Sunday, 30 August 2020

Worship, Sun 30 August: 'What's in a name?'

Hello and welcome to worship with Upper Clyde Parish.

As ever, it is good - no matter where or when - to join together and worship the One who knows us,
who names us, and who calls us.

Last week, we spent time reflecting on the identity of Jesus: people from the lofty heights of power,
through to the lowly crofts of farmers where filled with speculation, wondering just who Jesus was.
'Who do the people say I am?' asked Jesus of his disciples, with a follow up question that he still
asks of us today: 'who do you say I am?'
This time, in worship, we'll be transported back to the time of Moses, where, identity and names
are also in the frame. Moses, on the mountain, shepherding his father-in-law's flock, has an 
unexpected encounter with the God of his ancestors - with a mysterious burning bush that is not
consumed that gets his attention. This One, whose voice comes from the strange bush, knows exactly
who Moses is, and calls him to return to Egypt, and to his own people... to be used of God to rescue
them from captivity. And when Moses asks: 'Who shall I say sent me?' God reveals his name...

Some church news:
Argh! We are so close to being able to open - poised and at the ready... but, we've a wee delay as
we're just waiting upon the electrician's report, which we need to send to presbytery. We're also
waiting on the fire safety chap to do his inspection... so, the best laid plans, as they say.
Given this, my hope is that these two wee things will be sorted this week, and that I'll have some
happier news to report this coming week. I am now hoping for the building to open - subject to these
two matters - on the second Sunday in September. Once I know for sure, I'll ask the elders, and other
members to be in contact, to spread the word.

September is normally a month in which we drop donations of food and other items into our box
at the vestibule over each of the Sundays. Given the effects of lockdown - with redundancies, 
job losses, and the drying up of freelance work... there's been an increase in demand for the services
of Clydesdale Foodbank. If you're able to help, feel free to drop items off at the manse, or you can
make a direct monetary donation by CLICKING ON THIS FOODBANK LINK.
Thanks in advance.

For those of you with younger members in the house, here's the ALL-AGE RESOURCE LINK for
family-friendly worship resources to access.
And, for those of you who'd like to delve a little deeper into this week's readings, if you click on the
above link, you'll find a bible study link you can access.

And, as we move into worship, you'll find the LINK TO WORSHIP HERE
Let's worship God!

Saturday, 22 August 2020

Worship/ Sunday 23 August: 'Identity issues'

'Who do you say I am?'
'Who do you say I am?'

Hello and welcome to our worship online - whether you're a first time visitor, or a frequent flyer,
thanks for joining us, as we gather from our different places, united in our calling as God's people,
united in our calling to worship the One who has loved us since before time began.

Today we're thinking about identity - in particular, reflecting on two questions Jesus posed to his
'Who do the people say I am?'
'Who do you say I am?'
To that, we'll be adding a third question, so, tune in and see what that might be.

A quick update on the building and opening:
we've had a slight delay with getting the electrical check finished - our electrician has been, but
will be coming back again to finish on Thursday this week. Once he's done, I can let presbytery know,
and hopefully, we'll then get the okay to have the building open ... and we're still hoping for the first
Sunday of September... Once it's been confirmed by presbytery, I'll spread the word!

In the meantime, for those of you with all-ages in your household here's the link to age-appropriate
worship resources:
and for those of you who'd like to engage with the readings a little more over the week, there's
the opportunity for a little bible study here:

I hope you enjoy this time of worship, that it gives for thought and for the soul, and that you refreshed
and recharged in faith to move into a new week.
And, HERE'S THE WORSHIP LINK to our YouTube channel.

Have a good week and may you know God's blessing as you go about all you do.

Sunday, 16 August 2020

Worship/ Sun 16 August: A crumb of mercy...

Hello and welcome to Upper Clyde Parish worship.
In this strange time, it's good that technology can come into its own and that worship can still be
offered. Though individually in our houses, yet, we're still one in Christ.

Our theme for worship centres around mercy, as we hear and reflect upon Jesus' meeting
with someone very different to himself: alien, foreign, who asks for mercy... just a crumb
of mercy for her daughter to be made well...

No building updates as yet, but soon.
In the meantime, if you're joining in worship and you have smaller folk in the house, 
do feel free to click on THIS ALL-AGE RESOURCES LINK where you'll be able to 
download material that fits in with our reading.

Within our time of worship, the subject of asylum seekers will be mentioned - very much in
the news at the moment. If you would like to help those who support and care for refugees
you can do so by clicking on this SCOTTISH REFUGEE COUNCIL LINK which will take you to 
their website, and where you can find practical ways to help.

And finally, here is our WORSHIP LINK which will take you across to our YouTube channel
so you can access this week's service.

Sunday, 9 August 2020

Worship Sun 9 Aug: 'That sinking feeling'

Welcome to online worship with Upper Clyde Parish....
As regular blog visitors and online worshippers might know, I've been away on annual leave for a few weeks, and while holiday was lovely, it really is good to be back.  It's great to gather from our many different places and join in worshipping the One who is most worthy of our praise, and who calls us from wherever we are to be his community of faith, a family joined together, not necessarily by ties of blood, but through God's Spirit.

In our time of worship, we’ll be reflecting on how that faith journey involves – for one particular follower of Jesus – getting his feet a little bit wet as Jesus’ call to follow leaves him, quite literally, all at sea...

Before we move into worship, just one major matter to flag up:
And that’s the ongoing preparations for the opening of the church for gathered – socially distanced – worship... (and ‘socially-distanced’ worship feels like such a contradictory phrase)... but these are the times we’re currently living in.
Preparations are ongoing, and we hope to be able to open the church building once again from the 1st Sunday in September. Now, this is subject to all our preparations being in place and that what we've done is not only compliant with Government regulations, but also meets with presbytery approval.
We're very nearly - hopefully - there: we just need to get all our signage in place and have a visit from the electrician to do a thorough safety check... thereafter, we should be good to go.
Once presbytery has given its approval,  more concrete information will be forthcoming which we hope to get out to those in the parish by a combination of ways – both online and otherwise – so keep your eyes and ears peeled.

The only other matter to bring to your attention is the link for family-friendly, all-age resources to go along with our worship service. The ALL-AGE RESOURCE LINK IS HERE.

I hope you enjoy this time of worship and that it encourages and refreshes, and recharges you in your faith journey.
You'll find our YouTube channel WORSHIP LINK HERE

As you go into this coming week, may you know God's blessing each and every day.