WELCOME to worship...
This week, we finish on a theme of gratitude – and as we do so, we’ll be hearing from psalms 100 and 103.
If you'd like to go straight across to our YouTube site for the service the WORSHIP LINK IS HERE
Meanwhile, below, some church notices...
Minister on annual leave: I'll be on annual leave from Monday the 24th, up to and including Wed. the 9th of August. The following arrangements are in place while I'm off:
- For general parish matters, Heather Watt has kindly agreed to be our contact person, so if something comes up, get in touch with her on 01899 850211
- For urgent pastoral matters, the Rev. Elsie Macrae from Moffat will be providing cover –
01683 225159 or at elsie.macrae@churchofscotland.org.uk - Worship: over the next two Sundays onsite, pulpit cover is being provided by Jane Fucella from Biggar, and then, Denham Macdougall from Cairngryffe.
As to music, this will be provided by Shenna Fox.
Online, I’ll leave links here in a post that will pop up on Monday 24th to other online services that you might like to visit while I’m off…
Evening worship, Leadhills: please note that we take July off for summer break, so we'll resume again on the last Sunday of August.
Guild outing, 25 July: For all those going on the Guild outing on Tuesday, to Durisdeer – have a lovely time, and do take some photos that we can put up on the blog!
In the meantime, over these next few weeks, a challenge: let's practice some intentional gratitude by finding 3 things at the end of each day that we can give thanks for. Let me know how you get on!
Take care folks, and catch up when I'm back at work.
God bless,