Church notices follow...
Communion - As today is a Communion Sunday in the parish church, just a reminder to those living within the parish who are unable to attend, that home communion is available on request. Please do let Nikki or Dee know if you would like us to 'extend the aisle' and share communion with you at home, we'd be very happy to help.
Church newsletter: We are now in the process of preparing out Easter newsletter. If you would like to contribute any items for inclusion, please do get in touch with Dee or myself. If you don't have Dee's details, just use the 'contact us' facility to the right of our blog page, to get in touch.
Fri. 7 March -
11am - Funeral of Jean Carrick in the parish church, followed by graveside committal at Lamington Cemetery. Do please keep the family in your prayers at this time.
2pm - World Day of Prayer - the combined Guilds of Upper Clyde, Rigside, and Cairngryffe will meet together at Cairngryffe Parish Church for the annual World Day of Prayer. Refreshments will be provided after worship.
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