Sunday, 23 February 2025

'Jesus is my superhero' - worship for Sun 23 Feb

Welcome to worship this week. Over these last weeks we've been exploring various aspects of Jesus. We began with Jesus the boy, moved to Jesus the storyteller, and this week, it’s wonder-working Jesus – as we hear two different accounts from Mark’s gospel, of Jesus demonstrating his power.


Jean Carrick:
Some sad news to share. If you’ve not yet heard, Jean Carrick died on Monday. Please keep Jimmy and the family in your prayers at this difficult time. Jean’s funeral will be on Friday the 7th of March, at 11am, here in the parish church, followed by a committal at Lamington Cemetery.

Evening worship: a reminder that evening worship will begin again on the last Sunday of March, and not this evening. So, if you turn up to Leadhills hall at 5 this evening you’ll be having a rather quiet time of it!

Quarterly Communion: this coming Sunday, the 3rd of March, will be a service of Communion, on site. Please do let anyone know, who you think would like to come along, and remember, that all are welcome, for it is the table of the Lord, and he invites us to come and share and remember.

As you go out into a new week, may you know God's presence with you each step of the way.

God bless

Sunday, 16 February 2025

'Whoever has ears' - worship, Sun 16 Feb

WELCOME to worship. Today, two stories within two stories - reminding us that as God spoke the world into being through Jesus, the Word, we are a people of story. So this week, we reflect on God's story, our story, and our place within God's story.

Evening worship update:
 Just to note that our season of evening worship services will begin from the last Sunday of March. There will be no evening service this coming Sunday.

Cluster meeting, Wed. 19th at 7pm: our next cluster meeting is upcoming, and congregational rep's for this will be Willie White and Nikki Macdonald. If you have any questions that you would like us to raise, please do get in touch.

Thank you: Given the 'swimming pool' in the church halls just over a week ago now, on behalf of the congregation, and by way of a big 'thank you', I popped in on Sara, our church cleaner on Friday with a bunch of flowers. I'm sure we're all grateful for both her quick thinking, and all of her clean up efforts!!

Sunday, 9 February 2025

'The Source' - worship Sun 9 Feb

Welcome to this week's time of worship where we'll spend some time thinking about that one tantalising story of Jesus, between birth and baptism as an adult at the beginning of his ministry. How might this story of the young Jesus help us navigate our way in a topsy-turvy 21st century?

The WORSHIP LINK IS HERE and the service should be available from around 5.30pm today.

Church notices:
Thanks - to everyone who helped with lifts last week, for our road trip to worship with our friends at Cairngryffe Church, for the visit of the Moderator. It was a lovely service and great to catch up with folk over refreshments afterward.
Boiler - a huge thank you to Sara, our excellent and very diligent church cleaner, who went above and beyond on Thursday, having come into the building to a new 'swimming pool' in the hallway by the boiler - a small part had either worn or snapped, causing water to leak. Her industrial wet 'n dry vac really came into its own! Thanks also to Willie, our ever-reliable property convenor, who jumped in his car after a quick phone call and who managed to stop the leak. 
Tues 11, 7pm - Kirk Session meets via zoom - I suspect the boiler will enter into some of our discussions!! 

Boilers notwithstanding, have a great week, 

God bless

Sunday, 2 February 2025

'Road Trip' - worship with the Moderator, Sun 2 Feb at Cairngryffe Parish

Welcome to worship in which Upper Clyde went on a wee road trip to join with our friends at Cairngryffe Parish Church, as they welcomed the Moderator of the Church of Scotland, the Rt Rev. Dr Shaw Paterson. It was a lovely service - beyond the Mod. and the refreshments after worship, I confess to be very impressed by the heated pews - apparently a 'mod-con' installed in 1962, and still working brilliantly over 60 years later. Given we were elsewhere for our time of worship, and that Cairngryffe, like ourselves, don't have the facilities to provide live streaming for worship, I was permitted to film the Moderator's sermon, and also recorded his blessing at the end of the service.
The readings chosen as the basis for his sermon were
Jeremiah 1:4-10 and Luke 4:21-30. 

The video is a little rough and ready, so do bear with it! Hope you find his sermon an encouragement.

The WORSHIP LINK IS HERE and should be available from around 4.30pm Sunday afternoon.

The only notice to flag up is to note that there will be a meeting of Session on Tuesday the 11th of February at 7pm, but I'll note this again next week. The main area of discussion will focus upon our Southern Ministries cluster, and potential Union. We'll also begin to prepare for the upcoming annual attestation of records by Presbytery, and appoint/ reappoint office holders.

As you move into and through the week, go, knowing yourselves beloved, and blessed by God, this day and always!
