journey to Jerusalem with Jesus; starting that journey in the wilderness. Traditionally a time of spiritual ‘decluttering’ or a spring cleaning for the soul, as we travel through these next weeks, what might we hear God saying to us?
(and will hopefully be active from about 6pm)
Church notices:
Clydesdale Foodbank over Lent: As this is a communion month, and also the beginning of the season of Lent, let’s get back into the practice of gathering items over these next Sundays – and extend the time through to Palm Sunday. You might even want to take this on as your lent practice. For the moment, just leave items on the table as you come in to the vestibule and we can put them in a suitable container when we need to. For those of you online, THIS LINK will take you to the foodbank website, and if you wish, you can make a donation online for their ongoing work.
Tues. 11 March, 7pm: Kirk Session A reminder to elders that we have a meeting of Session on Tuesday evening at 7pm and I’ll be getting an email out with details later today to session members.
Parish newsletter: a reminder about the deadline for our parish newsletter, which is Sunday evening the 16th – next Sunday. If you’ve any items you’d like included, please do get in touch with Dee or myself and thanks in advance. Also, we’d really appreciate any feedback on the newsletter – what would you like to see included, or dropped… is the current format working for you… or not? Are there any particular ways it could be more helpful? Do let us know!
As you begin your Lenten journey, may you know God walking alongside you.
God bless,