Wednesday 6 March 2019

Food for the journey: mid-week, bite-sized spiritual nourishment

Today - Ash Wednesday -
marks the official beginning of the season of Lent -
a time for spiritual 'decluttering',
a time for reorienting ourselves toward God,
a time for journeying with Jesus
on the road to Jerusalem -
to cheers and 'hosanna's!',
to jeers and 'crucify him!',
through to fear and wonder and 'He is risen!'

A short service to mark Ash Wednesday will be held this evening 
in the church at Abington, at 6.30pm...

As we begin this time of reflecting, refocusing, and journeying, a blessing for the road ahead:

Remember that you are dust 
and to dust you shall return.
Let the memory of your incomplete humanity awaken you 
to the wonders, joys, sorrows, and pain of life.
Let the ashes you wear be the ashes of transformation;
of awakening to the beauty and love of seizing the moment and living it to the fullest.
Let it be said of you that here in this little part of eternity 
you lived fully, loved extravagantly,
and helped humanity evolve into all that God dreamed we can be.
Remember that you are dust 
and to dust you shall return -
made of the stuff of the stars;
fearfully and wonderfully made 
in the image of the One who is was and ever more shall be: 
Creator, Christ and Spirit. 

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