Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Sunday preview: the difference a cow makes - Christian Aid Week 2015

Meet Adi and the cow that's changed her life.  Theirs is a story about why you should support Christian Aid Week this year and get behind the hundreds of women just like Adi.  It's a story of hope, action, and changing the world!

We'll be hearing more of Adi's story this Sunday during worship, at 10.30am, UCPC, Abington,
and we'll be having a special collection to support the work of Christian Aid.
Come and join us!

Our readings this week are:
1 John 5:1-6
John 15:9-12
Vines, branches, and abiding - having looked at remaining connected to Jesus the vine, this week, we explore how we look after one another as branches connected to the vine.  We link this into the great work that Christian Aid does for those who live in, and are affected by, poverty.

For other ways you can support the work of Christian Aid, click on this link to take you to their page.
In the meantime, here's the Christian Aid prayer for this year:
Let your hand rest upon your people of Ethiopia - 
widows and orphans, aged and children, strangers and wanderers -
and join us also with them.
Protect and strengthen us,
from all evil works keep us apart,
and in all good works unite us.
You are life for our souls.
You are the life of the world.

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