This week, instead of a parable, we have tax collector, take 2, as we meet a man named Zacchaeus, and hear of his encounter with Jesus – and, there may just be a little tree climbing involved!
I'll be filming the sermon within the Sunday morning service, and will upload it online later in the day. UPDATE:
The service is now available... WORSHIP LINK HERE
Bereavement support group: a reminder that this coming week, our bereavement support group meets at 1.30pm on Thursday in the Abington Community Hub. If you, or someone you know might find this helpful, come along. Tea and coffee will be available, as well as resource books to borrow, and just a space where you can talk, or just be. All are welcome to use this time as they need.
Christmas newsletter: It’s that time of year for preparing the parish Christmas newsletter. If you’ve any Advent or Christmas related items that you think would be suitable to share, do please let Dee, our editor know. The deadline for items will be 1pm Sunday the 14th of November – Remembrance Sunday.
God bless,