Sunday 7 July 2024

'Of crumbs and Canaanites' - worship for Sun 7 July

Welcome to our time of worship today.
Last week we spent time reflecting on a conversation between Jesus and a Samaritan woman as they talked of ‘living water’. This week, in worship, we’ll be picking up on another conversation Jesus has – this time, with a Canaanite woman, who asks for his help. In the course of the meeting, an insight from the woman just possibly expands Jesus’ own thinking on a particular matter.

The WORSHIP LINK IS HERE and the service will hopefully be available from 7pm onwards.

Church notices/
Just the one, which is to note that the food bank box has now been uplifted. Thanks for all the kind donations. We'll be collecting once again over the month of September and first Sunday of October (which will be the Harvest service).

Have a good week and God bless,


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