Sunday, 25 December 2022
Worship - Christmas Day 2022
Just the one wee notice, which is about worship this coming Sunday - New Year's Day: due to the way the calendar falls this year, it will be the last opportunity for carol singing - so, while we're still in Christmastide, our service next week will take the form of a traditional Lessons and Carols service....
But, in the meantime, we've a little matter of celebrating Jesus' birthday - let's worship the God who is with us and for us - and may you know the hope, peace, joy, and love of this season.
Christmas blessings
Sunday, 18 December 2022
Worship Sun 18 Dec, 4 Advent: 'Joseph, in love...'
Notices are below...
And you'll find the WORSHIP LINK HERE.
Evening worship, 5pm, Leadhills Village Hall. Join us for some Christmassy worship this evening, followed by a cuppa and blether... but wait! There's more.
At 7.30pm Community carols in the hall with the Leadhills Silver Band - Scotland's highest carol service...
It’s all happening in the Lowther hills this evening, and if you can make it, do come along!
Christmas and New Year worship arrangements...
Christmas day service, 10.30 in the church building - an all-age friendly wee time of worship as, together, we tell the Christmas story, gathered 'round the stable. Wear your favourite Christmas jumper.
Alternate online arrangements for those watching at home...
New Year's Day service, 10.30 in the church building - a service of lessons and carols, and the chance to sing those carols one last time.
These are all the notices for this week, so, as you move into this Christmas week, may God be your guide, and love be your way,
God bless,
Saturday, 10 December 2022
Worship Sun 11 Dec, 3rd of Advent: 'Rejoice!'
Hello – and welcome! It's the 3rd Sunday of Advent and today, we're all about joy!
Notices are copied below, and for those of you who would prefer to go straight to the service across on youtube, the WORSHIP LINK IS HERE
Guild - the Guild meets in the church this week on Wednesday at 2pm. Our speaker is fellow member and friend, Fiona Foley who, as many of you will know is a very talented stained glass artist. All are welcome to come along...
Food bank - we’re doing a special Food bank collection for folk who are just struggling a wee bit this year – I’ll uplift the box in the vestibule after worship this coming Sunday. Alternatively, you can make a donation online - the link is to the right of the screen under 'links'. Thank you in advance for your donations and kindness in helping others have a little joy this Christmas.
Evening worship - will be held Sun 18th at 5pm in Leadhills Village Hall, with a Christmassy feel. After worship and a cuppa, the Leadhills Silver Band will be giving a Christmas Carol concert at 7.30pm.
Memory tree - our memory tree is now back up in the church over these next few weeks up to and including the 1st of January. For those unfamiliar with this, a little background...
It became a practice of ours in the years before lockdown to bring this tree out and place it by the pulpit. The purpose of the tree is that it can be used as a wee way of remembering and honouring those in our lives who we’ve lost, those who we miss, those who will be absent from the table at Christmas... even tho they’re no longer with us – for whatever reason – they are still with us in the memories we hold, and their place in our hearts. By the tree is a box of mini blue baubles. If you wish to remember someone, simply place a bauble of your choosing on the tree. Over these next few weeks, these wee baubles will be a quiet way of remembering. For those of you outwith the parish, if you would like someone remembered, please do get in touch via the 'contact us' facility to the right of the page here, and we would be most happy to place a bauble on the tree for you.
Tidings of comfort and joy service - sadly, due to the weather, this service was cancelled yesterday. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Have a good week everyone, and keep an eye on the ice out there!
Stay safe and until next time, God bless,
Sunday, 4 December 2022
Worship Sun 4 Dec - 2 Advent: 'A little child...'
welcome to worship on this 2nd Sunday of Advent –
where we listen to the voices of the prophets,
pointing to the Messiah, and calling God’s people to prepare....
The traditional theme for this Sunday is ‘peace’, so we’ll be picking up on that throughout this time together.
Today is also a Communion Sunday onsite - if you're watching the service from within the parish, and would like a home communion
do, please get in touch, as I'd be more than happy to accommodate!
If you'd prefer to skip reading the notices below, the LINK TO WORSHIP IS HERE.
Food bank: Over these next two Sundays, the food bank donations box is in the vestibule –
or you can access the website to make a donation online by our link on the right hand side of the page.
Bereavement support group: meets on Thursday, 1.30 at the Abington Community Hub –
if you, or someone you know would like a quiet, friendly space, where you can talk, or borrow helpful books, do come along, and pass this information along.
Special service: 'Tidings of comfort and joy' - Saturday at 2pm, in the parish church. A gentle, reflective service for those who struggle a little at this time of year. Again, if you know of someone who might find this service helpful, do let them know.
Parish newsletter: our Christmas edition is out and in the post. Please do bear with me as I organise uploading a copy here on the blogsite!!
Kirk Session: meets via zoom on Thursday this week, at 7pm. A link will be sent out on Wednesday.
These are all our notices. Have a good week as you move further along your Advent journey,
and until next time...
God bless,
Sunday, 27 November 2022
Worship Sun 27 Nov - 1 Advent
Welcome to worship on this 1st Sunday of Advent.
It's the season that focuses upon the coming of light into the world - the birth of Jesus, the promised deliverer. It's a time of making ready, busyness, bustle, and... waiting. However you mark these following weeks that lead us into Christmas, may you know walking close beside you, and feel the light shining in these dark days of winter.
If you'd rather skip the church notices (below) and go straight across to the service, you'll find the WORSHIP LINK HERE
Evening worship, Sun 27 5pm, Leadhills. A reminder that we have worship this evening, at Leadhills Village Hall which will be a very gentle Taize style of worship. Everyone is very welcome to come along, and there’ll be the usual chance for a cuppa and a natter after worship.
Communion, Sun 4 Dec. 10.30am at the parish church in Abington: This coming Sunday, will be a service of Communion. Remembering that it is Jesus who is the host, all are welcome to join as we share this time together. Please do pass this along to friends and neighbours who you know would like to attend.
Parish newsletter: the parish newsletter is back from the printers and our newsletter elves are busy getting these into envelopes for posting. If you don’t already receive one, and would like a copy, let us know and we can add you to the mailing list – or, you can access it online through our website, once I’ve put it up!
Just a wee note about Angela, our community worker - she is on the mend, very slowly, and is beginning a very gentle phased return back to work. Please do keep her in your prayers as she recuperates.
Until next week, God bless and keep you
Sunday, 13 November 2022
Worship Sun 13 Nov. - Remembrance Sunday
Remembrance Services within the parish -
10.30am - in the parish church, Abington
11am - at Wanlockhead Memorial
12pm - at Leadhills Memorial
1pm - at Crawford Memorial
Annual leave: the minister will be using up the last of her annual leave from Mon 14-Wed 23 November. Arrangements are as follows:
Worship -
Onsite, worship will be provided by the Rev Bill Buchan, with the Rev. Susan Cowall accompanying on organ. Online, you might like to explore the following:
Biggar Parish Church - LINK
Dunfermline Abbey - LINK
Kirkton Parish Church - LINK
Parishes of Upper Tweed - LINK
Pastoral cover... Urgent pastoral care will be covered by the Rev Mike Fucella
of Biggar Kirk - 01899 229291.
General queries... please contact Dee Yates, our Session Clerk on 01864 504093
Parish Christmas newsletter/ A reminder that the deadline for all items is for 1pm today. If you have any items still to come in... you know what to do!!
Sunday, 6 November 2022
Worship Sun 6 Nov: 'Whose wife is this, anyway?'
Christmas newsletter: the Christmas edition of our parish newsletter is in process – if you’ve any items you’d like to include, please let Dee – our editor – or myself know. The deadline for submission is 1pm on the 14th – this coming Sunday. If you're not sure how to get in touch, just use the 'contact us' facility in the right hand column of this page.
Remembrance Sunday - 13 Nov.: On site services will be at 10.30am in the church building; 12pm at Leadhills memorial; and 1pm at the Crawford memorial, as well as on online service for those who are unable to attend.
Until next time, may you know God walking close beside you,
God bless
Sunday, 30 October 2022
Worship Sun 30 Oct: 'Going up'
This week, instead of a parable, we have tax collector, take 2, as we meet a man named Zacchaeus, and hear of his encounter with Jesus – and, there may just be a little tree climbing involved!
I'll be filming the sermon within the Sunday morning service, and will upload it online later in the day. UPDATE:
The service is now available... WORSHIP LINK HERE
Bereavement support group: a reminder that this coming week, our bereavement support group meets at 1.30pm on Thursday in the Abington Community Hub. If you, or someone you know might find this helpful, come along. Tea and coffee will be available, as well as resource books to borrow, and just a space where you can talk, or just be. All are welcome to use this time as they need.
Christmas newsletter: It’s that time of year for preparing the parish Christmas newsletter. If you’ve any Advent or Christmas related items that you think would be suitable to share, do please let Dee, our editor know. The deadline for items will be 1pm Sunday the 14th of November – Remembrance Sunday.
God bless,
Sunday, 23 October 2022
Worship Sun 16 Oct - 'Matters of the heart'
To go straight across to the service, please click on the LINK HERE.
Notices follow below.
CHURCH NOTICES/ A huge thank you to everyone for making our harvest service last Sunday so successful:
it was lovely to welcome the Moderator, Iain Greenshields and his wife, Linda;
it was great to see so many people gathered together in the building, and good to watch the viewing figures online ticking over;
and it was fab to see all the brilliant decorations - flocks of sheep created by our primary schools (they were awesome), and all the beautiful floral arrangements in the windows and vestibule (stunning, thanks flower folk).
Thanks as well, to the lunch team, the makers, and bakers, and those who set up, served, and cleared away.
Two more things - thanks to all for your donations of food for the food bank - there was so much, that I couldn't fit it into my car... so thanks to Ben, our local food bank rep. for kindly transporting it up the road!
Our leave-offering for the work of 'The Ripple Effect' (aka Send a Cow) raised £86.
Overall, it was a fantastic team effort... and a lovely Harvest Festival.
Evening worship: is on tonight at 5pm, at Leadhills Village Hall – it’s our delayed Songs of Praise from the hills service. So, if you fancy a good sing and can make it, it would be lovely to see you.
Parish magazine: it's that time of year again, as we begin to prepare for our Advent and Christmas edition of the magazine. If you've any favourite seasonally appropriate poems, jokes, perhaps a recipe, or other items that you'd like to share, please get in touch with our editor, Dee. If you're not sure how, just leave a message in the 'contact' us link to the right hand side of this page, and I can pass it along. The deadline for all items to be in is by 1pm Sun 14 Nov. Thanks in advance!
I hope that you enjoy this time of worship and that it helps encourage you in your walk with God.
Have a good week, and God bless,
Wednesday, 19 October 2022
Harvest 2022 - assorted pictures
CLICK ON THIS LINK to take you to our YouTube channel to view...
Monday, 17 October 2022
Worship Sun 16 Oct - Give thanks for the Harvest
Hello, and welcome to our Harvest Service -
which was filmed 'in house' Sunday morning. It took a wee while to format for uploading on to our Youtube channel, but is now available.
If you'd like to go straight across our WORSHIP LINK IS HERE
Otherwise, just a couple of notices...
First of all, huge thanks:
to the children and staff at our primary schools, whose talent, imagination, and creativity
are in evidence throughout the church building - with their totally sheep-tastic decorations.
What a superb effort.
Thanks, as well, to everyone who helped in some way with organising our Harvest service
and making it a very special event on the church calendar -
from flower and window decorators, to harvest lunch makers and bakers,
to all who donated items for the food bank... and all the clearer-upper-ers.
Great team work, everyone.
Special thanks to the Moderator, the Rt. Rev. Dr Iain Greenshields, for coming to visit with us,
and to preach - and welcome also, to Linda Greenshields.
Two non-harvest items:
evening worship - a reminder that this coming Sunday, we have evening worship across at Leadhills Village Hall, at 5pm – everyone’s welcome to come along for what is a delayed Songs of Praise service from the hills. And after the service, there’ll be an opportunity to catch up with one another over a cuppa. So if you can make it, do come along!
parish newsletter - it's that time of year again. We're seeking items for our upcoming Christmas newsletter. If you have any favourite Christmas memories, or a favourite carol or poem, or even a wee joke, please pass these along to Dee, our editor. If you've not got her details, just get in touch via the 'contact us' link on the right hand side of this page.
As you head into a new week, may you know God's blessing.
Monday, 10 October 2022
And a special welcome to Linda, Siona, and Susi Greenshields,
Sunday, 9 October 2022
Worship Sun 9 Oct - ''Why worry when you can pray?'
I'm currently experimenting with filming the sermon during worship, to upload with the full service thereafter. In an ideal world, the service should hopefully be available by around 7pm on Sunday, or Monday morning.
Once the service is uploaded, I'll pop the worship link here... alternatively, you could try directly, across at our Youtube channel... WORSHIP LINK HERE
Notices follow below.
Wed, 2pm: The Guild meets in the church hall this week. All are welcome to come along.
Thurs 1.30pm: Bereavement support group - our newest project begins this week, and meets at the Abington Community Hub. For all who would find a safe, supportive, listening and sharing space helpful. For those who've been living with grief for a long time, and for those newly bereaved. All welcome.
Saturday, 2-4pm: the church will be open for decorating and dropping off items for the harvest display. (After the service on Sunday, all produce and food items and other items) will be uplifted and taken to the foodbank for distribution.
Sunday 16th, 10.30am: ,Harvest festival service
Our special guest preacher will be the Rt Rev Dr Iain Greenshields, the Moderator of the Church of Scotland. And we’ll also be joined by some of the family.
The Ripple Effect - During the service, along with giving thanks for the harvest, we’ll be flagging up the work of the charity formerly known as ‘Send a Cow’, which has recently been rebranded, and now known as ‘The Ripple Effect’: a charity founded by UK farmers to help farmers in several countries in Africa. We’ll be having a special collection to help support the good work done by The Ripple Effect – there’ll be a plate by the door as you leave, should you wish to make a donation.
Or, you can donate online
Harvest lunch after the service... if you can, please do stay after the service and come through to the hall to share in a simple harvest lunch – soup, some home baking, along with a cuppa.
(Also, if you’re able to help with some of the catering, please get in touch with Heather and Cathy...)
Filming: Just to note that we’re hoping to film the service so that we can put it online on our youtube channel so for those of you who can’t make it, and those of you who are regular online visitors, you’ll be able to catch up that way – if the tech works!
Sunday, 2 October 2022
Worship Sun 2 Octo 2022: 'Borderlines'
First, my apologies for the delay - started the week on Wednesday, and it was a full one. Thanks for your patience....
By way of a wee experiment, the welcome, sermon, and blessing were filmed during our time of worship this morning as opposed to filming in the manse on Saturday - let me know your thoughts as I'm wondering if I might do this more often. If so, it would mean worship online would be made available later than it tends to be currently - probably for Mon morning. (was the sound okay? And yes, will need to move the lectern microphone a little! Any feedback on tech matters appreciated)
This week, we continue travelling on the road with Jesus, where he encounters a group of men whose illness prevents them from being a part of their communities...
If you'd prefer to skip the church notices, copied below, you'll find the WORSHIP LINK HERE. (this should be available from around 4.30pm-ish Sunday - it's currently uploading as I type this)
Kirk Session - via zoom, scheduled for 7pm on Thursday evening.
Sat 15 Oct 2-4pm church open for decorating and dropping off produce/ food bank donations.
Our primary schools are springing into action this coming week and putting their creative talents to good use by making some decorations for the church building. Looking forward to seeing what they do!
Sun 16 Oct. - Harvest Festival Service
Once again, we’ll be supporting the work of the charity ‘Send a Cow’ – who just this year have changed their name to ‘Ripple Effect’ – better to emphasise the diverse work they do in Burundi, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda, and Zambia... but nevertheless, a group set up by farmers, to support farmers. You can find out more about Ripple Effect by their website – Ripple Effect
Also, we’ll be supporting Clydesdale Food Bank by donating all food items given for our harvest festival. Online you can support their work here... Clydesdale Food Bank
Special guest preacher - This year, we are delighted to be welcoming a special guest preacher – details next week!!
Harvest lunch after worship - If you're coming along, you're very welcome to join us for a simple harvest soup lunch after the service. There will be a vegetarian option available.
Sunday, 18 September 2022
Worship Sun 18 Sept 'Sons of Thunder'
In this season of national mourning, last week we reflected on ‘lost things’.
This week, our worship theme turns to power and service,
as we contemplate the God who humbled himself by becoming one of us... walking in our shoes awhile.
Church notices are below, but if you'd prefer to go straight to the service, the WORSHIP LINK IS HERE
Annual leave - As of Mon 19th I’ll be taking a little time off, and will be back at work from Wed 28th.
In the meantime, worship on site for Sunday the 25th will be provided by our friend, Bill Buchan, making a welcome return. We’ll also be enjoying some live music in worship, provided by Susan Cowell. While I’m off, Dee Yates, our Session Clerk, will act as a general point of contact - 01864 504093, while the Rev. Mike Fucella will provide urgent pastoral cover - 01899 229291.
Online, you might like to make use of the following worship options:
Biggar Parish Church - LINK
Dunfermline Abbey - LINK
Kirkton Parish Church - LINK
Parishes of Upper Tweed - LINK
Sun 25 - evening worship: at 5pm, there’ll be informal, café style worship in Leadhills Village Hall, which will be led by our Community Outreach Worker, Angela Wilson. All are welcome to attend. Afterwards, there will be time for a cuppa and a blether.
Food bank - This month is a Food Bank collection/ donation month. On site, you can leave items in the box in the vestibule. Online, you can make a donation via this link
Caring hearts project - thanks to all our knitters and crocheters. The hearts that were made over the summer are now being distributed throughout our 5 schools. It's great to be sharing the love!
Looking ahead - a date for your diary:
ANNUAL HARVEST FESTIVAL WILL BE HELD ON 16 OCTOBER 10.30am in the church building. We're delighted to be welcoming a special guest preacher for the morning. All will be revealed closer to the time 😀
God bless
Sunday, 11 September 2022
Worship Sun 11 Sept - 'Of lost things'
With her loss, gone is one constant in decades of rapid change – some of us have only ever sung ‘God save the Queen’ and getting used to singing ‘God save the King’ will take a little readjusting to. Her Majesty navigated her way through life with her faith as an anchor... moored to the One true constant for us all – the One who created each one of us: God, our Father.
If you want to head straight to worship, you'll find the WORSHIP LINK HERE.
Notices are below for reference...
Food bank: the food bank box is under the table in the vestibule, should you wish to make a donation onsite – it will be there over the Sundays of September, and thereafter, I’ll pass any items along. For those online, you can make a donation with the link that’s provided here. Thank you in advance for your kindness.
Guild: given we are now in a national period of mourning, the Guild meeting that was scheduled for this coming Wednesday has been cancelled, and will reconvene in October instead. The Rev. Elsie Macrae, from Moffat who was to be our speaker, will come along at a later date – yet to be confirmed.
May God bless you as you go through this week,
Sunday, 4 September 2022
Worship Sun 4 Sept
A slightly delayed online service - my apologies. It was a week of too many meetings and not enough time. But... now sorted!
Our theme today is one of call: Jesus' call to take up our cross and to follow him.
In our service onsite at Abington this morning, we held our Guild dedication, and quarterly communion. Presbytery plan business carries on a-pace (hence so many meetings), and we'll keep you posted as any updates come in.
May this time of worship be an encouragement, and nourishment - food for the soul - as you travel out into this coming week.
The WORSHIP LINK IS HERE, and the clip should be fully uploaded and ready by about 9.30pm this evening.
Thanks for your patience,
God bless
Sunday, 28 August 2022
Worship Sun 28 Aug - 'Seating arrangements'
Hello – and welcome to worship with Upper Clyde Parish where, this week, Jesus has a chat about dinner parties and seating arrangements.
If you want to skip the notices and go straight to the service, you'll find the WORSHIP LINK HERE.
For general reference, the notices are also copied below:
Sun 5pm 28 Aug: Worship at 5pm
in Leadhills Village Hall. This will be a Songs of Praise style of worship, so come along for a good sing! After our time of worship, there’ll be tea and coffee, and a
chance for a good blether, so if you’re able to come along, it’d be great to
see you.
Sun 4 Sept. 10.30am: Communion This coming Sunday, onsite in the church building, we’ll be
having our quarterly Communion service... all are welcome to share at the table of the Lord.
The Guild Dedication will also form part of this service, as it begins a new session for the year...
Clydesdale Foodbank: a reminder
that over the Sundays of September, the food bank box will be in the vestibule
for donations. For those of you online – if you’re able, you can help by donating
using the link below. This is a very practical way of helping our neighbours.
Clydesdale foodbank link
May you be encouraged by this time of worship, and as you move forward into the week, may you feel God, close beside you.
God bless
Sunday, 21 August 2022
Worship Sun 21 Aug - 'Unbent'
Last week we were singing Songs of Praise, this week, we hear the songs of praise from a woman who meets Jesus at a synagogue and whose life is changed forever.
Just a couple of things to note:
A reminder this coming Sunday, we'll be hosting our evening worship at Leadhills Village Hall from 5pm. And, having had a good sing in the glens last week, we'll be having another in the hills as we hold a songs of praise service there. Come along! Tea and biscuits and blethers thereafter.
As many of you will be aware, there’s currently proposals for change in our area – with the new presbytery plan – there’s a meeting in Lanark on Monday night, and we’ve a wee team going to represent the congregation. Do please pray for us, and our surrounding parishes at this time of change, and for wisdom and kindness to be at the heart of our conversations.
You'll find our WORSHIP LINK HERE
May you know God's presence by your side this week,
God bless
Sunday, 14 August 2022
Worship Sun 14 Aug: Song of Praise service
If you want to go straight to the service you'll find the WORSHIP LINK IS HERE
For reference notices are below:
Thanks/ First, a big thank you to Ralph and Ursula for ensuring we had music (on site) over the last couple of weeks while I was away... and to Heather, Willie, and Dee for being the ‘go – to’ contacts. And also, thanks to Rev. Bill Buchan for providing pulpit supply for us. Online, I hope you made use of the links I’d provided over on our blog and enjoyed being able to visit elsewhere while I was off.
Presbytery plan/ As many of you will probably know, presbytery is in the middle of big changes – and is currently formulating a new presbytery plan. This will affect all congregations in some way and we’ll shortly learn what the thinking is for our area here – this, at a meeting in Lanark on Monday the 22nd at 7pm. Please do keep this in your prayers.
In the meantime, enjoy the service, and may you feel God walking with you through this coming week.
God bless,
Monday, 25 July 2022
Church notices wk beg. Mon 25 July - Tues 9 Aug
Monday the 25th of July and back at work on Wednesday the 10th of August.
Worship -
During this time, onsite, worship will be provided by the Rev Bill Buchan, while online, you might like to explore the following:
Pastoral cover -
Urgent pastoral care will be covered by the Rev Mike Fucella of Biggar Kirk - .01899 229291.
General queries... well this gets a little complicated, as a few folk are away :-)
Heather Watt will be the contact person from the 25th of July to the 3rd of August. 01899 850211
Thereafter, Willie White will be contact from the 4th to the 7th. 01899 229227
Dee Yates will cover for the 8th and 9th. 01864 504093
Other notices -
Community work -
Angela our community outreach work is also on annual leave until the 1st of August – should you need to catch up with her on any given project, hold off until she’s back.
Sun 14 Aug, online and onsite: Songs of Praise service -
Don’t forget, we’re gathering up hymns for our songs of praise service on the 14th of August, so get your hymn nominations in and I’ll get them prepared when I’m back from leave. Either email, or use the 'contact us' feature on the r-hand side of the blog, or, if in the building - pop a wee note in the offering plate on your way in.
Looking ahead -
There'll also be an evening Songs of Praise service at Leadhills Village Hall on Sun 28 Aug - and again, let me know your hymn choices for that service.
Sunday, 24 July 2022
Worship Sun 24 July: 'Teach us to pray'
Church notices are below for reference, and the WORSHIP LINK IS HERE
Dee Yates will cover for the 8th and 9th. 01864 504093
May you know God's blessing this week,
take care
Sunday, 17 July 2022
Worship Sun 17 July: 'M and M'
If you want to go straight across to our service the WORSHIP LINK IS HERE
Leadhills Village Hall, at 5pm. Come along and join us, if you’re able, and after the service, there’ll be a chance to catch up with folk over tea, coffee, and juice.
Songs of Praise 'choose your favourite hymn' nominations: nominations are currently open to choose your favourite hymn – or hymns – for possible inclusion in our Songs of Praise service which will be held on the 14th of August. Just let me know via email, phone, or drop a note into the collection plate if you're in the building, so we can gather your choices up. 8 hymn slots are available and feel free to nominate more than one hymn.
Caring hearts school project
I have a couple of sacks of seed potatoes at the manse - they are suitable for growing in colder areas such as ours, and there's still just enough time to plant a crop. If you'd like to take some potatoes away, please help yourself, they're just by the front door of the manse!!
As you you move into another week, know that God goes with you.
Until next time,
God bless,
Monday, 11 July 2022
Church notices for wk beginning Sun 10 July
Hi folks,
Huge apologies for not putting up a post yesterday with links to worship. In my mind, I thought I'd actually done it... sorry about that!!
Meantime, just a couple of notices for this week...
Many thanks to Alan Grant for conducting worship onsite while I was across at Cairngryffe Church for a double baptism. Thanks, as well, to Heather Watt and Ursula Baillie for providing the welcome and notices, plus music.
Let's get growing:
A reminder that on Sat 16th from 10am -2pm, at the manse in Crawford, there'll be the opportunity to collect onion sets, shallots, garlic, and potatoes for a late planting - this is part of the 'Let's get growing' project and we received a grant for them, so they're free to good homes and do take as many as you want, as they're perishable.
Songs of Praise - choose your favourite hymn:
It's coming up to that time of year when you get to choose your favourite hymns for a Songs of Praise style service on Sun 14th August. Let me (Nikki) know by email, phone, or by popping a note in the collection plate on your way in. You can nominate as many of your favourites as you like, which will be whittled down to 8 hymns for that Sunday.
Sunday, 3 July 2022
Worship Sun 3 July
Welcome to worship!
Over the last few weeks, we’ve travelled along with Jesus and his disciples as they’ve ventured out of their comfort zones both geographically and culturally. This week, we continue our travels, but with a twist: Jesus sends his followers off on an adventure of their own, putting theory into practice. And so we’ll see what happens when the disciples are let loose upon the world.
While below are our church notices...
On Sunday, the 10th, I’ll be across at Cairngryffe church, where we’ll be celebrating a double baptism. While I’m over there, Allan Grant will be covering worship onsite. Meantime, online, I’ll have some worship links available for you to choose from.
So, on Sat 16 July 10am-2pm, come along and help yourselves to some potatoes (Charlotte - so okay for late planting), onion sets, shallots, and garlic.
As this is a community growing project, we received a grant for this, so all of these are free.
You’re very welcome to take what you want - and, if you're so minded, perhaps a share of these might be given to the foodbank to supplement the tinned and packaged food.
In the meantime, have a good week,
God bless
Sunday, 26 June 2022
Worship Sun 26 June: 'Nostalgia ain't wot it used to be'
Last week we followed Jesus and his disciples across boundaries, into the territory of the Gerasenes. This week, their travels continue, and they find themselves in Samaritan territory, where some are curious about Jesus and wonder about following him – but have some things to do before they do so. So, our theme today takes in:
focusing, and moving forward...
Only one church notice, which is that evening worship will be held at 5pm in Leadhills Village Hall to which all are welcome. And, there’ll be a cuppa after the service...
May you be encouraged and blessed by the service, and know God's presence with you as you move through the week.
God bless,
Sunday, 19 June 2022
Worship Sun 19 June 'Legion'
Hello – and welcome. In our time of worship this week, we going beyond the boundaries with Jesus – geographically, and culturally, and meet a man whose problems are ‘legion’.
For those of you who want to go straight to the service, you'll find the WORSHIP LINK IS HERE
And, for those who'd like to read our church notices, they follow below...
Community Worker update: some good news - our Community worker, Angela, is back at work after her accident and she’ll be joining us in our time of worship next week and will be doing the readings for us.
Clydesdale food bank: A reminder that over the month of June, we’re once again supporting the work of the Clydesdale food bank – the box is in the vestibule should you wish to leave items there, or, you can visit the link on the right hand side of this webpage, and make a donation there.
Caring hearts project: For those of you knitting or crocheting hearts for our school project – just a wee timeline: I’d like to gather up any outstanding hearts by the end of July, just to give me time to bag them all up and get them ready for distribution when I’m back from taking some annual leave early August. And of course, they can always be dropped off at the manse should you be passing.
These are all our notices. I hope that this time of worship leaves you encouraged, and energised to move into a new week. May you feel God walking with you and, until next time, take care and God bless,
Friday, 10 June 2022
Worship news & church notices for wk beg. Sun 12 June...
Sunday morning, onsite, the service will be conducted by Mr Denham MacDougall, Interim Moderator for Douglas Valley, and an elder at Cairngryffe church. Nikki will be across at Douglas and Rigside presiding over communion. Given this, there will not be an online service from Upper Clyde this week. Instead, you might like to explore the following services:
Biggar Parish Church - LINK
Dunfermline Abbey - LINK
Kirkton Parish Church - LINK
Parishes of Upper Tweed - LINK
Caring hearts project - huge thanks to all you knitters and crocheters - we have 125 hearts - let's push on for 200! You're amazing. Many thanks!
Sunday, 5 June 2022
Worship Sun 5 June: Pentecost
Just to note that, on site, in the church building, we'll be holding our summer communion service.
Notices are below.
Meanwhile, if you'd rather jump straight across to our service the WORSHIP LINK IS HERE
Caring hearts project - A wee update on our ‘caring hearts’ project – where we’re
knitting or crocheting hearts for our 5 schools within the parish. The total number of hearts I’ve received so far is 125. Let’s see if we
can push this to 200, and when we’ve got that target, I’ll be parcelling them
up in readiness to distribute to our schools at the beginning of the new school
year in August. A great effort so far everyone, so thank you so very much!
Pulpit swap - Next week I’ll be across at Douglas and Rigside churches,
where I’ll be conducting services of holy communion for both congregations. Onsite
at Upper Clyde, we welcome Denham Macdougall – the interim moderator for Douglas
Valley Parish, and also an elder at Cairngryffe church.
Online, I’ll be providing links to other online services to
go and visit.
Jubilee Community events - Both Crawford and Roberton will be holding community gatherings today as part of the Jubilee weekend. If you're able, why not head along to support these events, and have the opportunity to catch up with folk for a blether and a cuppa.
These are all the notices. As we go into this coming week, may you know the comfort, the encouragement, and the strength of God's Spirit with you, in all you think, and say, and do.
God bless,
Sunday, 29 May 2022
Worship Sun 29 May - 'Unity is not uniformity'
For those of you who wish to go straight across to our youtube site for worship, the WORSHIP LINK IS HERE.
For those of you wishing to check the church notices first, and, for reference, keep reading...
Evening worship, Leadhills - This evening at 5pm, there’ll be a short, informal time of worship at Leadhills Village Hall to which all are welcome. We'll be thinking about Jesus' ascension. After the service there'll also be the chance for a catch up over a cuppa.
General Assembly - As many of you are aware, this last week, the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland met and there’ll a brief word about that later in the sermon.
Communion Sunday, June 5th, 10.30am - This coming Sunday is a service of communion. Please do pass that on to folk you know who might want to attend. And to those of you who worship online: if we were livestreaming the service, we could possibly get around this difficulty of not providing an online version of communion, but, as the online service is pre-recorded I’m really just not sure how the logistics of doing this online would work – so my apologies for this.
Sunday, 22 May 2022
Worship Sun 22 May - 'My peace I give to you'
To go straight to worship just click on THIS LINK
Or read on for church notices...
worship will be held this coming Sunday at 5pm at Leadhills. And all are very
welcome to come along for this more informal gathering, with time for a cuppa
and a catch up afterwards.
As you go out and about this week, may you know God's peace,
God bless
Sunday, 15 May 2022
Worship Sun 15 May: A manifesto for loving resistance
Hello and welcome to this delayed online service - my apologies!!
The service is now up and available across on our YouTube channel:
General Assembly of the Church of Scotland starts on Sat 21st of May, thru to Thurs 26th of May. It's Upper Clyde's turn to attend this year - which both Margaret Harley and I will be doing online. During this time, if you need to get in touch with me, it would be best to catch up after 6pm - or leave a message via voicemail or email, and I'll get back to you as I'm able.
Christian Aid Week begins today. If you'd like to support their work, this LINK will take you to their website, where you can make a donation.
Evening worship will be held at Leadhills Village Hall Sunday 29th at 5pm. All are welcome to come along. After the service, there'll be time for a cuppa and a catch up. It would also be good to get a date in the diary for a meeting about worship, and for some planning ahead.
In the meantime, have a good week!
God bless,
Sunday, 8 May 2022
Worship Sun 8 May, 2022: God, the Good Shepherd
Hello – and welcome.
Traditionally, the 4th Sunday after Easter known as ‘Good Shepherd Sunday’. As we’re a rural parish, with a number of folk still up to their oxters with lambing, shepherds and sheep seem a very good and appropriate theme to focus on for our time of worship!
Notices are copied below, for reference, but as they're on in worship video, you might prefer to just skip straight across to our YouTube channel to watch instead. The WORSHIP LINK IS HERE.
Church notices:
Session meeting - For our elders - the kirk session will be meeting this coming
Saturday at 2pm at the manse, before we take a break over summer.
Annual Stated Meeting - This coming Sunday, immediately after worship onsite, we’ll
be holding our Annual Stated Meeting – the first time we’ve been able to do
this for 2 years. This will be to receive the accounts for last year. If you’re
able to attend the meeting in the building, that would be grand and it should
only take about 10 or so minutes, subject to any questions or comments that
might arise.
News from Angela, our Community Worker – Poor Angela’s had an accident and managed to damage her wrist quite badly – so she’ll not be able to travel about the parish for the next wee while for work. As she takes some time off to heal, please keep her in your thoughts and prayers, and we hope that she makes a full and speedy recovery!
Saturday, 23 April 2022
Church notices 18 April - 4 May, 2022
Minister on annual leave:![]() |
Easter Sunday - decorated Cross |
For any general enquiries please contact Dr Dee Yates, our Session Clerk on 01864 504093.
Music will be provided by the Rev. Susan Cowell, who will be playing our much under-used organ.
For worship online you might like to explore the following services:
The foodbank box will remain in the vestibule over these Sundays, should you have any items you'd like to donate. It will be uplifted on the minister's return.
Caring hearts project - for those of you who have been knitting or crocheting hearts for our schools, could you drop them into the church for collection within the next couple of weeks please? Many thanks!