have any items you would like to include - such as sharing a favourite Easter poem, or memory, or a particular hymn and why it's a favourite... or even a seasonal cartoon, please get in touch with either Dee or myself (Nikki).
And so we continue on through Lent, moving closer to Holy Week and the Cross. As we think of Jesus' command to love - even our enemies - how might we take on that challenge as we go out into a new week?
May you know God beside you this week,
God bless,